Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 549 Uncle Su's scruples

Chapter 549

Zhu Xiuyun straightened her back, put on the basket on her back, and greeted Qingqing to go out, and they went to Second Uncle Su's house first.

At this time, there were already people walking around on the street, and Zhu Xiuyun would greet all the villagers she met loudly, and then people would curiously ask who the pretty girl behind her was and where did she come from?

Looking at Su Qing's clothes, the external temperament is not from their village, too beautiful and dazzling, like a phoenix appearing among a group of crows.

Zhu Xiuyun said with a smile: "Sister-in-law Li, you didn't recognize her. This is my Qingqing. She came back from graduation. She bought a lot of gifts and came back. Go and see my uncle first. If you have time, go to my house for a meeting." Son!"

In this way, whenever he meets someone, Zhu Xiuyun will say it once, and then stride away with Qingqing, leaving behind the villagers who stare at their backs in a daze.

Su Qing secretly smiled in her heart, grandma is really interesting, she must be showing off in front of outsiders on purpose, but this feeling is really good.

Every time Zhu Xiuyun said it, she felt that her spirit was improved. Even the minor ailments on her body disappeared.

Fortunately, Second Uncle Su's house was not far away, and it was only half a street away. On the contrary, the two uncles built a new house on the side of the village after they got married.
"Third sister, are you at home?"

Zhu Xiuyun directly pushed open the courtyard door and walked in. Su Feng and his wife had just woken up early in the morning. One was cleaning the yard and the other was cooking in the kitchen. The food had just been served on the table.

There is nothing to do in winter, and there is no need to get up early every day. People in the village have the habit of cat winter. Of course, if the family conditions are not good, they will still go to the mountains to find some mountain products. It is worthwhile to sell them for some money.

In the past ten years, because Yang Dayong's motorcade often came to buy the villagers' vegetables, mountain products, and all kinds of exotic animals hunted, the living standards of the villagers have improved a lot.

Especially every autumn, a large number of yams mature. The villagers not only go to the mountains to dig wild yams, but also many smart villagers plant a lot of them in their own fields. With hard work of watering and fertilizing, they grow more than wild ones.

The boys in the village practiced the body-refinement technique taught by Meng Yu. They were flexible and strong, and dared to go to the distance to fight strange animals. The living standard of Shanquan Village gradually improved.
Especially in Su Feng's family, the two sons are in their prime years, they are all married and established, and the family is getting more and more prosperous. When it comes to winter, they don't do anything. Wang Sanmei just does some housework, and finds people to visit and chat with others. Of course, most of them go It's my sister-in-law's house.

As soon as Zhu Xiuyun finished speaking, Su Feng and his wife pushed open the door to welcome them out.

Su Feng greeted: "Sister-in-law, you are here, have you eaten yet, hey! This girl is...?"

Zhu Xiuyun smiled happily: "Hehe, I don't recognize you, are you looking carefully for who it is?"

Wang Sanmei looked at her carefully, and suddenly shouted: "I still can't figure it out, it's our Qingqing who came back, let my aunt take a look, ouch, she's so beautiful, look at our girl, the head of ten miles and eight villages one serving."

Su Feng chuckled, "What ten miles and eight villages, I don't think there is any better child in Mengyuexing than our Qingqing, sister-in-law, Qingqing, sit in the room and have some breakfast together."

Su Feng and Wang Sanmei enthusiastically let Su Qing's grandparents into the room. On the small square table in the room, there were pancakes, porridge and pickles, and the couple hadn't finished eating yet!Su Feng warmly asked the grandparents and grandson to have some food together.

Su Qing: "Second Uncle, Auntie, hello, I miss you, Grandma and I had dinner at home, hurry up and eat!"

Wang Sanmei held Su Qing's hand, she was happy and didn't know what to do, why did this girl look so good-looking, look at this little face that was so white that it seemed transparent, even her little hands were so delicate that they could pinch water, and then look at the clothes and shoes she was wearing , with hairpins, all shining.

"Qingqing, when will you be back?"

Su Qing: "Last night, it was dark. I knew you were all asleep and didn't bother you, so I thought I would be the first to visit my second uncle and aunt in the morning and give you a surprise."

Su Qing smiled mischievously, showing her small white teeth.

Su Feng and his wife laughed, and they found that Qingqing had changed a lot. Not only had he grown taller, but his appearance had also changed, and his personality had also become more lively. Everyone held a chill.

Su Qing: "Second Uncle, I brought you barbecue. It's delicious. It's just out of the oven. You can eat it while it's hot. We'll chat after eating. We have plenty of time."

Su Qing reached out and took out the bag of barbecue from the back basket, and put it on the dining table.

Su Feng and Wang Sanmei would not be too polite when facing sister-in-law and Qingqing. Since sister-in-law and the others had eaten, they didn't talk too much. They ate first and chatted after they had something to say.

The barbecue brought by Qingqing, let's eat it, your family is welcome.

"Well, it's delicious. What kind of meat is Qingqing? I haven't eaten it." Wang Sanmei was overwhelmed by the delicious taste as soon as she took a bite of the meat.

Su Qing: "Fish, I brought it from an alien system. The specialty there, is it delicious? There are many more. In the evening, we will invite the Meng family to have a dinner together. Let's have a lot of fun."

Su Feng nodded in agreement. They had a good relationship with the Meng family, and Su Qing and Meng Hao were as close as brothers and sisters.
Besides, since Qingqing came back, the three families should have a reunion to listen to Su Qing talk about the experiences of these years, but it is a pity that Meng Yu did not come back. They heard from Zhu Xiuyun a few months ago that Meng Yu would not go back with Su Qing Well, he joined a mercenary group and is working hard to earn money so that he can pay back the money owed to Qingqing.

Su Feng didn't care much about this, it was mainly the Meng family who cared about Meng Xiang's affairs.

Meng Yu's family was really disappointed, but they knew in their hearts that Meng Yu owed Su Qing a large sum of money. Now that he has graduated, he can't justify not paying back the money. It's right to work hard to make money. I said it back then, and I will be my son. It was sold to the Su family, and the debt was paid off with her own body.

Su Feng and Wang Sanmei ate very quickly. In less than ten minutes, the food on the table was wiped out. Wang Sanmei went to the outhouse to wash the dishes.
Su Feng chatted with Su Qing about her experience in the past few years, and talked about Su's farm. Su Qing's narrative made Su Feng very envious, but when he thought of the whole family going to an unfamiliar planet, he felt very sad. Fear, but the child has been arranged. If he doesn't go, the old Su family will live in this small mountain village for the rest of his life. For the sake of future generations, he has to fight hard!

Unexpectedly, the Zerg tribe actually appeared. Su Qing told Second Uncle Su face to face that her plan was to pick up grandma first, and when the situation stabilized, Uncle Su's family and the Meng family would go to Fuchunxing together. Mengyuexing, let's see the situation at the border.

Uncle Su, who was originally scared to leave his hometown, heaved a sigh of relief. It is good to have a relaxation time, otherwise he lived peacefully in Shanquan Village for a lifetime, and he would leave as soon as he said, and he felt very sad!

After a while, Wang Sanmei came in, and Su Qing began to put presents on the bed, everyone piled up, and everyone in the family was not left behind.

There were so many things that Su Ershu and his wife were dazzled, there were too many, and it was fortunate that Su Qing could still think about everyone in the family.

Su Qing divided the presents. Just as Wang Sanmei picked up the clothes and unpacked them and spread them on her body, there were footsteps in the courtyard and the voices of children calling grandpa and grandma.

With a whimper, several people flooded into the room, the first ones were three children, two big boys, and a little girl.

The three children shouted loudly, "Grandpa, Grandma, and Grandma."

When they saw that Su Qing was stuck, they had never seen a girl like Qingqing before, their eyes widened, and they didn't know what to say.

Wang Sanmei shouted: "Why are you standing still, call someone, this is Sister Qingqing, don't you know me? Su Wen, you used to play with Sister Qingqing often when you were young!"

(End of this chapter)

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