Chapter 824

After all, there are thousands of Zergs, and there are only 100 mech masters. It is impossible to stop them all. It is normal to leak some, but later, many supernatural masters and martial masters also took action, and they can even run into the cockpit for dozens of people. It's just too much.

It shows that there are many people who are doing foreign work, and the mech master has a lot of resentment in his heart. He looks down on those supernatural masters and martial artists. Why do we protect you at the end and stand in the front with all our efforts? If you die, you will have nothing If it wasn't for a few masters to suppress it together, who would listen to their orders!

The mecha master released the water, and the others were not stupid, causing many powerful Zerg to rush into the cockpit hall.

These Zergs are not very intelligent. They only have the consciousness of killing the prey in front of them to occupy this place and have a good meal. They don't even know that they are separated from the main force, and the end is doomed to death.

The Zerg looks vicious and ugly, and they are extremely powerful. Except for mecha masters, supernatural masters are the most effective in battle. Martial masters are a little bit worse. Using guns in a battleship can easily damage the battleship and accidentally injure companions. In such a crisis, everyone can't care about it.

The mecha master and the Zerg have the most destructive power in battle. Fortunately, the battleship is not small and can accommodate 10,000 people. Of course, there is enough space, but don’t forget that the mecha and the Zerg are both big, and who cares about protecting the battleship in a fight? .

The battleship was sailing at a frenzied speed, but there were fierce battles all over the interior. The Zergs had reached the command center. Jia Youcai and the others could not stand still, and those who could fire with weapons or slash at the Zergs with their knives. , No one will get better unless the Zerg is wiped out.

The people left behind are all the direct descendants of the bosses, can they not kill the insects with their lives?
The members of Jia Youcai's family were not supernatural masters, so they could only be protected and stood in a corner. Fortunately, several of the highest cultivation levels were by their side.

Zhu Xiuyun, Lao Zhang's daughter-in-law, and several people from the farm held guns. Looking at the chaotic situation, they didn't dare to fire. What if the bugs missed and they shot someone?
They were in Fuchunxing and had received Zhu Shunming's military training. They still know how to use firearms, but they only know how to use them. The accuracy of shooting is only known to the devil.

Su Qing knew that the Zerg invasion would break out sooner or later, so he asked Zhu Shunming to give everyone simple military training, learn how to use various weapons, and how to do it in battle.

So everyone can use firearms, but the technology is not good. Although Jia Youcai and the others are enemies, they are fighting against the Zerg, and they can't help or make trouble.

While commanding the battleship, Zhu Shunming also had to pay attention to the battle between the crowd and the Zerg. The light screen was full of scenes of humans and Zerg fighting. Fortunately, Lao Zhang and the others were in the power cabin. The door there was very thick. Like the cockpit, which was violently destroyed by Jia Youcai and the others all the way, it has been unimpeded.

Because many mecha masters don’t work hard, the Zergs are crawling everywhere in less than 10 minutes. Jia Youcai’s people are resisting the Zergs to ensure the safety of the cockpit and not affect the navigation of the battleship. consensus.

Zhu Shunming knew that his side was weak, not as strong as Jia Youcai and the others. Even if they were all armed with weapons, the effect would not be much. The current situation was very dangerous.

After all, except for Ye Lan and Ye Hao, the rest are all ordinary people, even if the equipment is not bad, they are still fighting five scum.

Seeing that the Zerg had almost been thrown away, he ordered, "Ye Lan, you are responsible for protecting us, and pay attention to those Zerg that slip through the net."

"Understood." Ye Lan was originally in charge of the battleship gun, but at this time she is temporarily unable to use her while fleeing. Zhu Shunming can take over the operation of the battleship gun.

Among the crowd, only she and Ye Hao are supernatural masters. There is no other way but to let her work hard to protect everyone. Jia Youcai is not reliable at all, everyone is greedy for life and afraid of death, so wait a little longer, otherwise so many mecha masters will not be able to stop them These low-level insect soldiers are strange.

We also have to be on guard against Jia Youcai's mischief. It would be nice if he didn't take the opportunity to hack them to death, so he wouldn't protect them!
Ye Lan got up and took out a long knife from the storage container. This was given to her by Su Qing. It was a low-level magic weapon, which was just suitable for her.

Over the past year, Ye Lan and Ye Hao's cultivation has improved by leaps and bounds. Under Su Qing's guidance, they began to practice martial arts and body training to make up for their shortcomings as supernatural masters. The combat power is not low.

Zhu Shunming could only send both brothers and sisters, otherwise there would be no one left. He could fight, but he had to take care of the overall situation, pay attention to commanding the people to drive the warship, and guard against Jia Youcai and the others.

The battleship was fighting everywhere, and there were fierce gunshots from time to time. A lot of equipment inside the battleship was damaged. Fortunately, the outer shell of the battleship was solid and everything was fine, and no one used heavy firepower.

Half the Zerg had been killed, and there were casualties on the human side as well.

Ye Lan stood beside Zhu Xiuyun and the others, and said softly, "It's best if both of them and the Zerg are hurt, and we can relieve some pressure."

Zhu Xiuyun and the others were all pale and terrified. They were ordinary people who only knew how to farm. Where had they seen this before? The fear in their hearts made everyone short of breath. No one cared what Ye Lan said. Even if Jia Youcai died Half of them, they still couldn't beat them.

Although Su Mingjuan was terrified, she didn't know why, but seeing someone whose arm was bitten off by the Zerg, dripping with blood from being torn, and finally died tragically, she felt a little happy. I deserved it for you to laugh at me.

While she was happy, she was also terrified, so scary! !The scene that actually happened in front of her eyes was several times more terrifying than seeing it on the light screen. She shrank behind Zhu Xiuyun, she didn't want to die, she was still waiting to live a better life!
Ye Lan's expression became more and more serious. She discovered that Jia Youcai's people were intentionally or unintentionally leading the Zerg to them. What does that mean?Want to use the Zerg to kill them?

Jia Youcai really secretly ordered that some powerful Zerg be led over, and as soon as the battleship got rid of the Zerg's pursuit, they would send them there at the right time to wipe out all the people on the Violet.

At that time, they will have a ready-made reason. From the video, it can be seen that Jia Youcai's people are all fighting against the people on the Zerg protection battleship. The deaths of dozens of people on the Violet are caused by the Zerg and have nothing to do with them.

He was afraid that the Violet really had some great background. After all, it must be unusual to be able to hire a warship guarded by Bai Qian, and the equipment on the Violet was also very good. What kind of person could own such an advanced warship?
Although Jia Youcai was arrogant and rude to the people on the Violet, he never underestimated them, thinking that they must have a backup, otherwise the young captain would not be so calm and confident. Make sure someone can take them all down.

Jia Youcai must not keep people who are a threat to him. The best way is to use the hands of the Zerg to kill all the people in the battleship, so as not to leave any future troubles.

Soon the others understood Jia Youcai's intentions and nodded in agreement. No one was stupid, especially the mercenary leader. This kind of person often destroys corpses and tampers with evidence. Since it is a robbery To clean up the traces.

Ye Lan keenly noticed that several groups of battle groups were approaching them again.

Originally, not many Zerg came in the hall.Hundreds of Jia Youcai's people scattered out, fighting all over the battleship, leaving only about 100 people, and running through the Zerg was only a dozen or so. Jia Youcai's people were able to deal with them with ease.

But so many people just didn't wipe out these Zerg races quickly, instead they retreated steadily, and the direction of retreat was Zhu Xiuyun and the others.

It was Ye Lan's first time fighting Zerg. She didn't have enough combat experience, and she had only killed some low-level beasts. This was the first time she had encountered such a terrible big bug.

(End of this chapter)

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