Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 806 Dusty Memories

Chapter 806 Dusty Memories

It's unlucky for the newly born little king worms of the Zerg race. If they honestly hunted humans and alien beasts on the planet and advanced as soon as possible, they would not be slaughtered by Su Qing.

After Su Qing saw the attack methods of a few little king worms, he made up his mind to wipe out all these zergs. Even if the big king worms ran away, they couldn't let the little ones escape and grow up.

So Su Qing went straight to the ruthless hand. Although the trick was useless, it was more than enough to kill a few little king worms who were only more than a year old. One sword down is one piece, and most of the insect soldiers were stopped by Su Qing's wild magic talisman, even if they didn't die, they were seriously injured.

At this time, there were only three little king worms left, but Bai Qian couldn't stand it anymore.

The king worm fought desperately, showing the true strength of the king worm. Bai Qian was accidentally hit twice, and several wounds appeared on her body, but she still rushed forward fiercely, biting the four king worms, stopping them and trying to rescue them intention of.

It was impossible for Su Qing to ignore Bai Qian's serious injury. Her body shape changed, her wrist turned and the sword glowed coldly. With one move, the sword energy turned into countless flower petals and rushed towards the battle group like a torrent.

When Bai Qian saw Su Qing helping her, she let go of the two king worms, and it was no problem to fight the two king worms with Su Qing's cultivation.

Su Qing's sword was unstoppable, flying all obstacles, and rushed directly to the two king worms. They arrived in an instant, and there was no chance to dodge.

The Huayu swordsmanship looks beautiful and romantic, but its lethality is astonishing. There is a king worm who is very smart. Seeing that he can't dodge the attack, he just hugs his partner and hides in the opponent's abdomen. Let the opponent resist with his body. Whoever makes the opponent have the strongest defense? Strong Beetle too!
After so many tricks, the other three king worms were somewhat injured, but the beetle was fine, so it didn't protect the partner.

The Beetles didn't refuse, and now they can't do anything anymore. Half of the small ones died, and the flying insects also died. If the king insect died, it would have a huge impact on the entire Zerg race.
The top-level strength of the Zerg will drop a lot. It is not so easy to cultivate a small king worm, which requires a large amount of high-level food.

The fierce sword light struck the beetle with a sweeping gesture, and with a click, its shiny carapace began to crack, and cracks appeared one after another.

The beetle kept rolling in the void in pain. It turned out that this human woman was more vicious, stronger than any human they had encountered before. It was surprising that there were such super masters among human beings.

With Su Qing's Jindan stage skill, at most he could injure the king worm, and it is impossible to kill him with a single blow.

Su Qing seriously injured the beetle with a sword. She knew that it was impossible for her to kill a king worm with one move. She flew over quickly and continued to attack fiercely with her sword. She got in the way, anyway, she has plenty of talismans.

Su Qing's fighting skills are top-notch. They were cultivated by Luo Zilan since she was a child, and she has also experienced the experience of the hopeless secret realm. No savage creature like Zerg can compare.

Each of Su Qing's moves was extremely subtle, sending out the most powerful attack power, blasting at the king worm.

But after all, King Chong's defense and recovery ability are stronger than Su Qing's. Su Qing's disadvantage is that his cultivation base is low, and he has only reached the golden core stage, which is one level lower than King Chong.

Su Qing fought against two king worms alone, and the two sides were temporarily tied, and no one could do anything to the other.

The three little king worms were protected by many worm soldiers, and watched the fierce battle between the two sides tremblingly. It turned out that their special ability was not invincible, which made their arrogant mentality collapse immediately, and they returned to the previous stage. The powerlessness and weakness when she came out of the shell left Su Qing with deep fear.

This human woman killed several other little king worms like crushing a mosquito, it was simply terrible.

Su Qing wouldn't let them watch comfortably, she sprinkled thousands of charms like a goddess, and continued to set off fireworks.

Under the attack of the magic talisman, the ordinary insect soldiers gradually decreased, leaving only high-level zerg. They did not interfere with the fighting of the king worm, but firmly protected the little king worm, and blocked the energy attack of the spirit talisman with their bodies. Even if the body is smashed to pieces, the little king worm won't be hurt at all.

Su Qing and Bai Qian's target was originally the little king worm, and they couldn't all be wiped out for a long time. Su Qing's aura consumption was very high. Fighting in the void, he couldn't replenish the aura at any time. It all depended on his own dantian storage. It's best to fight quickly. Going down would be very detrimental to the two of them.

Not only Su Qing and Bai Qian were anxious, but the four king worms were even more anxious. The demon girl and the human woman were so powerful that they, who had always been arrogant, wanted to retreat.

In the past few years, it has never been so miserable to fight against the human army. If the human beings had such fighting power, the Zerg would have been unable to survive.

Although losing face to a monster and a person, the Zergs don't have that much emotion, they are just angry. It doesn't matter to wait to go back and bring tens of millions of troops to besiege them. The four kings want to retreat, especially when they are all wounded. If you continue, you may be beheaded by the witch.

In the past few years, they have always had the upper hand in the war between the Zerg and humans. If the monster race hadn't appeared, they would not have fled in embarrassment.

Originally, this time it was supposed to regain its momentum and conquer the human territory in one fell swoop, but unexpectedly, it encountered a hard stubble not long after the start.

That monster was just too powerful, but the human woman who suddenly appeared was even more powerful, one person beat them both into a mess, what's the point of beating them, let's retreat!
It has been less than 10 minutes since Su Qing and the other two made their move, but their spiritual power was consumed enormously, and they used all their strength every time they made a move. If the two of them hadn't been supported by pills, they would have been unable to hold on for a long time. They were fighting in the void , but also to spread aura under the feet at any time to stabilize the figure, otherwise it will always be floating in the void.

Su Qing sent a voice transmission to Bai Qian, "Come by my side, I will launch a formation to make a big move, kill as many as possible, and use the magic talisman to smash the rest to death."

Bai Qian knew that Su Qing's spiritual energy was going to be exhausted, so she planned to launch the sword array for the final blow. It was estimated that some big king worms would escape, and it was best to keep the small ones.

Bai Qian let out a roar, and fiercely launched several moves in a row, repelling the two Zerg, then flew back and quickly left the battle circle.

At the same time, Su Qing raised his hand, threw out a few thunderbolts, and a huge energy exploded, which was no less than the battleship's main gun.

Su Qing calculated the direction, and they were all blocked. The huge energy made the two king worms scarred and torn, and they kept dripping blood. If their bodies were not really strong, they would have been blown to pieces long ago.

Su Qing and Bai Qian will be together soon. Bai Qian turned into a human form with many wounds on her body. Only then did she have a chance to take out the healing medicine.

The four king worms also gathered together, neighing at each other.

Looking at the insect soldiers who were fighting against Su Qing's magic talisman not far away from them, a cold air rose in my heart and I was extremely frightened.

This method brought back their dusty memories. During their long lives, they plundered all kinds of energy for a living, and followed the mother worms to travel from world to world. Among them was a world where people used this method of attack. , very powerful, causing them to panic and suffer heavy losses.

But the body of the people there is a great tonic for them. Thinking of the wonderful taste back then, the four king worms looked at Su Qing and salivated.

It's a pity that the mother worm brought them and was eventually driven out of that universe. Those people were too powerful, they could arouse Tianwei with every gesture, and almost killed the mother worm, so they had to escape.

I didn't expect to see the attack method that terrified them now, and it reminded them of the past, so why don't you fight and withdraw quickly!
(End of this chapter)

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