Jia Youcai was so frightened by Bai Qian's methods that his whole body turned cold, and he almost collapsed there, how could he give an order in time.

Fortunately, the person who piloted the spaceship for him is very good. When it comes to life and death, no matter what the boss or employer is, he has to survive, and he will follow the opportunity without ordering it.

When Bai Qian left the spaceship, she conveniently wiped out the Zerg at the cabin door. Since she destroyed the separation door and let the Zerg run in,
When leaving, he helped to close the hatch, raised his sword and dropped the sword, killing all the Zerg stuck on the hatch, and then swayed a demonic wind to clean up all the Zerg corpses, and the spaceship hatch began to close automatically without any obstacles.

As a monster race, Bai Qian has no human morality. She just thinks that the inner door was destroyed by her and the Zerg race entered. It is fine if I close the outer door for you.

The demon race is so simple-minded. After cleaning up those insect races, Bai Qian quickly rushed into the battle formation of the insect race, with a sword in one hand and sharp claws in the other, and began to break through.

Seeing this, the surviving spaceships had the opportunity to run away, who would still just stand still and follow up immediately.

Bai Qian didn't care about them following behind, anyway, the Violet was more powerful than their spaceships, her flying speed was faster, and when she entered the battleship and left here quickly, those spaceships couldn't catch up.

Zhu Shunming has been closely monitoring the movement of the Zerg, every minute feels so long,
Even though it had only been ten minutes, he was still fidgeting and staring at the light screen. Finally, there was movement from the Zerg, and he immediately ordered,
"Everyone is in a fighting state. Success or failure is the key to one action. Go up to me, fight, and get Bai Qian back."

Even Zhu Xiuyun seemed to start to operate, and the whole team went into battle, starting their first official battle.

There are not many people on the battleship. If you want to exert the full combat power of this battleship, without the cooperation of forty or fifty people, you can't let the battleship reach the level of being able to control your fingers.

Ye Lan Yehao, who was in charge of calibrating and firing the cannon, felt his heart beating wildly. He could finally fire the cannon. Because there were several gun ports on the battleship, Ye Lan and Ye Hao could only control part of it. Originally, Bai Qian controlled the part, and Zhu Shunming part-time controlled the main gun. At that time, there was a serious shortage of manpower, and the firepower must be affected.

Four external drivers are responsible for driving the warship.

If Su Qing's salary was not high enough, they would have quit long ago. Right now, Zhu Shunming can still suppress everyone. Once something goes wrong, the whole team will immediately fall apart.

Of course they didn't know that Huo Miao, Jiaojiao and Daniu were also masters, so they thought they were house pets and didn't count them at all.

The warship arrived within seconds, and Zhu Shunming gave an order, and the artillery fire roared into the Zerg battle formation, and immediately wiped out all the Zerg to relieve Bai Qian's pressure of breaking through.

Bai Qian didn't feel the pressure at all at this moment. She swung the long sword in her hand and exercised enough demonic power. The Zerg who surrounded them couldn't bear it.

The Zerg General saw that this was not going to work. He wanted to train soldiers, but all the returned soldiers were trained, so why should he explain to the King Zerg that a large number of soldiers are needed on the battlefield ahead? If the big event of the king worm is involved, it will also be shot to death by the king worm.

It quickly ordered to shrink the line of defense and give up the direction of Bai Qian's breakthrough. Don't waste its troops on a monster clan. The insect soldiers are not at the same level as hers, and only the king insect can deal with her.

Bai Qian clicked, and found that the surrounding Zergs suddenly disappeared, and the surrounding star field was clean. She scanned it strangely, and found it really strange that the Zergs retreated.

Seeing this, Bai Qian didn't think much about it, and speeded up towards the Violet. Those spaceships wanted to rush out after her, but it was so powerful that the woman made the Zerg retreat by herself.

It's a pity that the worm general already regarded them as meat in his mouth. He let Bai Qian go because he couldn't offend the monster race. He didn't intend to let those humans go. He originally released a transport worm larva to play with the humans.

I didn't expect to meet a monster race, the bug general didn't dare to waste time, and ordered a transport bug to release all the larvae, and began to besiege those spaceships, not afraid of death at all, they don't waste the Zerg race when they die, they just feed the larvae of food.

This time, the human spaceships were miserable. They originally followed Bai Qian and wanted to take advantage of it. Unexpectedly, the Zerg let Bai Qian go and surrounded them again, and increased their troops.

Things have come to this point and we can only fight with our backs. The commander of the spaceship decided to forcefully break through, and the gunfire poured out desperately, hoping to open a gap. .

At this time, the configuration of the spaceship is good or bad. Jia Youcai is really rich. The spaceship he customized is definitely considered the top technology of the empire. The outer walls of other spaceships were breached by the Zerg, and the Zerg broke in. Only Jia Youcai The shell of the spaceship is intact, and there is still surplus energy to form a light protective shield, which can slightly intercept the attack of the Zerg.

Jia Youcai's spaceship went through a round of free artillery fire, and it was not far from Bai Qian when it saw the opportunity. It actually broke through the siege. The people on the ship cheered, they survived.

Originally, many Zergs entered the spaceship, but they were all wiped out under the siege of the supernatural masters and mercenaries.

Only then did they realize that the Zergs were not that scary. As long as they dared to attack, the Zergs could be killed. How could those mech masters escape in a panic and let the Zergs follow them? What a waste.

The mercenaries were originally at odds with the mecha masters, and they envied and hated the mecha masters in their hearts. Who would not want to become a mecha master? That is the high-end combat power of the empire, the main force in Star Wars, and the combat effectiveness of warships and spaceships without mecha masters is reduced by half.

All mecha masters are proud, they have always looked down on those mercenaries, they did not expect to really fight with the Zerg, not only did the mecha masters fail to display their due combat effectiveness, they were defeated so quickly, when they were retreating, no one stopped the Zerg. Also brought into the spaceship.

Didn't they rely on their mercenaries to clean up the Zerg, why are they so arrogant?
When Jia Youcai saw that the spaceship had finally broken out of the Zerg siege, he immediately shouted, "Navigator, find a safe route and set off to the central galaxy at full speed. When we arrive at the central galaxy, I will pay everyone three times their salary."

Many mercenary bodyguards cheered happily, and even the driver smiled. It is not bad that he escaped death and made a small fortune. The bodyguards of other people showed envy.

Commanding the Violet, Zhu Shunming fired a round of artillery fire, and found that the Zerg retreated in a flash, leaving a starry sky, and Bai Qian's graceful figure appeared on the light screen, flying towards the battleship like lightning.

Zhu Shunming was a bit at a loss. Is their cannon fire very powerful? Why did they retreat after fighting the Zerg for a round?

Ye Lan Ye Hao and the young men didn't think too much about it. They thought that their artillery fire was powerful and their targets were accurate, and the Zerg were scared, so they ran away.

However, Zhu Shunming hit a few ignorant children, "Stop cheering, it has nothing to do with us, even the large armies of the empire can't defeat the Zerg, and we scare the Zerg away with a single battleship, do you think it is possible? There must be a reason for this of."

A basin of cold water poured some people into a clearer mind. What Mr. Zhu said was right, so don't be careless.

Soon Bai Qian arrived at the hatch of the battleship, and Zhu Shunming opened the hatch to let her in.

Everyone greeted Bessie's return warmly like a hero.
But Zhu Shunming said calmly: "Sit down, leave here immediately, return to the original position, wait for Su Qing there, and be careful not to be discovered by the Zerg along the way."

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