Chapter 592

Meng Hao said sullenly: "Well, Captain, I'm fine. In fact, this is the first time you have fought against the Zerg, so you are also very scared!"

Zhao Zhiping stubbornly wanted to say that he was fine at all, but his mind was filled with all kinds of dire scenes, all kinds of vicious bugs, and all kinds of injuries that made him ache all over. How could he be fine?Unable to speak, can only remain silent.

After that, everyone was silent, but they flew quickly in the void. They never encountered a human being who escaped, maybe there were others in other directions.

An hour later, they came face to face with a convoy carrying supplies to the front.

After the two parties met and contacted each other, they reported their numbers to check and confirm their identities. Those who escaped from death all entered the transport ship.

Although the military department knew at the first time that several land reclamation fleets were attacked by the Zerg, they did not announce it. Because of the interruption of the information, they did not know the specific situation.
The nearest fleet took three days in the past, and at the same time, many spaceships and warships to and from that star field were all disconnected. Only the star field three days away was still normal. The military department urgently issued an order to ban all human spaceships and warships. Which star field to drive to, and at the same time ask the army ahead, how the Zerg broke through their blockade.

When the military command was issued, Meng Hao and the others were desperately fighting to break through the siege. The Zerg entered the empire, and millions of soldiers and civilians were besieged. Only the military and government officials knew about it, and soon the major air routes were blocked by the army.

The folks don't know about it yet, even the military doesn't know the specific news, but some warships and spaceships that accidentally failed to intercept rescued some escaped humans.

I just heard that the Zerg had invaded the Wild Starfield. Many people knew that the matter was of great importance, and they didn't dare to spread the word. They just evacuated to a safe area.

For a moment, the upper echelons of the empire panicked. The empire was surrounded by heavy troops, and the Zerg army actually broke through to the territory. Whether they would be in danger or not, all the major families were mobilizing their forces and making arrangements in advance.

After Meng Hao and the others boarded the transport ship of the military department, Kong Wei and the captain of the battleship they rescued went to meet the captain of the transport fleet. The soldiers like Meng Hao naturally found a place to rest and heal their injuries. The battleship that needed repair was dragged aboard by the transport ship. Yes, the maintenance robots of the fleet began to help with simple repairs.

Meng Yan closed his eyes and leaned against the cold bulkhead of the battleship, and asked in a low voice: "Captain, what should we do in the future? The fleet is gone, and the captain has taken most of the Zerg away. I don't think there is much chance of survival. If it weren't for the Zerg If we give up hunting us down, it’s hard to say whether we can survive.”

Zhao Zhiping said in a heavy voice: "I hope they will be lucky enough to meet the rescue army. Our fleet is gone, and we may be assigned to other legions. We are merged into the wasteland reclamation fleet of another star field."

Meng Hao said bitterly: "Captain, I want to kill the Zerg. I don't want to enter the wasteland reclamation fleet anymore. I want to avenge my comrades."

Zhao Zhiping shouted disdainfully: "How old are you, little boy, how can you take revenge? We are the ones to take revenge! You should apply to go to the planetary guards in the rear and practice for a few years! Study hard, and don't treat anyone like that!" Put all your heart into it, don't look at when you are surrounded by bugs, everyone will fight in blood, and you may not know what will happen after you survive, human nature is weird and complex, and those things on you are too eye-catching."

Zhao Zhiping's voice was so low that only Meng Hao could hear it. The five senses of a supernatural master were not as strong as those of a monk, and many soldiers were leaning against the bulkhead in a daze.

Meng Hao shook his head, "Captain, I understand what you mean. My sister has said since she was a child that she should keep a low profile and make a fortune silently if she has good things, but how can I ignore it in the face of life and death? Can I not use life-saving pills and powerful charms to save people?
I can't do it, I know that the elixir refined by Qingqing is very valuable, and the things I use today are worth hundreds of millions of interstellar coins, but I don't regret it. "

Meng Hao just sighed in his heart and owed more debts, especially the kind of magic talisman Qingqing gave, I don't know where it came from, it must be very precious.

Zhao Zhiping rolled his eyes at him, and it was hard to say, even if he faced that situation, he would make the same choice.

But this child has never experienced the darkness of human nature. He doesn't know that human beings will unite to resist only when facing the enemy of life and death.

The methods Meng Hao used will definitely be remembered by those who are interested. When they report it, it is hard to say whether Meng Hao can keep the good things in his hands, and where did he get his powerful mecha and sword?Possibly snatched up by big shots.

If Meng Hao was born in a family, it would not be a problem to have any good things. The key is that he is a poor boy, and his family is poor, so it would be strange if he could keep his mech and sword?
He wanted to avenge the dead as soon as he was hot-blooded and hot-headed, which was not important at all in the eyes of high-level officials.

Millions of soldiers and civilians died in this catastrophe, but the empire has a huge population. They will only be a little bit sad about the loss of a few fleets. The uppermost regret may be that there will be no good things in the wild star field in the future.

They will be more interested in Meng Hao's methods, mechas and swords. They want to grab all the good things. As for the Zerg invasion, of course it will cause panic among the high-level, but it didn't hit the central galaxy?Then don't be afraid, at most send more troops.

The big families always have to consider their own interests first. Meng Yan, a small soldier, clamored for revenge, no one took it seriously.

Shouting out to kill insects, Meng Hao will really be assigned to the front line as cannon fodder. When he dies, the good things will not belong to others. This silly boy, those inspirational propagandas are still serious.

The hearts of those aristocrats are dark. They don't care about killing a few people, but they care about the public's reaction, and they are even more worried about what to do if the Zerg really can't stop them?There will definitely be some superficial measures to appease the people.

Even if there is no Zerg, everyone still fights fiercely!Soldiers are just tools in the hands of those people, fighting machines.

Zhao Zhiping didn't know much about politics, but he had been in the army for a long time and knew some things. In the empire, the army was divided into factions. If it weren't for the invasion of Zerg, it would be no wonder that several major legions could live in peace.

Zhao Zhiping thought again, after all, Meng Hao is strong in martial arts, he is a good young man, and he might be favored by that big man. With his ability, it should not be difficult to get ahead, but it is hard to say whether he will survive in the frontline army.

Kong Wei came back half an hour later with an ugly face.

Zhao Zhiping opened his eyes, got up and asked, "Commander, how about it, can we borrow a warship to go back to the base?"

Kong Wei said in a deep voice: "The other party announced the order of the military headquarters. We and Li Jin's fleet, all of us will follow the transport fleet and report to the frontline military headquarters together. Let me explain in detail the process of being encircled and wiped out by the Zerg. What will happen in the future? It depends on the order of the military department."

Zhao Zhiping: "Regimental Commander, is this going to put us under house arrest and prevent the news from leaking out? That's impossible. There were also other warships that came out at the time, so some of them must be able to escape. The news will spread sooner or later."

Kong Wei said expressionlessly: "We are soldiers and can only obey orders. Compared with those who died, we are very lucky to be alive."

Zhao Zhiping stopped talking, and Kong Wei sat next to Meng Yu. The transport ships are all warehouses, and there are very few chairs to sit on, let alone beds. They can only sit in the warehouse, and they are all soldiers. Yes, what conditions have not been experienced, as long as there is a shelter.

(End of this chapter)

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