Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 579 The Concept of the Strong

Chapter 579 The Concept of the Strong
Many wealthy people will build an original house specially for vacation, and the whole family will work together to grow vegetables, flowers, fish and chickens, and occasionally enjoy a different life.

Zhu Xiuyun thinks that those people are living in the blessings and don’t know the blessings, they live too many good days, they have to eat something, and they can live in a broken house for a few days to be comfortable. Caused by it, you really want to move to the original galaxy to live, what a mess to change.

So she felt that two rich young men would definitely like the old courtyard of her own house, so she asked them to experience it too.

Chen Hongfei nodded with a smile, "Okay, I saw Su Qingfa's photo, the yard is so well built, it can't be seen that it is a copy, I have long wanted to see what the earthen stove looks like, and when there is a long vacation next time , I organize a dozen students to go together, that would be interesting."

Wang Lu also said with interest: "That's right, we will go to Qingqing's farm when we get together again to experience the fun of picking, and then cook in the old house by ourselves."

Chen Hongfei looked at the time, got up and said, "Okay, eat slowly, I'm leaving, Wang Lu will take care of Qingqing and Grandma Zhu, and I will leave the rest of the itinerary to you."

Wang Lu waved her hand indifferently, "Hurry up and leave, don't be naughty, I'm much more reliable than you."

Chen Hongfei gave her a dissatisfied look. As always, this woman would not be gentle and careless. Chen Hongfei bid farewell to Su Qing's grandparents and left in a hurry.

His own company has just opened, so it must be very busy, unlike Wang Lu who only works in the family business, and her full-time job is a pharmacist, the company does not have strict requirements on her, and she has free time.

In the afternoon, they visited several places. Su Qing was afraid that Zhu Xiuyun would be too tired, so she had to go back to the hotel after dinner, otherwise Wang Lu would arrange a night tour.

Regardless of the fact that she has been playing around, Zhu Xiuyun's physical strength and spirit are not bad, and she doesn't appear tired, which means that her body has been recuperating well during this period of time.

At the end of the day, Zhu Xiuyun saw a lot of scenes that shocked her, as well as various high-tech equipment. Here and Mengyuexing’s village are almost two worlds. It is unbelievable to say that they are in the same universe. So Zhu Xiuyun has always been full of energy.

Wang Lu sent them back to the hotel, and went back first, and made an appointment to see them tomorrow.

Sitting on the bed, Zhu Xiuyun was still talking non-stop, what happened to her today was too shocking, people can still live like that, then what is their life in Shanquan Village? People who are used to primitive galaxies, the difference is too huge.

"Okay, grandma, you should rest quickly, otherwise how can you have the energy to go out and play tomorrow, and go to bed after drinking the spirit wine."

Su Qing filled the jade cup with spiritual wine and gave it to grandma. Zhu Xiuyun seemed to be used to drinking it, and she was bored after one sip. Su Qing handed her another glass of boiled water, and let her sleep peacefully.

In the darkness, Zhu Xiuyun's steady breathing sounded, indicating that she had fallen asleep.

With a wave of his hand, Su Qing covered the room with a protective array, and said softly: "Old Ancestor, you stay, I will be back soon."

Luo Zilan turned into a light and shadow, "En!"

Su Qing wanted to take advantage of the dark night to go to the black market to ship goods, and go back quickly, but she was worried about her grandma, so she had to let her ancestor stay, so she could wake her up in an emergency.

Su Qing went straight through the wall, flew into the sky, skillfully flew out of Bailang City, and entered the sea a few seconds later.

Su Qing didn't know how many times he went back and forth to the black market these years. Su Qing cleared out the latest refined potions, pills and low-level spiritual plants grown in the farm, and bought a lot of things that the farm needed on the black market. Then quickly returned.

This trip sold a lot of interstellar coins, as long as they don't spend them indiscriminately, they can be used for decades. Su Qing originally wanted to prepare for the future and planned to save money to buy a battleship.

But when the ancestor knew what she was thinking, he laughed happily and mocked her for becoming a Golden Core cultivator and not changing the thoughts of ordinary people.

Facing the old ancestor's ridicule, Su Qing was very confused and didn't understand what she meant.

Luo Zilan had no choice but to say clearly, for a strong man, would he still need to save money like an ordinary person to buy something?Sometimes what a monk wants cannot be measured by money.

Why do all the monks in the era of comprehension fight and kill each other?It's not for the resources, how many years will it take to cultivate the spirit stones by yourself, unless you are a disciple from a big sect, even so, when those disciples from a big sect go out to practice, they will kill people and seize treasures. .

There is no need for Su Qing to worry about not having enough money, just go grab what you want, don’t rob those ordinary people and the government, it is easy to cause trouble, directly rob the interstellar pirates, that is called killing harm for the people, and you can get a huge amount of money benefit.

Su Qing's heart was moved at that time, yes, she didn't need to spend money to buy a warship by herself, just grab one. I heard that the pirate's warship is more advanced than the warship of the Planetary Guardian Fleet. She recruited the pirate as a younger brother to help drive the battleship, and that would solve the problem.

Luo Zilan's words opened the door to Su Qing's new vision. The strong really don't have to work hard to make money. They usually abide by the human rules properly. When encountering bad guys, she can take action openly without feeling guilty.

But she is not considered a strong person yet, at least she has to be at the Nascent Soul stage, and can travel freely in the universe. Otherwise, leaving the spaceship and warship and entering the void, the Golden Core cultivator would not be able to survive.

Su Qing quietly returned to the hotel room. Grandma was still sleeping soundly, and it had only been more than an hour.

Su Qing sat cross-legged on the ground in the dark and continued to practice. Now she only needs to spare some time to learn from her ancestors. The higher the cultivation base, the more she pays attention to understanding. Luo Zilan can only teach Su Qing all kinds of experience and skills. Su Qing has almost completed the exercises that monks should learn, and the rest is to accumulate experience.

Also, Su Qing is far behind in knowledge, and needs more experience and fighting.

Luo Zilan knew what to do, but she didn't want to urge her. She was Su Qing's successor, and if there was any danger, it would be too late for her to regret it.

Besides, Su Qing's affection for her grandmother is too deep, it is impossible to leave Zhu Xiuyun alone to go to the interstellar experience, Luo Zilan can only delay Su Qing's experience, how long is the lifespan of a mortal, Qingqing is less than 20 years old, waiting for dozens of years The year is not too late.

In the early morning of the next day, Wang Lu came to the hotel early to spend the day with Su Qing's grandparents and grandchildren. In the evening, Chen Hongfei came to accompany them to have dinner after finishing his company work. After dinner, they went to watch a musical.

Although the actors on the stage are very beautiful and the stage layout is also gorgeous, but Zhu Xiuyun can't understand it, and she especially wants to sleep. She really doesn't understand why rich people like to watch this kind of howling musicals. I do not know.

Zhu Xiuyun couldn't say anything, everyone around listened very seriously, so bear with it.

Su Qing actually couldn't appreciate this kind of song and dance drama, but after all, she had studied on campus for more than ten years. She was full of culture, and she could understand it but didn't like it. She just closed her eyes and studied the latest formula for refining medicine in her mind.

After the show ended, Zhu Xiuyun kept yawning. Chen Hongfei thought she was sleepy, so he hurriedly sent them back to the hotel to rest.

Tomorrow, Su Qing's grandparents will return to Fuchunxing by spaceship. Chen Hongfei and Wang Lu agreed to see them off together.

As classmates, Chen Hongfei and Wang Lu can do this, which is really good for Su Qing.

do not know why?The two felt that they should treat Su Qing well, as if subconsciously, Su Qing was very powerful and could absolutely crush them, and they didn't dare to treat her badly. They didn't think so in school before.

(End of this chapter)

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