Chapter 551
Finally Zhu Xiuyun came with Qingqing. As soon as she entered the door, she was warmly welcomed by several members of the Meng family. Wang Qian saw that Su Qing's eyes were red, and said nothing.

"Qingqing, you're back. That brat in my family didn't even know he came back to see us. Doesn't he miss us at all?"

Su Qing hurried up and hugged Wang Qian's arm, "Auntie, how could Meng Hao not miss you, and sometimes he would cry, but he had some unavoidable difficulties. He always said that we don't want the next generation to bear the pain we have suffered. , He wants to let his descendants enter the upper class instead of struggling at the bottom, so now he is fighting for his ideals."

Wang Qian didn't understand those principles. She was very disappointed that her son didn't come back, and she kept complaining.

This made Su Qing feel a little bit wrong, because she said that Meng Yan couldn't come back because she wanted to pay off the debt. Wang Qian's tone seemed to be complaining that Su Qing was going too far. Her son couldn't go home because she urged Meng Hao to pay back the money just after graduation.

Could it be that you forgot what your family said when you heard about the huge debt back then, but now that your son has achieved something, she started to complain again, how did she know how much Su Qing put in so much effort to train Meng Xiao, and how could she be a mere teenager? The debt of [-] million interstellar coins is so simple, and Meng Hao will never pay it off in his whole life.

Seeing that Zhu Xiuyun's grandparents looked a little unhappy, it was still the old lady Luo Cuilan who was sensible and scolded:
"Okay, stop nagging, let your aunt and Qingqing room sit first, and you go and make tea for their grandparents and grandchildren, and we sit down and chat slowly."

The old lady also misses her eldest grandson very much. Why he didn't come back is definitely not the reason Su Qing said. The grandson will not stay home because of debts. There must be other reasons, and the child has not contacted the family for several months. up.

Meng Lin was very anxious about his son's affairs, but his mother spoke up, so she couldn't stop talking at the door, so she let Qingqing's grandparents into the room, and continued to chat after sitting down.

Su Qing saw the 12-year-old Meng Shuo, who looked like his father and was carved out of a mold, but his figure was very similar to Meng Hao, tall and strong. He was only 12 years old and over 1.7 meters. It seemed that there was still room for him to grow.

Meng Shuo played with his elder brother and sister Su Qing since he was a child. Unfortunately, they have to leave every year during the two-month holiday, and they will not come back until the Chinese New Year. By Su Qing's side, Meng Shuo has always had a good relationship with Su Qing and Meng Yu.

He sent his brother and sister away six years ago, and he has been waiting for them to come back during the Chinese New Year. He never thought that after waiting for six years, his brother, that liar, never came back.

Seeing sister Qingqing today, she is no longer the sister in his impression, she is so dazzling that he dare not recognize her, and Meng Shuo is very disappointed that his brother who has been looking forward to for many years has not come back.

Grandma Meng said a few words to Zhu Xiuyun, and then began to ask Su Qing, whether she was tired all the way, how long she had been in the spaceship, and what she planned to do after graduation. Wait for Su Qingyi to finish speaking.

Grandma Meng said seriously: "Qingqing, tell grandma the truth, what the hell did Meng Yu do? Doesn't he even have time to come back? You said he went to join the mercenary group to earn money, I don't know. If you don't believe me, Meng Hao won't do that."

Su Qing already knew the reason for becoming a mercenary, and Grandma Meng would not believe it, but if she really wanted to tell the truth, Meng Xiang became a soldier to fight the Zerg, and the Meng family would be even more anxious. Su Qing thought for a long time and couldn't come up with any good reason , can only make another try.

Su Qing smiled awkwardly, and said frankly: "Well, I know the reason, and I can't fool the shrewd Grandma Meng. In fact, Meng Yan did not become a mercenary, but it's almost the same. He went to work as a bodyguard for a big man. The status of that big man is incredible, one person is under ten thousand people, the status is unspeakably expensive, this time Meng Yu went to the Imperial Capital Star to participate in the college competition, because of his outstanding performance, he was favored by others, and he was asked to leave right after graduation. That person's status is noble and cannot be revealed at will, how dare I say it in public in Venus, that is, in our village, I don't have so many scruples."

After Su Qing finished speaking, all the Meng family opened their mouths, thinking over and over in their minds, is this true?Meng Yu was favored by a big shot and went to work as a guard for him.

Grandma Meng still felt that something was wrong, but what Su Qing said was reasonable. The grandson did go to the Imperial City Star to participate in the competition, and his performance was not bad. They all watched it on the star TV, and the whole family shouted excitedly.

Old man Meng Hong yelled, "Bless the ancestors, there is someone out of the Meng family."

Wang Qian asked in surprise: "Qingqing, who is the big man you are talking about? So honorable is the prime minister of the empire."

Su Qing smiled lightly: "Hehe, even more noble than him!!"

"Ah!" The whole family was shocked now. Could it be His Majesty the Emperor? Impossible. The Emperor has plenty of people to protect him, so he can see that boy Meng Xiang.

Su Qing said: "Okay, don't guess. I can't say who it is. Anyway, it is a member of the royal family. Meng Hao can be regarded as one step up to the sky. You will enjoy the blessings in the future, but I can warn you that Meng Hao's matter is a secret." , Absolutely can’t say it out, just say to the public that he went to join the mercenary regiment to earn money.”

The members of the Meng family nodded solemnly, "Qingqing, don't worry, we understand, we will definitely keep our mouths shut."

Su Qing has a serious face, if you don’t do this, whoever can’t help showing off later, it’s not good if Meng Yuexing spreads, if someone exposes it, it will affect Meng Hao’s reputation, maybe he will become a real success in the future General.

After talking about Meng Rong, in order to divert his emotions, Su Qing took out the gifts he bought for everyone,

Wang Qian and Meng Lin saw so many good things, they didn't dare to accept them at all. Meng Yu was able to go to school, and all the expenses were paid by Su Qing. The Meng family didn't pay a penny, and Qingqing bought them so expensive things when she came back. How dare they accept the gift.

Su Qing blinked twice, and looked at Luo Cuilan, the soul of the Meng family, for help.
"Grandma Meng, these are the gifts I carefully selected for you. It's my heart, not how much it's worth. Don't be entangled all the time. Meng Yu owes me money. He has been able to earn money several years ago. Money, he will pay off all the debts slowly, don't worry!"

Grandma Meng sighed in her heart, "Qingqing, I know that our Meng family is just an ordinary mountain village boy without you. You took him out step by step. Our Meng family owes more and more favors and money. It's clear, our two families have a good relationship, just like a family, we don't distinguish between each other, we will accept things, and daughter-in-law, if you like it, you can try it on!"

Wang Qian heard her mother-in-law speak, and happily picked up her own gifts, clothes, shoes, cosmetics, etc.

Holding his gift, Meng Shuo burst into laughter. Without grandma's permission, he wouldn't dare to move. He wanted to unwrap that toy for a long time.

When Su Qing came back, Grandma Meng began to ask questions non-stop, wanting to know everything. Although she had been in contact with her for several years, she could tell clearly after a few minutes of video communication, and sometimes the signal transmission was unstable. say clearly.

Su Qing specially picked up some people who were interested in it, and told them about it, especially about their usual classes, parties, travel, and competitions in the imperial capital.

While chatting, the two old ladies, Zhu Xiuyun and Luo Cuilan, talked about Meng Hao's lifelong events, and asked Su Qing if Meng Hao had a girlfriend.

This caught Su Qing a little off guard, because Meng Yan never said that the Meng family urged her to get married. Grandma was always anxious because she was a girl. She didn't expect that it wasn't that the Meng family didn't urge Meng Yu, but that Meng Hao didn't let her go at all. In my heart, I directly perfunctory the whole family, and never said it at school.

(End of this chapter)

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