Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 813 Expose Information

Chapter 813 Expose Information
When Jia Youcai saw that only Su Mingjuan was on the opposite side, he immediately said kindly, "Sister Su, you're here too. How about it, let's have a safe journey!"

Su Mingjuan nodded with a smile, "Hello, Mr. Jia, we traveled very well, and we didn't encounter a single Zerg. Now we are parked in one place, waiting for my daughter to come back."

Jia Youcai's eyes flickered, and he asked curiously, "Sister Su, so you still have a daughter!"

Su Mingjuan grinned and said: "Yes, my daughter is amazing. She was admitted to Tsinglan College, and now she has graduated. She bought a farm by herself, cultivated spiritual plants, and made a lot of money. This battleship belongs to my family. "

Su Mingjuan didn't know how much a battleship cost. She just thought that the battleship was not as big as Jia Youcai's spaceship, so it must be much cheaper.

But he didn't know that Jia Youcai on the other side was shocked. Fortunately, he knew the news. Otherwise, he would launch an attack rashly, and he might offend some important person. After all, it is not ordinary people who can own warships.

So she deliberately induced Su Mingjuan to talk more about her daughter. Su Mingjuan also listened to what Zhu Xiuyun said, and she didn't have the consciousness of concealing it.

After hearing this, Jia Youcai felt relieved. Sister Su's daughter is a low-level supernatural master. She came from a grassroots background without any background. As for the battleship, maybe what happened!
Su Mingjuan's brain is not good, she doesn't know anything, she may have taken other people's jokes as real.

Jia Youcai paid great attention to details. Although he felt that his analysis was correct, Su Mingjuan's daughter was not a big shot. Even if she graduated from a prestigious school, without being recruited by a big family, it meant that her grades were mediocre, so he was relieved.

But you can't be unscrupulous, in case someone is a dark horse!Be careful with the Violet,
The big deal is like what the captain said, don't hurt people, just leave their lives to fend for themselves.

Jia Youcai would say that he kept complimenting Su Mingjuan, making Su Mingjuan so beautiful that his heart was full of joy. For the first time, he felt that his face was radiant, especially the compliment from the former owner.

With a few words, Jia Youcai made Su Mingjuan so exaggerated that he couldn't find her, and he said a lot of important information about the Violet in a daze.

One of the two pilots didn't stop her, she leaked the most important information, casually said that the battleship had less than 30 people, and there was a large amount of combat readiness energy, and it was too late for the two pilots to stop it.

Jia Youcai's eyes were really bright, and when he was really sleepy, someone would hand him a pillow. The Violet actually had a lot of energy, and most of the people were ordinary people. There were two young supernatural masters, which was really great.

He felt that his luck was coming, and this good luck was on the Violet. Otherwise, the Violet would be occupied. After all, the various equipment of the battleship is much better than his spaceship, and when he meets the Zerg, the chance of survival will increase a lot. .

He saw with his own eyes that the king worm would never be able to catch up with the astonishing speed of the Violet.

"Su Mingjuan, what nonsense are you talking about?"

A roar interrupted Su Mingjuan's endless show off.

Su Mingjuan doesn't know what to say, what is a secret, she revealed the things in the battleship as capital for showing off, which is equivalent to exposing the real information on the battleship, if Jia Youcai had bad intentions, she would definitely not let them go .

As soon as Zhu Shunming came in, he heard Su Mingjuan yelling in vain, and suddenly became angry, so he yelled,
He doesn't know if the eldest sister is mentally ill or not, but it's true that she is stupid enough. She doesn't even know how high or low her eyebrows are, who she kisses or how far she is. This is going to lead everyone to a dead end!
Su Mingjuan looked back and saw Zhu Shunming with an ugly face, she panicked, it was over, old man Zhu came, she smiled shyly: "Old Zhu, you are here, I just chatted with Mr Jia, nothing else, what happened to you?" Angry?"

Zhu Shunming ignored her, motioned for others to take Su Mingjuan away, and gave the two people on duty a hard look.

Zhu Shunming looked at Guangping and said displeasedly, "Jia Youcai, what are you trying to do with your endless connection with us?"

Jia Youcai smiled all over his face, "Captain, don't be angry. I have business to do this time. We are so familiar with each other. Why did you droop your face when we first met? I risked my life to remind you that being a brother is enough." Are you righteous?"

Zhu Shunming sneered and said, "What crooked idea are you having? You know it yourself. Don't take advantage of Su Mingjuan. She doesn't know many things. Don't provoke us again and again. The Violet is not as easy as you think. It is up to you to provoke us." If you can’t bear the consequences, it will be too late to regret.”

Jia Youcai said arrogantly: "Captain, look at what you said, who do you think I am? gone."

Zhu Shunming didn't even think about it, and directly refused: "I'm sorry, we don't have much energy, and the battle between the army and the Zerg is still unclear. We still have to maintain our combat effectiveness to ensure our own safety, and we don't have the ability to support you."

Jia Youcai pretended to be anxious and said: "Don't, brother, why did you refuse it so quickly? Is there too much? You can borrow less. For the sake of providing you with information, brother, get me some. I can make high-level purchases, so you won’t suffer.”

Zhu Shunming hates thick-skinned people like Jia Youcai the most. He has just framed them, and he still has the face to borrow energy from him.

"Jia Youcai, I have lived for more than a hundred years. This is the first time I have met a brazen person like you. How many things do you do yourself? You still have the face to ask for favors from me. Without you, the Zerg would not We can’t be found. It’s useless for you to deny it, everyone knows what’s obvious, and I’ll tell you today if you want energy from us.”

Jia Youcai was not angry, and continued: "Brother, don't be like this? You can't just ignore death, there are thousands of people on the brother's spaceship! Without energy, the spaceship will collapse."

Zhu Shunming: "Hehe, Jia Youcai, you kidnapped me with human life and morality. You are really shameless. People who can cruelly feed thousands of people to worms have the face to speak up. Don't do this with me."

Jia Youcai saw that Zhu Shunming refused to accept his toughness, his eyes turned cold, and he immediately changed his expression, and said contemptuously: "Captain Zhu, you can make the decision on the battleship, and you don't care about the business and money of the Violet. You are stretching your hands too far, right?" ? The owner of the battleship is not you."

Zhu Shunming's face was indifferent, and he ignored him at all. Jia Youcai had no humanity at all.

These words were actually addressed to Su Mingjuan. Jia Youcai felt that if he was so excited, that idiot, Sister Su would definitely stand up to defend him. Since she said that the battleship belonged to the Su family, she couldn't help it.

Sure enough, Su Mingjuan didn't want to anymore, she finally couldn't help venting her frustration during this time,

"Old Zhu, there is energy in the warehouse, why don't you sell some to Mr. Jia, we can't

Let's die! "

Su Mingjuan interrupted suddenly and said that Zhu Xiuyun was not here, so she became more courageous. She is the owner of the battleship, so why can't she express her opinion.

Zhu Shunming glared at her angrily, "Shut up, when will it be your turn to talk on the battleship, you go back to your room."

Su Mingjuan raised her eyebrows, put her hands on her hips, and shouted loudly: "Old Zhutou, I've had enough of you a long time ago. You're just a captain. Just control the battleship. Mr. Jia is right, don't stretch out your hand!" If it takes too long, my family's battleship is of course up to me."

Zhu Shunming was so angry with her words that the top of his head was smoking. Su Qing had never been so rude to him. The old man was also a technical talent who was courteously recruited by the big families. Who was not polite to him, only Su Mingjuan, a stupid woman Dare to accuse him without knowing what is good or bad.

(End of this chapter)

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