Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 502 You are too much

Chapter 502 You are too much
Chen Hongfei glanced at everyone, his heart moved, combined with the reactions of these days, he suddenly said:

"Okay, so it turns out that you guys are still cheating on me. That Gu Rui is the boyfriend introduced to Qingqing. I can't complain that I went out today and let Grandma Zhu take a look. You are meeting your parents! Meng Yan, you are too much, and so is Qingqing." My sister, I have taken good care of her for several years and brought her up, how come it's none of my business when it comes to making a boyfriend, I don't even have the qualifications to know, it's too much for you to partner up and hide it from me."

Meng Hao wanted to go up and cover his mouth, this is a school, there are so many people around, what does it look like to yell, he pulled Chen Hongfei down hard, and scolded:

"What are you arguing about, and you don't even look at where this is? If we have something to say, let's go back and talk in private. Qingqing and Gu Rui are indeed just ordinary friends, not to the point of boyfriend and girlfriend. You want to make the trouble known to everyone and make Qingqing ashamed." person?"

When Meng Hao said this, Chen Hongfei looked around at the people coming and going, and immediately shut up, but his face was still flushed, his breathing was short of breath, and he looked at them angrily.

Meng Yan said in a deep voice: "Let's go, let's find a quiet place and talk about it in detail."

Chen Hongfei had no objection, and followed everyone to the restaurant where they often meet, or the private room,

A few people sat down and ordered a few dishes at random, before Meng Yan said:

"Hongfei, you have a frizzy personality, and you care about dating beautiful women every day. Qingqing's affairs are still unknown, Zhou Ya must hide it from others, especially you, what are you going to do with your bald mouth?

Now that you know that Qingqing is not young anymore, it's time to think about personal issues. We will go our separate ways as soon as we graduate next year. We have to think about Qingqing's future. Zhou Yacai introduced Gu Rui to Qingqing. They are still friends now. You're not a boyfriend or girlfriend yet, so you can't talk nonsense, since you know it, you have to watch your mouth, otherwise you won't be called at the next party. "

After Chen Hongfei listened silently, he felt that his heart was in a panic, as if a pot of flowers raised by himself had been carried away by others.

"Even so, why don't you discuss it with me, Qingqing is also my younger sister, and I have the right to express my opinion on what kind of boys she dates with, but I don't think the one named Gu Rui is any good."

Zhou Ya snorted coldly: "What's wrong? Gu Rui came from a family of craftsmen. His family background is prominent and he is honest and stable. He is a talented student in the craftsmanship department. He must have a bright future after graduation. You said that he is not good."

Chen Hongfei murmured for a long time, but did not find out that Gu Rui had any special shortcomings. According to the prevailing conditions for finding a husband and son-in-law, Gu Rui is really a good candidate. The status of the Gu family is much higher than that of Chen Hongfei's family. Marrying into the Gu family is considered a high climb.

He said stiffly: "Hmph, even if Gu Rui is good anywhere, but their family may not accept Qingqing, big families all have their own marriage partners, how could you choose an orphan girl who has no power and power? You are cheating Qingqing." , when we graduate, Gu Rui will definitely propose to break up, and then Qingqing will be very sad."

Meng Hao was a little surprised. Chen Hongfei, who usually only knows how to play and scold, can see this clearly. It's not easy.

Meng Yu nodded and said: "So, everyone knows that you can't quarrel. They are just ordinary friends now. If they are not in love, if there is someone more suitable, Qingqing may choose someone else."

When Chen Hongfei heard this, his eyes lit up, "There must be a more suitable candidate. If Gu Rui can't do it, Qingqing will be disappointed in the end. Long-term pain is worse than short-term pain. Tell them not to continue."

Meng Hao's heart sank, it's bad, this kid has his eyes on Qingqing, what better candidate, it can't be yourself!Pooh, don't be disgusting, Qingqing will never get married and won't fall in love with him.

Meng Hao said calmly: "Okay, Qingqing is still young and not in a hurry, just find a suitable friend to get to know each other first, and it may not necessarily lead to marriage, who would get married so early."

Chen Hongfei agreed and said: "That's true. I still want to get married at 60 years old. Qingqing is younger than us. Don't worry. You must keep your eyes open and choose a good man."

Meng Hao said: "That's the way it is, so don't make a fuss. It's not good for Qingqing to spread the news. What we need now is to prepare for next year's big competition. I hope that each of us will have the opportunity to go to the imperial capital to see it. Let's see what the imperial palace of the empire looks like, whether I can go is unknown, but Qingqing can definitely go."

When it comes to the graduation competition, Chen Hongfei is stunned. His academic performance is average, but his supernatural ability is extremely high, but because he hides part of his strength, no one knows that he has reached the level of a grand master, so he is not selected for the competition.

Thinking that Gu Rui is a contestant in the Artifact Refining Department, his eyes flickered, wondering whether he would also like to participate in this big competition, so that everyone would look at him with admiration.

Meng Yu and Zhou Ya looked at each other and found that Chen Hongfei was in a daze. Did he hold him down? He won't be secretly following Su Qing and Gu Rui in the future, right?
Just now, Meng Hao and Zhou Ya calmed down Chen Hongfei with both hard and soft tactics, and promised him that he would definitely tell him about any group activities, and seriously warned him not to secretly follow Su Qing on a date.

Zhou Ya thought that Su Qing and Gu Rui should go on a date alone in the future, and they definitely couldn't call Chen Hongfei together, but she had to warn him in advance that he couldn't be like today.

Anyway, let's appease him first, and just promise him not to hide it anymore, so that he won't mess around and cause a big mess.

As for what Chen Hongfei was thinking in his heart, others didn't know, and Meng Xiang was just a little vigilant, but with the impossible idea, Hongfei would not discover Qingqing's secret, he was just reluctant to let go of his little sister.

Meng Hao never thought of it, because the sentence that Qingqing would definitely go to the Imperial Star aroused Chen Hongfei's desire to participate in the graduation competition next year.

Originally, Meng Hao and Zhou Ya were very angry at Chen Hongfei for making such a fuss, and wanted to teach him a lesson.

After thinking about it, Chen Hongfei was really in a hurry. No matter how he made a fuss, it was not good for anyone. He can honestly return to his previous life. If he should pick up girls and date beautiful women, he should go on dates. It is best not to focus on Su Qing all the time. body.

From this day on, the teachers of various subjects in the Lingzhi Department discovered a strange situation. Chen Hongfei, a famous playboy in the class, actually started to study seriously, and his grades in various subjects improved by leaps and bounds, especially in the class of abilities, which soon surpassed the best grades. Good students have reached the highest level in the department.

This made all the teachers overjoyed. Seeing that the semester is coming to an end, it is really great that they have rushed out of a dark horse, led the others by a long way, and made rapid progress.

So the teachers of various subjects began to discuss whether to add Chen Hongfei to the next year's competition team, because Chen Hongfei's supernatural ability has improved so fast, and maybe he will advance next year.

Su Qing directly ignored Chen Hongfei's abnormality. Su Qing knew best how much strength he had, but Su Qing didn't understand why he suddenly showed strength.

Su Qing didn't understand if he didn't understand, and the final exam would start soon, so he had to put any questions to the back of his mind, and deal with the exam first.

After the exam, the semester is over. Many students go home to celebrate the new year, and the campus begins to clean up day by day.

Meng Yu was busy with training and studying, and didn't have much time to spend with Su Qing. All the friends he had a good relationship with had gone home, so they could only meet on Xingwang if they wanted to chat.

Other people might feel lonely, but Su Qing would not. She spent decades alone in her previous life and was used to the lonely environment, but the crowded environment made her even more uncomfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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