Chapter 832
After all, Lao Zhang's daughter-in-law has known Zhu Xiuyun for a long time and has a deeper relationship. She knows that Su Mingjuan is stupid, but she is too embarrassed to blame her. Unlike others, even if she doesn't say how ugly her expression is, it's not her fault.

Who made Su Mingjuan to be stupid and recruited Jia Youcai to cause the current catastrophe? It's hard to say whether she can survive or not. She is about to die, and she doesn't allow resentment.

Knowing this, Zhu Xiuyun took out all his life-saving things.

In just a few words, the scene suddenly changed dramatically.

Jia Youcai decided to test the abilities of the two kittens so that he could accurately judge the true strength of the Violet.

Regardless of the small number of people on the Violet, there are really three powerful alien beasts. Although they are not afraid, it is not easy to silence them without showing any traces. They have to change their strategies.

The black gunner quickly set his sights on the two cats, but didn't notice that when Jia Youcai was chatting, Huomiao and Jiaojiao glanced at them with mocking expressions in their eyes.

As soon as Zhu Xiuyun's voice on the other end fell, the three of Zhu Shunming were still fighting the Zerg, preventing them from entering the cockpit.

Da Niu fights against several of the strongest insect soldiers, and there is one insect soldier who has one less attacking forefoot and is still attacking fiercely.

Although Daniel was not afraid, he was disturbed. Several insect soldiers restrained him, and the remaining insect soldiers surrounded him so that he could not return effectively.
Daniu took a look at the commotion just now, and was startled. Fortunately, Jiaojiao made a move in time, otherwise something happened to grandma, and the three of them would have been shot to death.

Huo Miao sent a voice transmission to it, "Don't worry, you kill the most powerful ones as soon as possible, and the rest will be fine. After cleaning up the Zerg, Jia Youcai will be dealt with."

Daniel felt at ease, so he concentrated on the battle. He was very annoyed by these Zergs. Their strength was not good, but they were in the battleship, but Daniel had to suppress and fight. Ten percent of his cultivation could only be used for thirty percent. Depressed, even if the master The powerful magic weapons given cannot be used, as they will destroy the battleship.

Otherwise, I would have crushed these little bugs a long time ago. Because of Daniel's scruples, the two sides have temporarily stalemate, and generally speaking, Daniel has the upper hand.

Jia Youcai's gang never stopped their black guns. Fortunately, except for beating people at the beginning, they all beat Zerg in the end. Of course, they didn't just beat them indiscriminately. They just looked for opportunities to beat those who had the worst temper , a visibly very manic Zerg.

It is not easy to beat two cats after receiving a new task. As for whether it will hurt other people, it will hurt. Anyway, sooner or later they will die.

Two people aimed at Huo Miao and Jiaojiao respectively, and fired at the same time in no particular order.

To say that the shooting skills of these two people are really good, they did not hurt anyone or the Zerg, and they were able to lock on to the two cats by using the gap and shoot silently.

This kind of cold gun is impossible to guard against. Zhu Xiuyun has no shelter at all, and even if there is, it is occupied by others. She and Su Mingjuan can only stick to the wall tightly, Huo Miao and Jiaojiao are at their feet.

This angle requires great shooting skills, as well as calculating to move across the battlefield without touching the opposing sides.

When the energy of the shooting passed through the hall smoothly and was about to hit Huo Miao and Jiaojiao, a strange phenomenon suddenly appeared.

A black light appeared in front of Huo Miao, wrapped the attack, and then absorbed and swallowed the energy. There was nothing left, and Zhu Xiuyun didn't notice the slightest abnormality.

Jiaojiao was even more powerful, she stretched out her front paw and slapped hard, and the energy changed direction and hit a Zerg.

No one on Zhu Xiuyun's side paid attention to the performance of the two cats, but Jia Youcai's side had been staring at them from the very beginning. Seeing the scene, everyone's eyes widened with surprise on their faces.

Someone murmured, "Are all cats this powerful?"

Jia Youcai rejoiced that the old lady was fine, otherwise the two cats would have an assassination in a fit of rage, and who would die then?
Strange beasts like cats are different from cows. They are petite and nimble and jump up and down very fast. They are very powerful small beasts. They must have great abilities.

What kind of cat can lose the energy fired by the gun, and the other one is even more powerful, and the paw is sent flying. That's a meaty paw, doesn't it hurt?

Even so, Jia Youcai and the others just frowned and did not stop the plan, because they still have nearly a hundred mecha masters and more than a hundred supernatural masters, so there is no need to show weakness. In a real fight, they may not necessarily lose, but they are If the loss is greater, they also have to consider not being able to destroy the battleship.

The plan is still going on, what if it succeeds!Even if you want to change your strategy, wait until the bull wins.

Anyway, if the other party wanted to survive, they had to let them manipulate them. As for the revenge of the forces behind it, except for Jia Youcai, no one thought much about it.

Everyone's thinking is, anyway, all the bad things are Jia Youcai's idea, and the big shots will definitely hold the boss accountable, and none of their subordinates will care too much about it!

Obviously it was a decision discussed together, but several people have made up their minds, who will let Jia Youcai be the boss, and who will not push it to him?

Jia Youcai and his group had their own plans, but they had the same goal for the time being. They waited for the Zerg and the people on the battleship to be wiped out first, or one of them was completely wiped out before they moved on to the next step.

It would be best for both sides to be wiped out, and it would be good if only the Zerg were left. The victories of the Violet were the last thing they wanted to see.

At this time, it depends on the effect of their black guns, so no one shouted to stop.

Just shoot a few shots when you are cold, and look for those violent insect soldiers to fight. In fact, you don’t need to choose specially. The Zerg is not tyrannical. The provocation of humans has long made them unbearable. If you don’t eat beef, let’s eat a few people first. Well, a small number of insect soldiers rushed to the crowd in the cockpit.

The insect soldiers who have survived to this day are all the most vicious. Zhu Shunming's defense line was quickly dispersed.

As the first insect soldier climbed into the cockpit, it opened its mouth wide and bit at the person. Before it could bite, a small fireball suddenly appeared, and by coincidence, it slipped into the wide open mouth of the insect army, and then the mouth exploded. Smoke started to rise, and the ferocious Zerg immediately froze there, and fell to the floor with a thump in less than a second.

Not to mention the Zerg, Zhu Xiuyun and the others were stunned, but by chance, a fireball flew towards the Zerg's mouth.

The man who narrowly escaped had closed his eyes and waited for death, but now he dared to open his eyes and saw that the vicious Zerg was dead, so he sat down on the ground.

Although many people focused on Daniu and Zhu Shunming, and the rest of the people were panic-stricken, some people saw the small fireball from Jiaojiao's wave of her little paw.

"Aunt Zhu, it's Jiaojiao's fireball. Jiaojiao is awesome. So she's not an ordinary kitten?"

Zhu Xiuyun looked down at Huomiao and Jiaojiao under her feet, why did she forget their siblings?
Back then, Huo Miao had turned into a tiger in front of her, so she knew that the two cats at home also had great abilities.

Zhu Xiuyun said anxiously: "Huomiao, Jiaojiao, if you two are capable, help Brother Zhu and the others kill the Zerg, otherwise they will be very dangerous, and Daniel is surrounded and can't help."

Jiaojiao and Huo Miao meowed twice, and before they could explain, another Zerg rushed in.

Huo Miao opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of black light. He greeted the Zerg without any waste, and instantly opened a hole in its body, exposing flesh and blood.

The Zerg screamed, a large piece of flesh was missing from the body, can it not hurt?This not only didn't stop its footsteps, but made it rush in frantically.

Everyone huddled in the corner like little chickens, not daring to move. Even the two pilots of the battleship ignored them and hid in the corner. Anyway, it was automatic driving, as long as they followed the route.

The Zerg race is even more frightening. Knowing that they are about to face death, no one has the concentration to see death at home, and they can still sit and operate the battleship calmly. How much nerve does it take?
(End of this chapter)

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