Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 525 Grandma, I graduated

Chapter 525 Grandma, I graduated
All the bedrooms have been changed to a clean style, and the original owner's favorite decoration, not to mention grandma, I can't accept it.

This operation lasted until night, and the two workers ate a portion of convenience food at will, planning to work all night.

Su Qing didn't care. After Lao Zhang and his wife came back, they specially cooked a meal for Su Qing to eat.
Su Qing didn't refuse either, Lao Zhang pointed to a table of dishes,

"Miss Su, my wife's cooking skills are not bad. The vegetables are all grown by the farm itself. We all pick up the good ones and eat them by ourselves."

Lao Zhang seemed to be afraid of what Su Qing said about eating the vegetables from the farm at will, so he explained it deliberately,

Su Qing: "Uncle Zhang, you can eat whatever you want from the field. You don't have to be so cautious. After all, we all come from the same place, and we are fellow villagers."

"Yes, Miss Su is right."

Old Zhang's daughter-in-law said with a smile, graciously persuading Su Qing to eat more vegetables.

Su Qing was not polite, she picked up the bowl and started to eat, she was full, as for the three flames, it didn't matter if they were hungry for a day, they all had dried meat and snacks on them, some of them were the monster meat from the hopeless secret realm back then, after eating so much There are many years left.

After dinner, Lao Zhang and his wife lay down on the bed amidst the noise. They couldn't fall asleep, and it was more comfortable to close their eyes. It was not easy to do a day's work.
Su Qing wandered around the house, and finally went up to the roof, took out a protective array, and began to meditate. The rest is left to the ancestor. If something happens, the ancestor will wake her up.

In a blink of an eye, it was dawn, and the noisy mechanical sounds below stopped,
Su Qing opened his eyes, and found that Fuchunxing's aura concentration was even higher than that of Qixingxing. It really is a good place to live. In the future, it will be more beneficial to plant elixir by arranging formations around the farm. With this small farm, It must be no problem to support two families. The vegetables, grains, and elixirs grown by the growers are all very expensive, so it is no problem to support several families.

There are not many in the empire. Su Qing, who has successfully obtained the qualification of a cultivator after systematic study, not all students who are admitted to the Department of Spiritual Planting will become cultivators.

Even if you become a cultivator, not everyone will give birth to a high-level spiritual plant. There are not many real high-level cultivators in the entire empire. Su Qing's talent is so high that he passed the high-level cultivator qualification directly in school. Many of her classmates are still struggling at the low level.

Although a cultivator can earn a lot of money, it is not as good as a pharmacist or a craftsman. But don't forget that Su Qing's real profession is an alchemist. Can she be short of money?
In the era of self-cultivation, alchemists are the richest people, so it is really not difficult for Su Qing to make money.

Su Qing walked down from the roof, the second floor has been decorated, the white walls, and the interior colors are warm and elegant, Su Qing is very satisfied,
In the hall on the first floor, the floor is so bright that you can see it. As soon as you enter the door, you will be greeted by a huge landscape painting. All the stairs have been replaced with beige log handrails, and it is perfect to add some furniture.

The two workers were sleeping soundly in their sleeping bags, probably working late yesterday.

Su Qing didn't wake them up, sat on a rattan chair in the yard, turned on the communicator, and began to browse the shopping mall on Xingwang, buying some daily necessities and furniture,
The beds and furniture left by the original owner were not enough. The master room where I lived with my grandmother had to be replaced with a complete set of new furniture. Those left by the original owner had to be cleaned and disinfected by Ah Chun before being used in the guest room.

The furniture in the living room also needs to be replaced, the curtains, the sofa, the tea set, everything is missing, Su Qing put all the original things in the house in the basement, and will bring the family back later to see who likes to let them take it away.

Otherwise, it would be a waste to throw it all away. In the past and present, Su Qing was not a wasteful person, so she used it as long as it was still usable.

After browsing for more than an hour, I bought everything I needed, including kitchen and bathroom supplies and electrical appliances.

Lao Zhang and his wife made breakfast and came over to ask Su Qing to eat. Su Qing smiled and shook her head.

"Uncle Zhang, you can eat. I haven't been hungry after practicing all night. Aptitude masters don't need to eat every meal. The two cats I raised haven't come back after going out for a day. I'm going out to look for them. If the two workers Wake up and let them get on with their work."

"Okay, Miss Su,"

Lao Zhang doesn’t know if he’s a supernatural master. He doesn’t have to eat three meals a day like ordinary people. Regardless of whether it’s true or not, just agree. As for the two cats the boss mentioned, he hasn’t seen them either. Where did you go to play?

In the early morning of Fuchunxing, the breeze is gentle, the sun is shining, the air is fresh, and all the green is thriving, which makes people feel warm and comfortable. It has been a long time since I saw such a large area of ​​crop land.

Su Qing contacted the three Huo Miao through a contract. It turned out that the three of them had traveled far away to play, but Su Qing asked them to come back. Today, they will bring Bai Qian and Daniel back, so they can't be playful anymore.

Huo Miao and Bai Qian agreed, saying that they were on their way back. I don't know how far the three of them traveled in less than a day?

Su Qing didn't go far, and came back after wandering around the farm casually. Just as Huo Miao was far away, she ran towards her with a meow, followed by Jiaojiao, and Bai Qian's fox image should not show up. Can appear in human form aboveboard.

When Su Qing came in, Mrs. Zhang and his wife had already finished breakfast and went to work. Today, there was a plot of Chinese cabbage that was ripe and needed to be cut down. Su Qing ordered yesterday that the plot should be freed for her to plant elixir.

After harvesting the cabbage, you have to dig the ground to get out the roots, water it, and apply fertilizer, and then you can arrange the planting robot to sow the seeds.

Lao Zhang and his wife have never planted spiritual plants and don't know how to plant them. They thought that Su Qing would learn from them when they planted them, so that it would be easier to find a job in the future.

How do they know that Su Qing's planting method is impossible for others to learn. It needs to arrange formations and use spawning spells. No matter what kind of energy the spiritual plant absorbs, Su Qing can provide pure and rich energy for the elixir to absorb.

Where Su Qing was, the plants would naturally grow vigorously. In the morning, Su Qing went out to check around to see how much his own practice overnight would affect the farm crops.

After returning, the workers from the two decoration companies just woke up, but their eyes were a little red. They asked Su Qing to check what was inappropriate, and they would repair it.

Su Qing had checked it a long time ago, she didn't have to go all over, she could see every corner of the whole house clearly with her spiritual sense.

Su Qing expressed his satisfaction and asked them to paint and decorate the exterior walls and the exterior of the house before paying them the bill.

The two nodded happily, started the home improvement robot, carried the next bucket of paint, and began to paint the walls. The robot's work was cheaper than manual labor, and the color was even and meticulous.

In less than an hour, the outside work was completed. Su Qing really has nothing to say about the efficiency of the interstellar era, and he does everything very quickly.

After paying the bill to the workers and looking at the beautiful house, Su Qing nodded with satisfaction, turned on the communicator, contacted Zhu Xiuyun who was far away in Mengyuexing, and asked grandma to see if their house was very beautiful.

Su Qing happily said to her grandmother: "Grandma, you are in the field again. I have graduated and have left school."

In the video, Zhu Xiuyun is plowing the fields. This month, the crops have been harvested long ago. After the fields are plowed, new crops can be planted in the spring.

Zhu Xiuyun leaned on a shovel and asked, "Qingqing, you left school, where is this?"

Su Qing said excitedly: "Our farm, grandma, do you think this house is beautiful? We will live here in the future. This is the living room, and this is the kitchen. There are a dozen bedrooms on the first and second floors, which are enough for us. live."

(End of this chapter)

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