Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 399 Insects also have crystal nuclei

Chapter 399 Insects also have crystal nuclei
Chen Hongfei said with bright eyes: "Is this the relic space?"

No one else wanted to talk to him, it was so dangerous here, those mercenaries didn't dare to come in easily, he was a waste of martial arts at the fifth level, he didn't worry about his own life, his tone was full of excitement.

Wang Lu said sarcastically: "You can't see, ordinary birds are only that big, without Qingqing, we are all eaten as bugs, you are still excited, be careful to die here."

Chen Hongfei hurriedly said: "Bah bah, Wang Lu, don't say unlucky words, Qingqing is so powerful, how can we send us to death."

Su Qing said coldly: "That's not necessarily the case. If I really face an irresistible danger, I may not be able to save my life. You can only rely on your fate."

Meng Hao said in a deep voice: "Okay, Qingqing, let's leave here quickly, put on our protective clothing, take out our weapons, and be vigilant at all times."

Chen Hongfei pursed his lips, seeing that others obeyed obediently, he had no choice but to follow suit.

Everyone tidied up their protective clothing, put on their hats, put the flying boards in the storage, and took out their weapons. The boys carried laser guns on their backs, and held alloy knives in their hands.

Meng Yu opened the way in front, and Su Qing was at the end, protecting Wang Lu and the others. At this moment, they took a good look at the environment here. It didn't matter, so they took a deep breath.

This place is a little different from what they used to know about the mountains and forests. First of all, everything is extremely huge. Each tree is as thick as a dozen people surrounded by it. Even the grass grows like a small tree. Like a few ants, I can't blame the bird for being so big just now!
Wang Bin asked strangely: "Meng Hao, why are the animals and plants here so big? Could it be that we have become smaller?"

How did Meng Hao know, but Su Qing said unexpectedly:
"This place has not been opened for tens of thousands of years, and the sufficient energy has been absorbed by animals and plants, so they grow so big. Let's go, this place is very dangerous, and it is very exercised. There are countless elixir, we The experience of the secret realm has begun, and the most important thing is to survive."

Wang Lu asked in surprise, "Qingqing, how do you know?"

Su Qing said coolly: "Read more books at ordinary times, otherwise I don't know why my life is gone."

Except for Meng Hao, the four of them were all baffled. Can you know what's going on here by reading a book?
A group of six people walked in the grass, and there was no need for Meng Hao to open the way. Every grass was as huge as a tree, and there was no need to cut it down. Just walk over, save a little effort, and the gap between each grass was enough for them to pass through. .

"Kacha, Kacha," came the sound, Meng Yan waved his hand, telling them not to talk,

Walking forward quietly, I saw a strange beast lying on the grass stalks in front of me and gnawing on the grass leaves. Because it was too big, it was as big as an ordinary sheep, and several people looked at it for a long time but couldn't recognize what kind it was. Alien beast.

Meng Hao suddenly said: "Qingqing, since we are here to practice, go up and try to attack and see the ability of this strange beast, we can't always let you protect everyone alone."

Su Qing nodded, "Okay, Meng Hao, use the knife I gave you, Wang Lu, you guys use supernatural powers to assist Meng Hao in attacking."

Wang Lu is of the fire element, Wang Bin and Ma Junhui are both of the gold element, and they belong to the offensive ability. The three nodded and began to quietly surround him. Chen Hongfei knew that he was a good-for-nothing, and he was very self-aware. It would be safer to stay close to Qingqing , I will not step forward to meddle.

Meng Hao was the first to attack, stepping forward and slashing at the insect's body, Wang Lu and the other three launched supernatural attacks, fireballs, and golden blades flew towards the strange beast.

When they got closer, they realized what kind of strange beast it was. Seeing it as big as a sheep, they thought it was a strange beast, but they didn't expect it to be a big locust. The usual inch-sized insect turned out to be like this.

Because of the sudden appearance of several people, the insects who were eating grass leaves were taken aback. Just as they were about to flap their wings and leave, it was already too late.

The attack had already arrived, and those few supernatural abilities were nothing. Meng Hao swung his knife, and with a pop, he cut the big bug in half, and brown blood flowed out.

After confirming that the Zerg was killed, Su Qing walked over and saw the attack of Wang Lu and the others. The effect was not great, it just scorched the surface of the bug a little. Yes, maybe the strange beasts in the secret realm are much more powerful than them.

Su Qing: "When we encounter this kind of insect again, the three of you, Wang Bin, will be the main attackers, and Meng Yu will start to practice hunting simple insects. Otherwise, once we encounter powerful strange beasts, we will definitely have no way to survive, and the sky will die." It’s not safe, we have to kill all the way, this is also a kind of experience for us, as long as we can get out alive, everyone’s cultivation base will greatly increase.”

Wang Lu and the others understood what Su Qing meant, and they all nodded. They were not at all surprised that Meng Hao could cut the bug into two pieces with a single stroke. Originally, Meng Hao's martial arts were the strongest.

Chen Hongfei saw that there was no danger, so he excitedly rushed forward to check the bug, amazed,
"This secret realm is amazing. Even the bugs are so big. If we really want to encounter strange beasts, we are not the same as ants."

Wang Lu said coolly: "Hey, let me tell you, Chen Hongfei, why are you so big-hearted? The bugs are so powerful. We still have the strength to fight when we meet a strange beast. You are not afraid of being eaten by a strange beast as a snack." .”

Chen Hongfei snorted disdainfully, "What am I afraid of, as long as I stay close to Qingqing, I can see that Qingqing is the strongest among us,"

Wang Bin wanted to try the feeling of chopping off insects with a knife. He raised the alloy knife in his hand and slashed at the locusts, but he only cut in about an inch deep, and the knife got stuck. It took a long time to pull it out.
He shook his head and sighed, "Insects are so hard to kill. If we really encounter a strange beast, let's just hide and go. Meng Hao is stronger, his weapons are better than ours, and his combat power is much stronger than ours."

He glanced enviously at the long knife in Meng Hao's hand, which was like a magic weapon.

Su Qing comforted everyone, "Okay, if you come here, you will be safe. This is the experience space of the ancient practice sect, and it is for improving the cultivation of the disciples. As long as you can get out alive, you will become very powerful, so young people, work hard! "

Her old-fashioned tone, uttering this sentence, was greeted with boos from everyone,
Su Qing walked up to the dead locust, raised Luoying's sword and split its head, picked it up with the tip of the sword, and a green crystal the size of a soybean was picked out and fell into her hand.
Wang Lu asked in surprise: "Hey, Qingqing, what is this?"

Su Qing: "Hongfei will give you the wood-type crystal nucleus. When you practice supernatural powers, put it in your hand, and it will automatically absorb the energy inside, and the supernatural powers will gradually increase."

Wang Bin said in surprise: "Wow, bugs also have crystal nuclei. Only alien beasts above the fifth level can have crystal nuclei outside, and they can't absorb them directly. If all creatures in this secret realm are like this, don't we want to release them. "

Su Qing rolled his eyes at him, "How many bugs can you kill?"

Originally, Su Qing didn't know that insects also have crystal nuclei, and Luo Zilan told her, otherwise, she wouldn't have thrown away the few birds at the beginning.

However, Luo Zilan said that these low-level crystal cores are useless to her. She needs higher-level alien crystal cores and inner alchemy, and they will be hunted when they encounter them, but the low-level crystal cores can be sold for money.

This kind of secret realm has been established by the sect from generation to generation, and it is specially used to train the disciples of the sect.

It may have been a useless alien space at first, but after being discovered by the practice sect, it slowly transformed the environment, allowing the low-priced disciples of the sect to enter the harvest every hundred or decades to collect elixir and crystal nuclei.

Luo Zilan did not expect at the beginning that in the secret realm that has not been cleared for tens of thousands of years, insects have evolved crystal nuclei.

(End of this chapter)

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