Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 589 Fireworks in the Void

Chapter 589 Fireworks in the Void
Although the description is very long, the whole process took less than a minute. The humans and the Zerg didn't act immediately before, so the captain gave an order to break through.

Meng Hao waved the mecha sword in his hand, and resolutely rushed towards the densely packed Zerg who didn't know what type, anyway, he could kill them all, but Meng Hao still flashed in his mind, the weakness of the Zerg that he had learned before, and the Mecha sword went straight to the Zerg soldiers Dead point.

Meng Hao attacked frantically, giving up all defenses, and how many fangs and claws of the Zerg rushed towards Meng Hao's mecha.

After the Black Whirlwind was transformed by Su Qing, its defensive power was increased several times, and it could counterattack back according to the attack it received. The five-element secrets on the mecha were released one by one until the energy was exhausted, and the aura was replenished in the absorption void.

There are also grooves inside the mecha, which can be used to inlay spirit stones, and Meng Hao has already filled them up quickly.

Meng Yu didn't know how much to thank Qingqing at this time. If there was no Black Whirlwind, he would have little chance of surviving with the mechas of the army. , his mech might crash.

He was the only one who landed on the land. Even if he had high martial arts skills, he could not defeat all the Zerg races. At that time, he joined the army with enthusiasm, and his thinking was simple. There are accidents everywhere in life. You will not develop according to your own ideas. Zerg, the battle scene is completely different from what he imagined.

This incident also gave Meng Yan a head-on blow, telling him not to be so arrogant, thinking that he would be out of danger in any situation. When he really met the Zerg, he realized that the situation was uncontrollable and cruel. The number of comrades around him was decreasing one by one, but He couldn't be saved, and he might not even be able to live.

Hei Xuanfeng was covered with various marks all over his body, scratched, bitten, bombed, and insects exploded. If he had not been modified by Su Qing, even Hei Xuanfeng would have been scratched by the Zerg long ago.

Explosions kept coming from behind, and Meng Hao knew that it was a comrade who had exhausted his energy and mental strength. The mecha was breached by bugs again, and the soldier activated the self-destruct mode, and he died with the Zerg.

Fighters exploded one after another death fireworks in the void, making Meng Hao's heart seem to be blocked by something, why he was so arrogant, why didn't he discover the Zerg earlier, why didn't he just landed on the planet When the time comes, use your spiritual sense to investigate.

Ever since Meng Yu was admitted to the intermediate class with Su Qing, and later admitted to Qinglan College, he knew that he was not as good as Qingqing, but in the martial arts department, he was also considered a top genius, not far behind the Tianjiao of the top ten colleges, Coupled with the life-saving skills that Qingqing taught him, he began to become blindly arrogant.

He didn't realize that war is not what he imagined, and it's not like just an adventure in the secret realm of hopelessness. War is an endless battle between two races, and it's a large-scale battlefield. Individual abilities play little role, and everyone needs to face right.

It was the first time for the young Meng Hao to face death at close range. Faced with the self-destructs of his comrades in arms one after another, it drove him crazy, and the mecha sword shattered directly.

Nine Suns Treasure Knife rushed out of the mecha cabin, and was nestled in Hei Xuanfeng's hand. Spiritual energy poured into the blade. The small Nine Suns Treasure Knife instantly became more than ten times larger, suitable for Hei Xuanfeng's use. The other hand held a large number of talismans , Open a gap, activate one by one, throw them into the Zerg swarm, no matter what type, in order to rush forward, throw them all out, and took the time to stick a diamond talisman on Hei Xuanfeng.

When intersecting with the captain's mecha, I also posted a picture on Zhao Zhiping's mecha, and the other comrades will see if there is a chance. At this time, there are still two hundred mechas on the human side still insisting.

Whenever Meng Hao had the opportunity, he would stick a Vajra Talisman on his comrades. He had a lot of Vajra Talismans in his hand. Qingqing knew that he would encounter many dangers, so he was well prepared for him.

But Su Qing never imagined that countless Zergs surrounded their lone army, and there were not enough Vajra Talismans.

Seeing Meng Hao's movements, Zhao Zhiping yelled in the channel, "Meng Hao leave us alone, you can escape by yourself if you have the ability, hurry up and obey orders."

Originally, Zhao Zhiping thought that Meng Hao was a commoner, but from the moment he fought against the worms to when Meng Hao changed his mecha, at that moment he knew that Meng Hao had an extraordinary background.

He has never seen anyone who can transform the black whirlwind to such a degree, and the mecha has its own ability to counterattack. It has five elements and an amazing defense. Didn't you see that Meng Hao is not defending?
After entering the void, the battle escalated, and the abilities of the Zerg's various arms improved. Meng Xiao's mecha sword shattered, but he immediately changed a knife. He saw that the knife had never changed into the size of a mecha sword. The saber energy was like a scorching sun, melting the bodies of those Zerg races and killing a bloody path.

Not only that, but Meng Xun was also throwing pieces of paper while attacking. I saw it in Meng Xun's arms many times and didn't care, thinking it was his little hobby.

He never expected that the small piece of paper thrown by Meng Hao would turn into a sea of ​​flames, wood vines, golden swords and other five powerful supernatural powers to attack the Zerg. If he could not be distracted between life and death, he would have been stunned for a long time. It's so unscientific.

When Meng Hao encounters Zerg attacks against Black Whirlwind, a yellow mask will light up on his body to block those attacks.
This made Zhao Zhiping cheer up and follow Meng Hao. Maybe he could protect the young boy and get out alive. As for himself, he would fight to the death, and in the end he would help Meng Hao stop the Zerg even if he blew himself up.
The sound of gunfire from the fleet behind has become scarce, and it must be due to lack of energy. In the end, everyone died with the Zerg, blowing up the entire fleet, and the chance of escaping is very slim, but Meng Hao is very hopeful.

Zhao Zhiping cheered up, and followed Meng Yu to guard him.But this kid, he didn't break out of the encirclement properly, and even came back to post a note to his comrades, but the note was really effective, and their mechs also had shields, so it was useful.
But Zhao Zhiping felt that sooner or later he would die, so don't waste good things, that's why he yelled like that on the channel.

When Meng Hao heard this, he remained silent without saying a word, gripped the Nine Sun Knife, and kept waving it at the densely packed Zerg. Whenever he felt that his mental strength was not enough, he would take a Yunshen Pill,

At this time, Meng Hao really regretted that he didn't give some to his comrades because he was afraid of revealing the good things on him. Seeing those comrades who had been together day and night blew themselves up one by one, he felt his heart trembling, his blood was about to boil, and suddenly After taking two Qi Gathering Pills, his body was filled with explosive energy, and he rushed towards those ugly Zerg like he was full of blood.

From encountering the Zerg to rushing into the void, the whole process took less than 30 minutes. There are tens of thousands of humans, how many people are left now, Meng Hao dare not calculate,

Some battleships run out of energy and cannot keep up with the flagship, and are surrounded by countless Zergs in the void. You can imagine the tragedy inside the battleship. Finally, when there are enough Zergs around, the commander of the battleship will start the self-destruction process and burn in the void. Set off a huge firework.

Meng Hao's heart has never been like this before, it seems to be twisted into a ball, hating his own powerlessness, why is he no longer stronger, why is he so arrogant that he thinks that he is fine in the face of any situation, and Qingqing prepared for him for nothing. good stuff.

He heard the captain's words, but he didn't want to give up. There were fewer and fewer comrades in arms behind him. None of them had Yunshendan. The medicine issued by the army was not effective. They must be exhausted. , you can imagine how difficult it is.

Fortunately, everyone is a veteran for many years, so they endured the pain and continued to keep up. Once the energy of the mecha is exhausted, it can only explode itself, which is better than being bitten to death by bugs, and it can also kill a large number of bugs.

(End of this chapter)

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