Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 600 Finally got in touch

Chapter 600 Finally got in touch
Kong Wei took the elixir and said, "Meng Hao, I will ask everyone to transfer some interstellar coins to you, and transfer them to your sister during the 10 minutes when you can connect to the communication network, so that she can buy spirit plant refining medicines, and also use them to buy medicines." Also, each of us still has some good things in our hands, and we will send them back to your sister, so we can’t let her suffer.”

Meng Yu nodded, and declined politely, because the pills he took out were of higher value, if not for the fact that everyone had experienced life and death together, they would all be comrades-in-arms, Meng Hao really couldn't bear it,
Of course he knew that the pills were of high value. The cheap pills that Qingqing had sold over the years could cover their school expenses, buy him a mecha, and Fuchunxing’s farm, plus For the pocket money he gave himself every month, he would spend tens of millions of interstellar coins every year. One can imagine how high the price of the pill is.

He didn't dare to think about how much Yunshen Pill could sell for, but in the army, he couldn't live without support, he had to breathe with his comrades in adversity, share blessings and share hardships, and only form a bond with everyone. Cohesion, on the battlefield, will be twisted into a rope, everyone can risk their lives to fight, just a few pills, Qingqing will understand.

After several people had a meeting, Kong Wei went out and told the news about being able to communicate with his family, which drew cheers from everyone.
He told everyone about Meng Yan's provision of the elixir, and demanded that it be kept secret, and he took out all the things and money to Meng Hao, and was receiving the elixir.

Everyone nodded, even if they were allowed to take it for nothing, no one was as thick-skinned as it was when they escaped.

Kong Wei confirmed the communication time, and the flagship gave them permission in this area. Meng Hao took out the communicator in the storage and quickly contacted Su Qing.

As soon as the video was connected, Meng Hao grinned, "Qingqing, I made you worry."

Su Qing showed a joyful smile, "I knew you were fine, I prepared so much for you, you can't rush out, you are too useless, just a bunch of bugs."

Meng Yu nodded, "Well, the fighting power of those bugs is not strong, but there are a lot of them, and it is easy to get trapped in the sea of ​​bugs and I can't get out. There are too many people and I can't use many methods,"

Su Qing glared, "It's the moment of life and death, what are you still worried about, use whatever you have, next time you encounter that kind of situation, use it casually, if the spiritual power is exhausted, release the protective array, go in and rest first, then Continue to kill, to ensure that you can break through by yourself."

Knowing that Su Qing didn't understand the situation in the army, Meng Hao hurriedly said, "Ahem, that Qingqing, I'll give some of the pills you gave me to my comrades. They are those pills that you told not to take out for others to see." .”

As early as before Meng Hao graduated, she classified all the pills refined by Su Qing into grades, and told Meng Hao that the low-level pills could be given to outsiders, and he could give them away if he wanted, and the middle-level ones could be given to close friends. For friends and close comrades in arms, the most advanced ones, such as Forging Body Pill, Yunshen Pill, and Great Returning Pill, will be kept secret, because the empire does not have these pills at all.

Qingqing's reaction was beyond Meng Hao's expectation, "Just give it. I'm running out of pills. I'll send you some more. What's the address? Which fleet do you belong to now?"

Meng Hao showed surprise, "Hey! How do you know that I have changed to a new fleet?"

Su Qing froze, and immediately said: "Isn't that obvious? Your original fleet is gone, and you must be merged into other legions!"

Meng Yu nodded, and couldn't help showing a smile on his face, "Qingqing, I was lucky this time, and I did it exactly as I wanted. We broke out that day, and met the transport fleet going to the front line halfway, and were taken away by them. I left, unexpectedly, we were assigned to the first army of the empire's ace force, and I was finally able to fight the Zerg head-on."

Su Qing sighed in his heart, silly boy, if you didn't run around behind me, it would be no wonder that you could enter the First Army. I don't even think about the level of soldiers in the First Army. Your land reclamation fleet is far behind.

"Meng Hao, although the First Army is strong, it also represents danger. You are usually exploring in the mountains. You have never experienced large-scale battlefields, and you don't have any experience. You won't be used as cannon fodder, right?"

Not to mention that Su Qing was really worried, even if Yang Yu promised to take care of Meng Hao, but Yang Yu was not in the army, what would he do if the commander in the army was yin and yang?After all, Meng Hao and the others are going through the back door, and they will definitely be squeezed out by the original fighters.

Meng Hao said proudly: "It doesn't matter, with me here, everyone will be alive. Even if those veterans despise us, I will show them that we who can escape the Zerg blockade cannot be underestimated."

"Okay, I can't help you with things on the battlefield. You just have to be careful. I'll add some pills and talismans to you. I'll refine all the elixir you sent back and send them to you. I refine some of the materials from the strange beasts into weapons, and send you the useful ones. If you don’t need them, share them with everyone. It’s better than the quality of the equipment the army sends you. I also specially refine some suitable for mechas. The weapon you use, you can try to see how it works.”

"Okay, I know, if you say it this way, if I have time, I also want to use the materials of the Zerg to refine something, maybe the effect will be better, those Zerg's defense is very strong, and my Nine Suns Knife will use [-]% of the power , to split their carapaces."

Su Qing said: "That is suitable for refining into body armor. Send me a set when the time comes and I will try it."

Meng Hao nodded, and the two began to chat about business quickly, exchanging experiences during this period of time, but Meng Hao would not say much about the secrets in the military, there is a confidentiality system.

Ten minutes passed, and before Meng Yan could finish his sentence, the signal was cut off. Everyone in the room howled and cursed, but they didn't dare to say more.

The management regulations of the First Army are very strict. It is not like the original land reclamation fleet. It is said to be a military fleet. In fact, it is similar to a large mercenary regiment. There are not so many rules. The First Army is not good, and all departments are complete. It really violates the military law. , the inspector will definitely take you away.

Because I just joined the First Army, everyone is not familiar with it, so I can only watch the video of the First Army's battle in the dormitory, study and analyze how they will cooperate in the future, they can't win the first battle, but they have to show their demeanor, and they can't let those veterans take it lightly.

Meng Hao is from a serious professional class. He has taken conducting courses in school, and he can't take his eyes off him. If there is anything he doesn't understand, he can directly ask Kong Wei,

Although this regiment leader from Yeluzi had never been to an academy, he was a low-level general directly trained by the army. His command was formed through countless experiences, and he was very useful to Meng Hao.

Kong Wei and the two previous captains both knew that Meng Hao's combat effectiveness was high. In the future, their team should have Meng Hao as the core, so that dozens of them could gain a foothold in the First Army, and even make outstanding achievements repeatedly. Promotion is not a fantasy.

Three days later, the first army was dispatched to fight the Zerg on the battlefield. Meng Hao and his comrades organized their equipment together, boarded the battleship, and rushed to the battlefield.
As soon as they approached the battlefield, they hadn't seen it yet. Just listening to the sound shocked them. If they don't show their true skills on the battlefield this time, they will always be looked down upon. Who do you admire? If you find out that the newcomers are all softies, then it's over, and everyone can only shrink their necks and walk in the future.

The first army began to line up, ready to go into battle, and replaced the Fifth Army of the Empire that was fighting. Battleships, transport ships, aircraft, and annihilation fighters lined up neatly. Silver Wing Thor,
(End of this chapter)

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