Chapter 810
Bai Qian's heart skipped a beat, she did it, something really happened, she blamed no one on the video.

She asked anxiously: "Su Mingjuan, what happened to the battleship, how are the others? Are they all safe?"

Su Mingjuan looked away, and murmured: "I didn't do it on purpose, I was just afraid, why did everyone blame me, ahhhhh! Zerg is going to eat people."

Su Mingjuan yelled something indiscriminately. It seemed that she was being stimulated and talking nonsense. In fact, she was quite clear-headed, but she couldn't accept the accusations from everyone, so she hid. Otherwise, how could she connect to Bai Qian's video.

Bai Qian asked for a long time, but Su Mingjuan didn't answer directly. Bai Qian was so anxious that she tried to get her to go out to see how everyone was doing.

But Su Mingjuan screamed, "I won't go, I can't open the door, there are monsters outside, there are fire-breathing cats, big tigers, and glowing cows, they are all bugs, bugs eat people, ahhh, I am not On purpose, don't kill me."

Bai Qian's heart kept sinking, and it was over, even if what Su Mingjuan said was messy, she could piece it together, the Zerg invaded the battleship, all three of the bulls attacked, Su Mingjuan didn't know what she did, and was criticized by everyone.

Regardless of whether Su Mingjuan really has mental problems, Bai Qian asked nervously,
"Su Mingjuan, how is Grandma Zhu? Is she okay?"

"Hehe, my mom is good or bad, she just knows how to hit me, she doesn't hurt me at all, don't, mom, I'm so scared!!"

The expression on Su Mingjuan's face was flustered, and what she said was confusing. Bai Qian asked more, just those few sentences.

In the end, Su Mingjuan didn't answer at all, just crouched there with her head in her arms, as if she saw the most terrifying thing in fear.

Bai Qian couldn't ask, so she could only send a message to Zhu Shunming, asking him if the Zerg invaded the battleship?How is the situation now, anyone hurt?

But she didn't know that the two parties were confronting each other on the Violet at this moment, so how could she have time to reply to her.

Zhu Shunming took Ye Lan and Ye Hao to protect the ordinary people behind him. All of them were holding the latest weapons and pointed their guns at the intruders.

The strangest thing was that there was a cow and two cats beside them. They also stared at the opposite person with fiery eyes, and would rush out to tear the other person apart as long as there was an opportunity.

Behind them, Lao Zhang's daughter-in-law was repairing Zhu Xiuyun's wound with a healing device, but because the wound was too large, the bleeding could only be stopped temporarily. She said in horror, "Mr. Zhu, the healing device won't work if you want to send someone to the medical cabin."

Seeing that Zhu Xiuyun was exhaling more air than inhaling, and her face was as golden as paper, she was so frightened that her hands trembled.

The three monsters roared even more, it's over now, grandma was injured, the master will beat them to death.

Zhu Shunming was furious, the white hair on his head stood up because of the flow of true energy, pointed the gun in his hand at the other party, and said sharply: "Jia Youcai, get out of the way, several people have already died, Xiuyun can't die, you caused a big disaster Do you know? When the owner of the battleship comes back and sees you, you don’t want to live. Hurry up and let us save people. As long as Xiuyun is fine, you still have a chance to survive.”

Zhu Shunming was really scared. Although the girl Su Qing looked gentle and indifferent on the outside, she was easy-going and polite, but in reality she was ruthless, killing people without blood. People like Jia Youcai just dealt with them, and Su Qing couldn't get away with it. One move will kill them all.

The chubby Jia Youcai laughed arrogantly, "Haha, Captain, don't talk nonsense. I, Jia Youcai, are not frightened. You hand over the control of the battleship, and I will let you go, otherwise you Just wait for the old woman to collect the body."

Jia Youcai would not let Zhu Shunming go just because of a few words. What he wanted was the control of the warship, just as the life and death of the old woman could threaten the other party.

Zhu Shunming's face was livid with anger, "Don't even think about it, kill us all if you have the ability, you will die a hundred times worse than us, the owner of the battleship will come back soon, Miss Bai Qian went to find her, what do you think Such a person, if you can be Miss Bai Qian's master, you are doomed anyway, my elder sister won't survive, you will all be buried with her, and Qing Qing will be hacked to pieces."

It's not that Zhu Shunming is reluctant to hand over the control of the battleship to save Zhu Xiuyun. The key is that he has no right to give it to Su Qing. He was only driving a battleship, and he couldn't open many confidential rooms and documents, let alone authorization, but he couldn't let Jia Youcai find out. Once Jia Youcai thought they were useless, he would definitely kill them.

Although they can resist with the help of three alien beasts, there are many mecha masters and supernatural masters on the other side, and they don't have the advantage. Once the mecha masters fight, the battleship will be finished, and the inside will be destroyed. In a situation where both sides are hurting, it is not a last resort, and neither side wants to die.

Don't look at Jia Youcai's loud mouth, but he has no idea in his heart. He looked at the three strange beasts with apprehension. They were too scary. What kind of warship is this?The people are very ordinary, but the strange beasts are super powerful, and all the Zerg were killed when they came in.

When the hatch is closed, none of the Zerg can attack it, and they can't break through the shell of the battleship. Once they attack the battleship, they will be counterattacked.

Can such a miraculous battleship keep his heart from moving?Their spaceship is running out of energy, and this battleship is just borrowed.

Without Jia Youcai's instructions, the captain and the others ruthlessly drove away the people on the Violet. They wanted to take over the battleship, but found that without authorization, their people could not operate it.

Jia Youcai and his gang stayed back when fighting the Zerg, but now they are very good at dealing with humans and taking plunder. If they hadn't been scruples, they would have killed two people a long time ago, and let them show some color. They confront each other.

Jia Youcai didn't do anything wrong, because he thought that the white girl was called the monster race by the Zerg race, and the most powerful alien beasts on the battleship, couldn't they also be monster races?Therefore, I have some scruples, otherwise I would have killed them all long ago.

The two sides confronted each other in the cockpit. Jia Youcai hadn't done anything to gain control of the battleship, but was afraid of the three mysterious monsters.

There were bloodstains everywhere in the battleship, there were people and Zergs, and the dead were all killed by Zergs, and the death was very miserable.

What is going on in this scene?
It turned out that Zhu Shunming commanded the Violet to escape from the pursuit of the Zerg, so he hid in a hidden place and waited for Su Qing and Bai Qian.

Zhu Shunming suspected Jia Youcai in his heart. After connecting with their spaceship, he questioned him about the Zerg, and directly asked him if he was a spy of the Zerg and betrayed mankind.

Of course Jia Youcai denied it, but he hinted that the target of the Zerg was Bai Qian.

It is obvious that Jia Youcai is indeed in contact with the Zerg, although I don't know how he managed to communicate with the Zerg?Regarding Jia Youcai's gesture of insisting on posting, Zhu Shunming directly refused.

Bai Qian has already gone to find Su Qing, they just need to wait for a day.

The Violet has powerful defense capabilities and weapons and equipment. As a precaution, each of them carries a lot of weapons in their storage. As long as no outsiders are allowed in, the Violet is safe.

Su Mingjuan heard everyone discussing that Jia Youcai must be a spy, and he brought the Zerg, otherwise, what a coincidence, as soon as he confirmed the location of the Violet, the Zerg began to attack the meteorite group, and it was clearly Jia Youcai's message to the Zerg .

This statement made Su Mingjuan very dissatisfied, and the expression on her face showed displeasure, but she was smart enough not to say it.

(End of this chapter)

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