Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 536 Yang Wei Goes To The Imperial City

Chapter 536 Yang Wei Goes To The Imperial City

Zhao Mei was taken aback, why did this girl call herself grandma, she hadn't heard this name for a long time, back then only Qingqing and Meng Yan would call her that, and then looked at the girl in front of her carefully,

"You are... You are Qingqing, ouch, look at my eyes, you are so qingqing, you are back, come in quickly, Lao Yang, come out, see who is coming, ouch, you have grown into a big girl , so watery, I almost didn't recognize it."

Zhao Mei enthusiastically pulled Su Qing into the door. Yang Dayong was watching the star TV in the living room. When he saw his wife pulling in a big girl, he recognized it right away and said happily, "Qingqing, you are back."

Zhao Mei: "Oh! You recognized her right away. When I opened the door, I asked her who she was looking for?"

Yang Dayong smiled and said: "You didn't look carefully, the eyebrows and eyes are green, this child has been fair since he was a child, and his eyes are very beautiful."

"No, come to Qingqing, come and do it quickly, eat fruit and drink water." Zhao Mei greeted enthusiastically, making Su Qing very embarrassed

Su Qing: "Grandma Zhao, you don't have to be too polite with me, I'm not an outsider."

Zhao Mei retorted with a stern face: "How can it be done? Now that you have grown up, you are a supernatural master who graduated from a famous school. You will come back from a long way, and you will not forget to visit us. Of course, you must treat us well, and you can't be negligent. .”

Su Qing immediately blamed and said: "Grandma Zhao, look at what you said, no matter what kind of person I become, I will always be the Qingqing who calls you Grandma Zhao, and we don't need those polite words between us."

Yang Dayong said: "Okay, don't be too enthusiastic, scare the child, Qingqing, tell Grandpa Yang, why did you come back alone, where is Meng Yu?"

Su Qing paused before saying, "Grandpa Yang, as I said, you have to keep it a secret. You must never tell it, especially the Meng family. They can't reveal anything about it."

Now the Yang family and his wife were surprised, what happened to Meng Fang?Hastily asked:

"Qingqing, what's going on? Where did Meng Yu go?"

Su Qing said slowly: "Grandpa Yang, don't worry, it's not a bad thing. Originally, Meng Yu and I planned to go to Fuchunxing's farm to settle down after graduation, and then come back to pick up the two families together. The original galaxy is the safest place for the Zerg to appear, so we have to change the plan, and the two families will move to Fuchunxing later, let’s see how it goes.”

Yang Dayong nodded, "Well, you're thinking right, it's better not to take your family on an adventure, let's talk about it first."

Su Qing continued: "We were just about to go to the farm first according to the original plan, and then return to Mengyuexing, but the battlefield on the front line is not good for human beings. The three major legions withdrew to the border and stood firm, causing heavy casualties. According to the publicity, Meng Hao decided to join the army to fight Zerg, and I couldn’t let him go, joining the army has always been Meng Hao’s dream.”

Yang Dayong shouted: "What are you talking about, so Meng Yu has already joined the army and left. This kid is now making decisions on his own without discussing with adults. You should stop him."

Su Qing shook his head, "Grandpa Yang, I can't stop it. Meng Xing has grown up and has his own ideas. His cultivation base is very high. During the Star Competition in the Imperial Capital, he was able to defeat the genius students of the top ten colleges. Even if a master doesn't sign up in person, the army will find him."

Su Qing told the Yang family and his wife what had happened in detail, and the two nodded, understanding why Su Qing couldn't stop it.

Mengyue is relatively remote, and I don't know much about Zerg wars, and I don't have that kind of panic, but medium-sized galaxies have to face the invasion of Zerg. If you want to shrink back, you will definitely be condemned by everyone.

There is also Meng Hao's mind, wanting to win a future through war, his idea is correct, who doesn't want to create a ten thousand year foundation for future generations.

Yang Dayong nodded, and said: "I understand, Meng Hao's idea is correct, people from primitive galaxies are definitely not easy to mix in medium galaxies, and they always seem to be inferior.

Even if you two have a good job in the end, you can live comfortably. This kind of life is good for ordinary people, but there is a gap for supernatural masters. Power is something that everyone wants. Qingqing, you are a girl , not so ambitious, Meng Yan is a man, and he will not give up on the fate of a family. "

Su Qing: "So, Grandpa Yang, you must keep it a secret and don't tell anyone. I told grandma that Meng Yan joined the mercenary regiment to earn money. I didn't dare to say that he joined the army."

Yang Dayong and his wife nodded together. They really shouldn't let the Meng family know about this matter. They would worry in vain if they knew about it. They couldn't do anything, and they couldn't live a good life.

Yang Dayong: "Okay! I see. Don't worry. Have you eaten yet? Let Grandma Zhao cook a bowl of noodles for you."

Su Qing waved his hand, "No need, I have eaten at Teacher Meng's house, Grandpa Yang, why are you the only ones at home, aren't the others at home?"

"Yang Xue went out to play with her classmates. The old couple are resting when they are older. They will wake up in a while. Yang Wei and others are going to the Imperial Capital Star."

Su Qing showed a look of surprise, Yang Wei went to the Imperial Star, "Grandpa Yang, what's the matter? Why did Uncle Yang go to the Imperial Star, he didn't say anything."

Yang Dayong showed a proud expression, and said proudly: "It's not because of the pills refined by Yang Wei, someone from the Imperial Capital Star came again, please Yang Wei to help refine the medicine, this person is an unusual person, do you know the national teacher?"

Su Qing nodded, of course he knew that the foundation of the national teacher was uncovered by the ancestor.

Yang Dayong: "Some time ago, a strange person came to find Yang Wei. The person claimed to be the first disciple of the national teacher named Chunming. He said that the national teacher knew that the refining pill was developed by Yang Wei, and he wanted to invite Yang Wei to the imperial capital. At first, we thought he was a liar for helping the national teacher to refine the elixir, but we believed him only after the man showed his certificate and invited the head of the planet to verify it."

Su Qing's heart was turbulent, why did Yang Wei leave without asking her, "Grandpa Yang, then Uncle Yang agreed and left with him. Is there any news from him after that?"

Yang Dayong: "Yes, in the first few months on the spaceship, he contacted us when he had nothing to do. A few months later, he excitedly told us that we had arrived at the Imperial Capital and met the Imperial Master. Later, he was busy refining medicine and rarely got engaged."

Su Qing was silent and thought to himself, the national teacher must want Yang Wei to refine the Jiejin Pill, but the Jiejin Pill is a high-level elixir, and it is very laborious to refine it by yourself, let alone Yang Wei, the supernatural master will definitely refine it. If it cannot be produced, if Yang Wei fails to refine it all the time, will it be in danger?

The national teacher wanted to kill him in a fit of rage, whether Yang Wei would betray himself, it was very possible, after all, when his life was in danger, he would say anything to save his life.

Seeing that Su Qing was silent, Yang Dayong asked worriedly: "Qingqing, do you think there is something wrong?"

Su Qing looked at the nervous Yang couple, "Grandpa Yang, the national teacher is deeply favored by His Majesty the Emperor and has great power. He refines elixir, and there are senior pharmacists in the imperial capital to help. Why did you come all the way to Mengyuexing? Uncle Yang told him to go away, which meant that the medicine was difficult to refine, and I just wondered if it would be dangerous if Uncle Yang couldn't refine it."

The Yang family husband and wife looked at each other, and asked nervously: "Qingqing, the national teacher will not be unreasonable, any pharmacist can guarantee that all medicines can be refined, and Yang Wei will come back if he can't refine it."

Su Qing nodded in agreement, "Well, the national teacher will definitely not be a domineering person. Uncle Yang can communicate with those great masters of pharmacy in the imperial capital to improve his level of refining medicine. I am also delusional."

(End of this chapter)

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