Chapter 576
Lao Zhang kept nodding his head understandingly, and patted his chest to promise that this matter would be left to their husband and wife, and that Sister Zhu would understand what was going on and would not persecute Su Qing any more.

Only then did Su Qing nod and leave in satisfaction, leaving behind the elated old Zhang. Haha, so it is. Ms. Su only has her grandmother as a relative. Sister Zhu is not young, so how can she be made to work hard? I brought her here just to enjoy the blessings of.

The days that followed were blissful and unremarkable. Zhu Xiuyun got in touch with Lao Zhang and his wife a lot every day, and gradually her thoughts changed. Able teachers are noble.

From top to bottom, there are the imperial family, major families, nobles and nobles, etc. Family background is very important, and a large family will never marry a person from a commoner background.

Once Zhu Xiuyun came back with a lot of worries, and asked Su Qing what class Gu Rui's family background was in the empire.

As soon as Su Qing thought about it, she knew that it was the old Zhang and his wife's words that had worked, and immediately added more details to explain Gu Rui's status in the empire as a family of craftsmen.

After hearing this, Zhu Xiuyun remained silent, didn't eat a few mouthfuls of dinner that day, and never mentioned the matter of wanting to see Gu Rui since then.

Instead, he frequently asked about the family situation of Chen Hongfei, a boy in Su Qing's class.

Let Su Qing's heart explode, it's over, grandma won't treat Chen Hongfei as a spare tire, right?Since grandma didn't say it clearly, Su Qing didn't dare to ask.

Zhu Xiuyun refused to ask Su Qing clearly, but she was thinking about it in her heart, because she finally figured out that in developed galaxies, children like Qingqing are still young, and they need to be in their thirties to get married, especially for supernatural beings. With a lifespan of hundreds of years, no one would marry so early.

So Zhu Xiuyun didn't urge Su Qing to find a boyfriend. She went to the fields with Lao Zhang and his wife every day and then came back after doing a little work. When she had nothing to do, she cleaned up the small vegetable garden in the yard.

Practice the health preservation skills Su Qing taught her, and then go to the old house to look at it, tidy it up, cook a meal with an earthen stove occasionally, and miss my hometown.

Zhu Xiuyun has gradually learned to use those high-tech tools, which are easy and clean. The kitchen in the old house is only used to miss the previous life.

Unknowingly, a month later, although Zhu Xiuyun had Lao Zhang and his wife as companions, she was not as lively as the people she had seen in the village before. After a long time, and other people were fine, she became a little bored.

Su Qing saw it, and planned to take her out to relax, just happened to be going to sell a batch of goods in the Venus Star black market,

By the way, take grandma to Venus to apply for a new ID card, then take her to meet teachers and classmates, and visit Qinglan College and Bailang City.

Bailang City is a bustling metropolis, and they wandered around the city to relax. Grandma finally came to a medium-sized galaxy, so she couldn't stay in the farm every day, she had to come out for a walk from time to time.

In that way, when grandma chats with the village head or Grandma Meng, there will still be topics of bragging, and I will get tired of talking about the farm every day.

When Zhu Xiuyun heard that she was going to Venus, she immediately regained her spirits, immediately packed her luggage and put it in a storage container, and was about to leave.

Su Qing gave the storage device that she bought in Mengyuexing to her grandma. Now that the old lady has all the communicators and storage devices, she feels that life in the developed galaxy is really convenient. She really came to enjoy the blessing, Su Qing She wanted to replace her old-fashioned communicator with a new one, but she was afraid of wasting money, so she refused to change it.

It was not the first time for Zhu Xiuyun to take a spaceship, and she no longer had the original feeling of novelty, just like the many passengers waiting at the spaceport, she took it calmly, but she was still looking forward to the morning star, she wanted to see the place where her granddaughter went to school, look at that city.

Because she was bored at the farm, whenever Zhu Xiuyun had time, she would start a video chat with Grandma Meng for a while.

The two old ladies whispered enthusiastically, most of them were Zhu Xiuyun talking about the life in the medium galaxy with the old sister, but it was meaningless to talk about the farm every day, so it happened that Qingqing took her out for a walk, and there would be a new topic in the future.

People in developed galaxies have to go so far when they go out for a stroll, but she likes it, and she has a lot of knowledge, otherwise, I will almost have no common language with Lao Zhang and his wife. I can’t talk about farming, children’s marriage, customs, and customs. Those are annoying .

So it is very necessary to go out for a walk and gain some knowledge. Qingqing said that she will gather with her classmates and let her meet two good friends Wang Lu and Chen Hongfei.

Only the two of them are locals of Venus, and the other students are on other planets, so they have to make a special trip to see them.

Su Qing took Zhu Xiuyun all the way to Bailang City smoothly. After all, this is the place where Su Qing lived for six years. Setting foot on the land of Bailang City gave her a sense of intimacy.

Su Qing took Zhu Xiuyun to the reserved hotel to settle in first, washed and changed clothes, and then took the speed car to the household registration department of the Bailang City government to apply for a new ID card for Zhu Xiuyun.

Zhu Xiuyun's household registration application has been issued a long time ago, and she needs to come in person to get a new ID card, otherwise she has to pay a fee and let the staff send it to Fuchunxing by courier. Since they are here, come and get it in person!
Sitting on the speeding car, Zhu Xiuyun's eyes were starting to fail. The track in the sky, the vehicles on the ground, and the three-dimensional traffic pattern made her dizzy. It is indeed a big planet in a medium-sized galaxy. It is a small backward city.

People who see such a bustling scene for the first time will inevitably be dazzled, and Su Qing was the same when he saw it for the first time, and now he regards it as usual.

It was very easy to get the ID card. The grandparents and grandchildren didn't see a real person. There were intelligent robots everywhere. After being authenticated, Zhu Xiuyun got her new ID card.

Zhu Xiuyun raised the ID card in her hand, "Qingqing, now I am also from a medium galaxy, I don't know how many people on Mengyue Star are jealous."

Su Qing nodded, "Well, sure."

The grandparents and grandchildren walked out of the gate of the government household registration office with a smile.

Su Qing had contacted Chen Hongfei and Wang Lu a long time ago. They couldn't spare time that day, so they made an appointment to meet tomorrow.

Taking advantage of this time, Su Qing took her grandmother to Qinglan College. At this time, Qinglan College has just started school and is very popular.

Su Qing has already graduated, and before entering the college, she has to fill out a form, and the school administrators agree to enter.

Because Su Qing is also considered a celebrity at Tsinglan College, she must let her go when she comes back to visit the teacher.

When Su Qing returns to his alma mater, he must visit his teachers. The professors from the Lingzhi Department and the Pharmacy Department must not be left behind.

Su Qing is not the best student at Tsinglan College, but all the teachers agree that she is a very talented student. Although her grades are mediocre, the teachers all know that she is hiding her clumsiness, otherwise she will not be in the competition when she graduates. will stand out.

Several professors liked this calm and extremely talented student very much, but none of them accepted Su Qing as their personal disciple, because they all felt that they were not capable enough, how dare they waste such a good talent and beauty, the empire only had a limited number of people who were eligible Be Su Qing's master.

Zhu Xiuyun has met too many teachers in a short period of time, and she can't remember who they are. Anyway, she is grateful to everyone she sees, and thank them for their training and care of Su Qing.

The professors did not look down on her, a country woman, but felt that Zhu Xiuyun was able to cultivate Su Qing, and she was a great grandmother.

After visiting the teachers, the grandparents and grandchildren were free to wander around the campus slowly. Because the campus is too big and walking is tiring, Su Qing also rented a scooter, otherwise when will I take my grandma? Inch can not be used too blatantly.

Zhu Xiuyun kept smiling, listening to Qingqing tell her how she spent her six years in school, which road she walked every day, where she went to class, and what she usually did?
(End of this chapter)

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