Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 541 The latest form changes

Chapter 541 The latest form changes

Su Qing can't always practice meditation and teach the two cats all day long. She has nothing to do in the afternoon, so she just lies on the bed, turns on the communicator, and reads the news of the empire online.

By the way, leave a message to Yang Wei, asking him how he is doing after he arrives in the Imperial Capital, what kind of elixir the national teacher asked him to refine, and if he needs help, just tell him.

Looking at the latest news in the group, Meng Xiao's recruit training period is probably coming to an end, he may be assigned to serve in the patrol fleet of an administrative star in a medium-sized galaxy, and he will also be sent to the front line when necessary.

The battle on the front line is going on every day. Human beings rely on the planet, have sufficient resources, and stubbornly block the invasion of the Zerg. A large number of resources and talents from all walks of life are pouring into the front line.

Especially medical equipment and various healing elixir, the price of healing elixir on the market has risen several times, and the prices of several kinds of spiritual plants for refining elixir have also risen, and the price has doubled, so it is not enough.
The medical cabin, various medicines, and medical staff were sent to the front line in large numbers. Not only did the empire finance expenditures, but the major families also donated money and provided a lot of support.

At this time, if you don't work hard, if the Zerg really breaks through the line of defense, the loss will be even greater.

Although the major aristocratic families are no longer stumbling each other to hold them back, they all think about their own troops when allocating resources. They simply ignore the troops controlled by other families. Anyway, the empire will pay for it.

The central army of the royal family is also the first army, which guards the central galaxy, and it is impossible to transfer away. The outsiders are desperately fighting to guard the border. The army is not bad at all in terms of combat effectiveness. On the contrary, it is stronger than the first army, but the equipment is backward. Even so, several major legions joined together to repel the attacks of the bugs time and time again.

Su Qing looked at the information on the star network, but there was no good news. It was a stalemate. Many Zergs died, and human casualties were not small.

The corpses left by the Zerg are not useless. Their flesh and blood can be processed into feed and fed to livestock to make the meat quality better. Some parts of the Zerg can be refined into weapons and sold to domestic mercenaries with average quality. Good quality is assigned to the soldiers.

For a while, many acquisition companies ventured to the border to buy Zerg corpses from the army.

Even Su Qing is very curious about the Zerg, and wants to study it. Su Qing's knowledge of veterinary science is not bad, not excellent, but simple blood tests and cell genome checks are still no problem.

Thousands of years ago, human beings studied the Zerg, and compiled a lot of information on their habits, reproductive methods, and sources. Today, there is a lot of information on the Star Network.

Through research, humans have found that the only characteristic of the Zerg is to eat, eat everything, and eat the same kind. As long as the energy is sufficient, the nest of the Zerg will produce more advanced bugs. The only way is to prevent the bugs from absorbing a little energy. Unfortunately, this time The place where the Zerg appeared is in an undeveloped galaxy, which is rich in products, otherwise the Zerg would have been wiped out by humans long ago.

The Zerg likes to eat flesh and blood creatures the most. Otherwise, the undeveloped galaxies are vast and boundless, and the Zerg would not have been chasing humans. Maybe those undeveloped galaxies are mostly minerals. The Zerg didn’t particularly like to eat them, so they followed the human fleet to the border of the empire. .

There is no possibility of a peaceful solution to this war between humans and Zerg, it can only be a life-and-death confrontation.

Fighting until the end, either destroying all the Zergs, or controlling the brood to take the remaining Zergs, leave this world, and continue to harm creatures in another dimension.

The area of ​​the empire is very vast. According to Su Qing's feeling, it is boundless. It takes more than half a year to sail slowly across the entire empire from the primitive galaxy to the medium galaxy.

Most of the universe is a dark void, without any trace of planets, and there is no place for spaceship supplies. Once in space, ordinary people will hardly be spared.

Even Su Qing can only barely walk in the universe when he enters the Nascent Soul Stage. If he wants to travel in the void without any obstacles, he should at least be after the Transformation Stage. A cultivator of Transformation can not breathe for a long time, as long as he absorbs spiritual energy It can sustain life, and it can drive the flying instruments in the realm of comprehension to sail in the universe.

There are many videos of battlefield hospitals reported on Starnet. Soldiers were injured in the battle with the Zerg. Few of them survived intact. Rescue.

The war with the Zerg has started for more than half a year. The situation of the Empire and the Federation is generally stable, and people don't panic too much.
Even Su Qing himself, after reading the reports, thought it was nothing serious, and the current casualties were acceptable. As for the facts, ordinary people did not know, and only those in power above knew the real situation of the situation.

Su Qing thought, you can't worry about the sky every day, you have to live your life, if the Zergs really want to come, then fight, if you can't beat them, run away, you can't be afraid of the Zergs before they come, there are many things that ordinary people don't know It's good, but the point is that it's useless to know, and it's useless to run.

If I really can't stop it, I must go. I really hope that my jade pendant space can be perfect, with enough oxygen, and I can stay in it for a long time, so that I can take all my relatives away directly.

Battleships still need energy and human driving. Su Qing can only drive mechs. I really don’t have time to learn how to drive a battleship. Meng Hao should know some basics, but one person can’t drive a whole battleship. At least a dozen people are needed. trouble.

While watching the news, Su Qing thought wildly, and soon it was dark, Su Qing still gave lectures to Huomiao brothers and sisters, these two mischievous ghosts were finally cleaned up, let them study as long as they want, and they won’t be confused in the exam, Su Qing Qing is still very satisfied, which makes sense.

After teaching the two cats, Su Qing began to practice. As for whether Jiang’s Hotel will also cause panic tomorrow morning, Su Qing thinks that he should pay attention to it, and he can slow down the speed of absorbing spiritual energy. Just big impact.

There was nothing to do in the second half of the night, so Su Qing simply lay on the bed and slept. She hadn't slept in a long time, and she felt very comfortable once in a while.

It was a habit for Su Qing to wake up at dawn. She changed her clothes and tidied herself up. When she felt that there was no problem with her appearance, she went out to check the various items arranged by the hotel.

She went to see them one by one, and there was no problem at all. All the staff were in place and the arrangements were very good.

The hotel arranges a banquet-style gathering. At the beginning, you can drink tea and chat, and you can enjoy various entertainment facilities at will. There are two luxurious buffets at noon and evening, and there are usually various drinks, wine and snacks.

All the staff knew Su Qing, and everyone would greet Su Qing politely when they met. After walking around the hotel, everything was indeed ready. At this time, it was already eight o'clock, and Yang Dayong called and said that they had already left home.

Su Qing immediately went to the hotel entrance to greet him. Within ten minutes, Yang Dayong arrived in his newly bought speed car. The hotel parking boy immediately went over to help drive the car to the parking lot.

Su Qing stepped forward to support Mrs. Yang, and greeted the members of the Yang family Yiyi,
When it was Yang Xue's turn, Su Qing jokingly said, "The Eighteenth Women's University has changed, and Yang Xue has become a beautiful woman. I don't even dare to recognize her."

Yang Xue wore a long pink dress, her figure was graceful and plump, her long hair was slightly curly, and she wore light makeup, which highlighted Yang Xue's youthful beauty.

Yang Xue said with a chuckle: "Qingqing, you will tease me, haven't you also changed, just talk about me, what did you do, today you are the master, just appearing with such a clean and watery face, you can't be compared Go down, let's go in quickly, and I'll fix it for you."

(End of this chapter)

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