Chapter 820
The two sides hadn't met last time, and the Violet was almost surrounded by Zerg because of his involvement, but Bai Qian sacrificed herself to fight the King Zerg and cover them all to escape.

This time, Jia Youcai actually bought the person on the battleship and opened the hatch for him. Not to mention his bad intentions, he rushed to him knowing that the Zerg was behind him and brought danger to the Violet. He is nothing. Good thing, this bastard knows that his spaceship can't stop the Zerg, so he wants to occupy the Violet.

Zhu Shunming's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot. If it was just Jia Youcai and the others, it would be okay to say that if it was delayed for a day or two, everything would be solved when Su Qing came back.

There is also a team of Zerg, who are chasing after them, they will definitely not be able to deal with it. No matter whether the spaceship and the battleship are still connected, they have to leave here immediately and can't stay in place.

Zhu Xiuyun and others were already in place, and even Lin Yu came.

Zhu Shunming's cold eyes swept to him, but he didn't get angry, he just ordered to start the battleship and move forward at full speed to get rid of the Zerg first.

At this time, Jia Youcai and the others just came over, and the battleship began to speed up, and many people did not stand firm and stumbled.

The captain held on to the wall and rushed in. He knew that the only way to be safe was to enter the front cabin, but unfortunately every isolation door was closed by Ye Lan and the others, and it could not be opened without a password.

The captain shouted loudly: "Come on with heavy firepower and blow this door open for me."

Immediately go out alone, against the small rocket launcher, he fired a blast, the battleship swayed slightly, the door was slammed open, and everyone rushed in.

When Zhu Shunming in the cockpit saw this situation, he knew that he would soon face Jia Youcai directly. He had no power to fight back, and there were hundreds of people on the other side!
However, he issued an order calmly on the face, "Go ahead at full speed, everyone take their weapons, try to restrain themselves, first ask the other party's purpose, we will slowly delay the time, and everything will be solved when Su Qing returns."

Anyone who understands knows why Su Qing can solve everything when he comes back.

The people hired later were a bit baffled, but they thought that when Su Qing came back, Bai Qian would also come back. Maybe Old Zhu meant that if Bai Qian was there, they would be able to solve Jia Youcai and the others.

The Violet was moving forward at full speed. Because there was still a spaceship hanging on it, it was far from normal speed. Seeing the Zerg getting closer, Zhu Shunming was sweating coldly all over his body, and everyone else panicked. Without the spaceship, they would be overtaken by the Zerg sooner or later.

The crisis caused by Jia Youcai's arrival made Lin Yu a little regretful that he had sold the Violet. Who knew that Jia Youcai had brought the Zerg with him. It would be wrong if he died. He paid the price of being fired and betrayed everyone. Push yourself into dangerous territory.

Everyone worked together to drive the speed of the battleship to the fastest speed. No one dared to take it seriously. Now the hatch is open. Once the Zerg catch up, they can directly enter the battleship. .

Ye Lan and Ye Hao ran back with people and quickly sat back to their place,

"Old Zhu, the isolation door couldn't stop them, and they were blasted open after a while."

Their warships are not like Jia Youcai's spaceships, and they also have a super-acquaintance isolation door. That door is just a space to isolate, as a buffer for entering the warship, and it is also a measure to prevent the air from flowing out too much.

Zhu Shunming said coldly: "Let them come, but I have to ask Jia Youcai, what exactly does he want to do?"

Ye Hao said angrily: "It's also necessary to ask, their spaceship has no energy, and if they continue, they will die. In the current situation, there is no energy company to send them energy. They must be interested in our warship and want to take it away. , this kind of thing is very common among mercenaries, especially when it is on a mission, it is the best time to rob."

Although the mercenary group is an organized and managed legitimate armed force, it must abide by the law under the normal social system, but it is not necessarily when they go out on a mission. People die when they die, and no one will be held accountable. This is also an unspoken rule within mercenaries, and it is common to rob others outside.

Zhu Xiuyun and Lao Zhang are ordinary people, so they don't have the concept of breaking the law. They realize that they are about to be robbed, and their hands and feet are trembling in panic. Will someone as ruthless as Jia Youcai just kill them all? Now, the more I think about it, the more scared I get.

Su Mingjuan rolled her eyes, opened her mouth to say something, but held back.

Zhu Shunming stared at the screen, and suddenly said: "Lin Yu, I don't care what benefit Jia Youcai gives you, let you betray us, and now I don't care about this situation, you quickly delete that program, first put the battleship cabin. With the door closed, a ship bigger than a battleship hangs, and we can't get far."

As soon as these words were finished, everyone's eyes turned to Lin Yu in surprise. Is he a traitor?

Lin Yu didn't show any signs of panic, but said calmly: "Old Zhu, I didn't betray, all my actions are based on orders, I can cancel that procedure, but I have to insist on this, you can't wrong me. "

"You dazed the two of us, brought Jia Youcai in, and opened the hatch for him. How could you have wronged you? Don't think that if you delete all the data, there will be no evidence."

The two people on duty asked loudly for their innocence.

Lin Yu didn't take it seriously at all. What he did at that time was also for safety. There was no need to deny the situation in front of him. It didn't matter if he admitted it directly. Anyway, Su Mingjuan stood in the way.

Zhu Shunming paid more attention to what Lin Yu said. Everything is done by order. Whose order?
He asked gloomily, "Who asked you to do it, you're not from Jia Youcai?"

Lin Yu stared at the console and said with a contemptuous expression: "Old Zhu, I am a person on the battleship, whether I betrayed or not is not up to you, it is Miss Su who pays me the salary, and my boss is The Su family, of course I have to listen to the Su family. I will do whatever she asks me to do. All my actions are done according to her instructions. If there is any problem, it has nothing to do with me. I am a part-time worker. Sorry."

As soon as everyone summed up in their hearts, they immediately understood that Su Mingjuan's fault was all caused by Temo.

How did she manage to make Lin Yu obedient?

Zhu Shunming and Zhu Xiuyun looked at Su Mingjuan angrily at the same time,

Zhu Xiuyun asked in disbelief: "Mingjuan, you colluded with Jia Youcai and asked them to rob our battleship?"

Zhu Shunming held back the anger in his heart and continued: "Mingjuan, I'm getting old, and it's the first time I've met someone so stupid as to dig a grave and bury themselves. We all risked our lives to save you back, you But colluding with outsiders, robbing our warships, and when everyone is in a dangerous situation, can you tell me, why are we sorry for you?"

Su Mingjuan didn't know how to drive a warship, so she just sat in a spare seat at will.
Although her face was calm, her eyes flickered, and her tone was not very firm: "Why do you think so badly of Mr. Jia, he just wants to buy some energy from us, whoever makes you disagree, I have to let him sneak in, Talk to you face to face."

Zhu Shunming was so angry that his face was like the bottom of a black pot. If he was not running for his life now, the old man would be furious, and he wanted to beat her to make her sober.

Ye Lan has always respected Su Mingjuan for Su Qing's sake. Even though she has done so many stupid things, she has never ridiculed her. This time she finally couldn't help it.
"Aunt Mingjuan, you can believe everything they say. There is no such thing as strong buying and selling in business. Whoever buys things is aggressive and leads people in without saying hello? It looks like a robbery."

(End of this chapter)

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