Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 822 Thank you

Chapter 822 Thank you
Jia Youcai was stunned for a moment, and quickly reacted, "Haha, this is because they know they can't resist, and those who know the current affairs are about to surrender."

The captain said coldly: "Don't be careless, I always feel that the Violet is not that simple, otherwise how could there be a demon clan."

He clenched the weapon in his hand and warned everyone not to be careless.

As the door slowly retracted, the cockpit was integrated with the outside hall, revealing enough space for thousands of people to move around.

The cockpit of the battleship appeared in front of everyone in front of Jia Youcai. Except for Zhu Shunming, all the pilots turned their backs to them and focused on driving the battleship. There were more than a dozen people standing in another corner, all of them holding the latest firearms and pointing their guns at each other. follow them.

Jia Youcai smiled and stepped forward, "Captain Zhu, we can finally meet. I just said that the Violet has a destiny with me. I didn't expect it to belong to me."

Zhu Shunming said coldly: "Isn't Boss Jia a businessman? Why is he still a part-time star thief and forcibly invaded our battleship. If there is no Zerg chaos, we will definitely report it immediately. You are taking advantage of the chaos. I hope you don't regret it."

Jia Youcai laughed wildly: "Haha, look at what Captain Zhu said, what do I call a forced invasion, but Sister Su personally invited me to help you, and I was reluctant to abandon my spaceship and enter the Violet, but It wasn't a robbery, but the host opened the door to let us in."

Zhu Xiuyun suddenly said: "The host didn't invite you, you despicable villain, using our Mingjuan's ignorance to deceive her trust, now we don't welcome you, take your people and leave quickly."

Jia Youcai's thick-skinned, will never be embarrassed by Zhu Xiuyun's few words, but said with great interest:

"You are Sister Su's mother, hello ma'am, what you said is wrong, I didn't lie to her, but she took the initiative to contact me for help, then I am polite, I will definitely let her help, I didn't expect It's a surprise that Sister Su can do so well!!"

Zhu Xiuyun was so angry that he was slapped in the face by Tetemo.

She angrily said to Su Mingjuan: "Mingjuan, you are responsible for the troubles you have caused. Hurry up and invite your former boss away. Our warship does not welcome them."

Zhu Xiuyun was about to faint with anger, and she said that on purpose. She wanted to see if Mingjuan would say something stupid when faced with Jia Youcai's real face, wasn't it just delaying time?Then let's break each other up!

She understood what Zhu Shunming meant. It was easy to avoid conflicts and save lives. When Su Qing and Bai Qian came back, they would start to fight back.

Although Zhu Xiuyun didn't know how powerful Qingqing was, from the tone of Zhu Shunming and Ye Lan Ye Hao, it should be very powerful.

Su Mingjuan saw that Jia Youcai led people around them fiercely, and she was so frightened that her heart skipped a beat. That was her master, who used to have the power to kill her, and now she has to face him directly, Su Mingjuan was too frightened to say a word.

Hearing that Zhu Xiuyun asked her to ask Jia Youcai to go away, she swallowed, pulled her mother nervously, and looked at Jia Youcai in horror,

Before she could speak, Jia Youcai said instead: "Sister Su, thank you for sending me a warship, and when we reach the central galaxy safely, we will definitely sell you people as good customers, haha, they all say that the extreme will be the opposite, and it really is. , I encountered several waves of Zerg siege and had to give up the spaceship. It turned out that there was such a good battleship waiting for me to receive it, and the luck was so good that it was against the sky, hahaha."

Jia Youcai said deliberately and arrogantly, grabbing everyone with an overwhelming momentum, shocking everyone on the Violet, so that they dare not resist, obediently let him take over the battleship, otherwise everyone will be killed, what power does the Violet really have , there is no room for turning around.

Jia Youcai still has an eye for judging the situation. If the Su family has a battleship, there must be something to rely on. He has seen Bai Qian's fighting power. So that the people of the Violet will surrender automatically, and they will not kill them. At most, they will be thrown on a planet and let them fend for themselves.

Su Mingjuan glanced at Zhu Shunming, who had an ugly face, and felt the anger of the mother beside her.

Although he was very afraid of Jia Youcai, he still dared to say: "Mr. Jia, you, you can't snatch our battleship, you didn't tell me that at the time, you said you just bought some energy from us and left immediately, absolutely not. It will disturb us a lot, how can you change your mind and come in to grab our battleship?"

Su Mingjuan's words caused black lines to appear on the foreheads of all the people on the Violet. This question was beyond stupid.

The people from Jia Youcai burst into laughter, "Hey, how stupid is this old woman, I can believe this kind of words, let's not make the process of robbing the battleship too simple, hahaha, I should really thank you. "

Jia Youcai looked at Su Mingjuan like a mentally handicapped child.

"Sister Su, I didn't expect you to help me originally, I just wanted to buy an insider. Who would have known that you would take the initiative to come to the door to help me. I would be embarrassed if I didn't agree. Look, you didn't give the battleship by yourself. Me? Thank you!"

Su Mingjuan's head was buzzing, and she stayed there dumbfounded. It was as if she was abandoned by the Li family, disliked by Zhou Liang, and whipped by the management of the mining area.

Mrs. Jia rescued her and lived a normal life for a few years. She felt that the Jia family was the best person in the world for her, and she must report to them without any leeway.

When Jia Youcai said that his spacecraft had insufficient energy and wanted to buy energy from the Violet but was rejected by Mr. Zhu, Su Mingjuan decided in his heart that he must help the benefactor to make it happen.

So after that happened, her stupid behavior, Lin Yu knew it was wrong, but for the sake of millions, she helped Su Mingjuan with her conscience to complete her stupid behavior.

He had already seen that Jia Youcai was plotting bad things, but what did it have to do with him? He was a technician, and who he worked for was different. Jia Youcai also needed a driver, so he did not hesitate to let it develop. Who knows that there is not only Jia Youcai If he wants to rob, he will also bring the Zerg, making him regret it.

Su Mingjuan was bent on repaying her kindness, and took the opportunity to impress the people on the battleship, but the development of the situation made her unacceptable, and she did not believe that her benefactor would treat her like this.

Her eyes were ignorant, and she asked blankly, "Mr. Jia, are you lying to me with those words, just for me to send you coordinates and open the hatch?"

Jia Youcai said disdainfully: "What do you think, as a former slave of my family, you can help me, you should be lucky, I can spare your life, and I will kill all those who are disobedient."

Zhu Shunming continued to look at Su Mingjuan's stupidity, he said coldly: "Jia Youcai, you think beautifully, you think the battleship is a civilian spaceship, and it is yours if you grab it. Now that the battleship is on high alert, you can't do anything. Drive the battleship. If you can't do it, you kill us all, just wait for the Zerg to catch up and tear you apart, and soon we will see you in another world."

Zhu Shunming is telling the truth. Without the authorization of Su Qing, no one can operate the battleship except the original driver. Although there is still manual driving, how can ordinary people know that? Today, only the empire can use manual operation to drive the battleship. Imperial fleets.

This is so that Jia Youcai will not hurt them, so he needs to use them to drive to escape and get rid of the Zerg pursuit.

At that time, he would go around in a circle to meet Su Qing and Bai Qian, what's the matter, when the people arrived, he was watching them kill the Quartet.

(End of this chapter)

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