Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 396 Insist on Staying

Chapter 396 Insist on Staying
The others were not in the mood to talk to her, only the bodyguards of the Wang family had few things, they packed them up quickly, came over and said to her:
"Miss, pack up quickly. We'll be heading back to the city in a while. There's a large area of ​​ruins on Hopeless Peak. There's going to be chaos here. We have to leave quickly."

Wang Lu exclaimed: "What, since the relic space has appeared, why should we leave? We should go in and explore together."

The bodyguard persuaded: "Miss, it's very dangerous inside, those mercenaries dare not go in, let alone us, it's better to leave as soon as possible."

In fact, he was also interested in the huge interests of the relic space, but their main task is to protect the young lady. If something happens to the young lady, even if they get the benefits, they can't bear the anger of the Patriarch, so they still send Wang Lu back to Tianyang City first. Explain the matter to the head of the family, they can come back, the eldest lady must not take risks.

Wang Lu waved her hand vigorously, and said unhappily, "I'm not going back. Everyone is vying to explore the ruins. What's the matter if I run back to the rear? It's not that I haven't entered the ruins. During the military training, we were not safe. came back."

Bodyguard: "Miss, last time you were lucky. There are people from the space fleet to protect you. The real ruins are very dangerous. If 100 people go in, half of them can come out alive. You can't mess around. Classmate Meng is back."

Wang Lu shouted in surprise: "I don't believe it. I'll ask them. The last expedition was led by Meng Hao and Su Qing. Why did they shrink back this time?"

Wang Lu quickly ran towards Chen Hongfei, and saw Chen Hongfei shouting angrily,

"What's the matter with the three of you, you all said it was dangerous, and you didn't agree to go in, so I wondered why it was dangerous? How dangerous is it if you went to the Qinglian ruins?"

With a straight face, Meng Yan said seriously: "Qingqing said that it is dangerous not to go, and if you have a narrow escape, you must not go, and your parents will not allow you to take risks. The Qinglian ruins are on the Venus, and we have military protection behind us. Gothic stars are not administrative stars, who will save you if something goes wrong."

Wang Bin and Ma Junhui just followed to watch the excitement, and later Chen Hongfei was dragged back by Meng Hao, and they also ran back. Meng Hao said it was dangerous, although the two wanted to continue watching the excitement, they did not support going in rashly, and opposed taking risks. None of them are as important as your own life.

Chen Hongfei was furious. He was not a brainless person, but he was angry and was completely denied by Meng Yan before he had figured out the situation of the relic space. He opened his mouth to say what Qingqing said, and Qingqing is not a god. What can she know?
Chen Hongfei has a domineering personality, usually only others will make do with him, he never will make do with others, especially if the obvious benefits are in front of him, but people say that his judgment is wrong, and the fire in his heart is burning, he is the boss, okay? Well, it is impossible for Meng Hao to force him to accept it because of his high force value.

It happened that Wang Lu came over and shouted at them, "Why do we have to leave? Can't we check the situation first? We won't go in if there is danger. If there is nothing wrong, we can't give up the opportunity of a treasure hunt."

When Chen Hongfei heard that Wang Lu supported him, he immediately nodded and said, "That's right, that's the way to go, fleeing without fighting, isn't that my generation's style."

"Wang Lu, don't mess around. Hopeless Peak is very dangerous here. We have to leave as soon as possible. Didn't you hear a beast roar? It's not an ordinary beast that can only spit ice arrows and fireballs. You can't beat it at all. High-level Mecha masters can only fight if they go in, and you will die if you go in." Su Qing said coldly standing behind a few people.

Wang Lu retorted unconvinced, "Qingqing, you were not like this last time you explored the ruins, you were the one who took the lead."

Su Qing said: "Last time it was a relic of an ancient sect, and there was nothing in it. This time is different. The space of the relic has been sealed for tens of thousands of years, and the strange beasts inside may all become spirits. Can you beat it? "

Wang Lu was surprised, but still said in disbelief: "Impossible, how big and how many alien beasts can be inside, locked up for tens of thousands of years, how do alien beasts survive?"

Su Qing: "Do you think there are just a few small peaks like Qinglianzong, where is a world, at least as large as the entire planet, the environment is a bit harsh, communication equipment cannot be used, and maybe the storage device cannot be used, strange beasts Very powerful, shall we go to die?"

After Su Qing finished speaking, she turned around and left, going back to pack her things.

Wang Bin exclaimed: "Wow, this is the first time I heard Qingqing say such a long paragraph. It seems that the situation is really not optimistic."

Chen Hongfei was still hesitating, but Uncle Sun, the bodyguard leader of the Chen family, came over and said:

"Young master, please let me worry less. You must not go to that space. The speeding car will pick us up in a while, and this trip will be over. I have already told my husband, and my husband told you to go back immediately."

After hearing this, Chen Hongfei's face was gloomy, and he still didn't believe Uncle Sun's words, so he ran outside to contact his parents in anger, and was scolded by Mr. Chen as soon as he got connected, saying that if he was disobedient, he would never go anywhere in the future and just stay in the house honestly. Venus goes to school.

Chen Hongfei drooped his head, with a dejected expression on his face, and assured Mr. Chen that he would return to the hotel obediently, but rolled his eyes, and said:
"Mom and Dad, I promise not to take risks anymore, and I will go back obediently, but no one has entered the relic space yet, can I watch it for a while, and wait for someone to go in and come out to talk about what's inside. It was a pity that I ran away before I figured out what was going on."

Mrs. Chen refused straight away: "No, I don't worry if you come back directly."

"Mom, I promise to watch from a distance and never run around. There is Uncle Sun here, and I can't beat him. The relic space, which is rare in a century, can't be done if I don't go in and take a look outside. Mom, you Just promise me!"

Chen Hongfei kept reassuring his parents, just to see.

After discussing with his wife, Mr. Chen finally said: "Then you promise to just take a look, and return to the hotel in the afternoon, and return by spaceship tomorrow."

Chen Hongfei kept nodding happily, "Parents, don't worry, Su Qing and Meng Hao have always said that there is danger, we will not be impulsive."

Chen Hongfei hung up the video, waved his hand in excitement and made a victory gesture, yeah, even if you don't go in and watch the excitement outside, it's okay, and he will have something to brag about in the future.

After a fierce ideological struggle, Xie Jiahao felt that it was too risky, and it was better not to enter the relic space, not to mention that he hadn't completed the mission yet, the mission as a mercenary was the most important.

Only when Chen Shao and the others were safely sent back to Chen's Hotel would the protection task be considered complete, and they could consider whether to enter the relic space.

He just received a video call from the Chen family, because Young Master Chen likes to watch the excitement, and he won't go back until the afternoon, so he thought, as long as Young Master Chen doesn't seek death and rush inside, it doesn't matter if he looks outside, and he just observes Happening.

Su Qing was sitting on the stool eating breakfast, her complexion was always very bad, Luo Zilan kept repeating what she said last night in her mind.

Seeing the performance of those mercenaries, she understood that she blocked people from going in because she was kind enough to prevent them from going to death. They didn't appreciate it. For some people, they might not be able to earn money or eat, which is more terrifying than death. Go in Maybe you can fight for a future.

Su Qing decided to leave it alone, and she couldn't control it either. She just couldn't bear the heart of so many people dying for nothing, but life is their own, and they don't cherish it, and outsiders have no reason to comment, not to mention they are also for survival, unwilling to be ordinary That's all.

(End of this chapter)

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