Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 815 Signs of Greed

"Don't worry, you're fooling us again. If Jia Youcai hadn't been for you last time, the Zerg wouldn't have been able to find us. Bai Qian was forced to fight just because of your tip-off. You are not a good person."

As soon as Zhu Xiuyun walked in with a sullen face, she said a lot to the light screen.

Zhu Xiuyun, Ye Lan, and Ye Hao are preparing their meals,
He didn't come over right away when he heard the broadcast, as long as Zhu Shunming was there, that Jia Youcai was not a good guy, and the couple were black-hearted ghosts.

Doing an inhumane business and making her daughter grateful is simply devoid of conscience.

Bai Qian said that they clearly had the strength to stop the Zergs entering the spaceship, but they just gave up blocking them, disregarding the lives of thousands of people, and watched so many people being eaten by the Zergs.

A woman ran into the kitchen and said to Zhu Xiuyun in a panic:
"Aunt Zhu, Boss Jia wants to give us 100 million Star Coins each, so hurry over and have a look, Mr. Zhu disagrees, sister Mingjuan is arguing with him."

This is a woman who works in another farm, and she came here to tip off the news.

"Why did Jia Youcai give us money? It must be the weasel who gave the chicken New Year's greetings. He has no good intentions, Yelan Yehao, bring the food, let's go and have a look."

Zhu Xiuyun only cooks Zhu Shunming's meals. There is plenty of food in the battleship's kitchen. Anyone who is hungry can cook by himself and eat whatever he wants. Ye Lan and Ye Hao will help Zhu Xiuyun if he is free.

The two quickly put the lunch box into the storage container, and were very curious about why Jia Youcai wanted to give them money.

The two brothers and sisters had no shortage of money, and they followed Su Qing to the Star Pirates base for a tour. The financial cards they got were almost a year old, and there was still a lot left to spend. In their eyes, 100 million was just a fraction. .

As soon as the three of them came in, they just heard Jia Youcai's last words, and Zhu Xiuyun sarcastically said a few words.

Su Mingjuan was the first to come out and complain, "Mom, you are here. Mr. Jia's spaceship has insufficient energy. He wanted to buy some energy from us, but Mr. Zhu didn't sell it. This is a good deed, why didn't you agree?"

Zhu Xiuyun looked at the silly girl helplessly, she had already given up treatment, she beat and scolded, but nothing worked, the child's mind was broken, and she hoped that in the future, in a purer environment, her personality could be restored.

Listening to the stupid things she said, she didn't think about anything, just stupidly asked for help, really attracted Jia Youcai, and they were about to be eaten to the bone.

"What are you messing around with? Do you understand that people's hearts are sinister? Boss Jia's big spaceship is short of energy. It's just an excuse to get close to us. Maybe it's a bad idea. You just can't see it in your head."

Zhu Xiuyun clearly wanted to teach his daughter a lesson, and also took the opportunity to beat the people on the battleship. Don't be fooled by Jia Youcai's sugar-coated shells, he will have no good intentions.

On the way Zhu Xiuyun came, the woman had already told the story, her tone could not help expressing the hope that she would support the sale of energy to Jia Youcai.

These migrant workers are all at the bottom of the society, and they must value money more. As for the consequences of Jia Youcai's contact with the Violet, they don't think about it at all, because the battleship is not theirs, and Jia Youcai's money is actually on the ground. own benefits.

Zhu Xiuyun couldn't figure out Jia Youcai's intentions, but decided that he had no good intentions, and was even more unwilling to have a relationship with Jia Youcai. Wouldn't she never get rid of the Jia family's influence on Mingjuan, so Zhu Xiuyun said If you don't have a good word, hit everyone by the way.

But Jia Youcai smiled and said: "Ms. Zhu is here, you can't say that, you have nothing to do with me when you encounter the Zerg, my spaceship was also attacked by the Zerg, and I managed to escape.

What I said last time was based on my own analysis. A person with a high level of cultivation like Miss Bai Qian has always been the favorite of the Zerg. The Zerg like to hunt high-energy prey. The appearance of Miss Bai Qian will definitely attract the attention of the Zerg. Why? That's the evidence, Captain Zhu, you misunderstood me. "

Regardless of whether the words were true or not, Jia Youcai dispelled the doubts of many people, making Zhu Shunming and Zhu Xiuyun's warning just now in vain.

Some people feel that it is an adventure and worth trying, after all, Jia Youcai said that everyone will give money.

Immediately, someone couldn't hold back anymore and asked, "Boss Jia, are you really willing to send us money?"

Jia Youcai said with certainty: "Of course, tell me how many people are in your battleship, give me an account number, and I'll call you right away. After receiving the money, you can send me the coordinates, and I will go find you." Install energy."

Seeing Zhu Xiuyun's ugly face, the person who asked the question said, "Hehe, we need to discuss this again."

Even if he was a little greedy, he knew that the money was not easy to get, and taking it would be tantamount to betraying the Violet.

Because the chief manager, Mr. Zhu, and the owner, Zhu Xiuyun, both disagreed with selling energy. If they wanted to collect the money, it would be tantamount to confronting them. Once the coordinates were sent, Jia Youcai really came. People, what should they do, there are no people inside and outside, the money is very hot, and they will lose their jobs in the future.

Although a few people are greedy for money, they are still clear-headed, just asking, they really don't want to betray the master's family. After all, it is not easy to survive now that the Zerg race is in turmoil.

But when greedy thoughts come together, it is not so easy to suppress. Some people will definitely think about it.

Especially the hired drivers, who are more knowledgeable than those family members and have technical jobs that are easy to find, are really tempted by the money, but both Zhu Shunming and Zhu Xiuyun are against it, so they definitely dare not say anything in person.

"There is nothing to discuss. We don't have enough energy. How can we share it with others? What time is it now? Once there is chaos, no matter how much money you have, you can't buy resources. Everyone is short-sighted. The most important thing is your own life. Money matters."

Zhu Shunming scolded angrily, several people shrunk their necks in fright, and dared not speak. They felt that Mr. Zhu was right, no matter how much money they had, their own lives were not as important, and survival was the most important thing in front of them.

But there were also people who didn't think so, and thought to themselves, "Cut, it sounds good. I'm afraid of Jia Youcai like this. Why don't you go to death when the old woman is desperate to save her daughter?" , Now selling some energy so that everyone is unwilling to get some benefits, it is not selfish to engage in double standards. '

Su Mingjuan was very dissatisfied with this, and she suddenly said: "In the warehouse of the battleship, all kinds of materials are obviously piled up like a mountain, Mr. Zhu, why do you insist that our energy is not enough? Last time I escaped from the battleship so fast, and I didn't see Lao Zhang change it once." Energy stone, why can’t you sell Mr. Jia a little? You are so cold-blooded, you obviously have no loss to the battleship, and Mr. Jia will give you an extra thank you fee, 100 million people can’t earn it in their lifetime, why not?. "

Su Mingjuan is purely a pig teammate, who specially cheated her own people. Zhu Xiuyun felt itchy and wanted to hit her again. She endured it and just scolded: "What do you know, be honest, don't talk nonsense."

Su Mingjuan snorted, and said nothing, knowing that her mother was there, she would not let her make the decision, it was useless to make trouble,

Her eyes rolled around, and she made up her mind to pay attention to Mr. Jia's family's kindness to her, and she must repay her. Now that her husband is in trouble, she must find a way to help him.

Jia Youcai wanted to continue to increase the stakes and seduce the people on the Violet, but Zhu Shunming used the captain's authority to directly hang up the connection, and directly blocked the signal of Jia Youcai's spacecraft, so that they would never be able to contact the Violet .

That's the only way to be safe, to avoid some greedy villains who are behind the scenes, he really can't afford to bet,
The battleship is full of ordinary laborers. If they have any knowledge, they will definitely be tempted by Jia Youcai's 100 million yuan. They may do something. Su Mingjuan is also a time bomb. I really regret risking my life to save her.

Zhu Shunming felt that Su Mingjuan was the source of all the troubles. He really hoped that she hadn't been discovered. They were still in the meteorite group in peace and could bring Su Qing back.

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