Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 840 A Hard-to-Heal Wound

Chapter 840 A Hard-to-Heal Wound
Zhu Xiuyun was seriously injured and unconscious, so of course she couldn't just throw it on the ground like those big men.

Those big men have rough skin and thick flesh. Even if they are shot, they can be temporarily treated with a therapeutic device, and then they will be completely recovered after soaking in the medical cabin. Except for the man whose arm was bitten off, he is still in a coma and the most seriously injured. Sober, Zhu Xiuyun was the most seriously injured.

She was in the center of the two explosions, God blesses her if she didn't die, and everyone still respects Zhu Xiuyun, her behavior moved everyone,
When danger approached, everyone shrank back, only Zhu Xiuyun was working hard to prevent the Zerg from eating people. If it wasn't for her, the man whose arm was bitten off would have been killed by the Zerg.

Everyone rushed into action. Seeing Su Mingjuan who was cowering in the corner, Ye Lan became furious.

Angrily shouted at her: "Aunt Mingjuan, what are you doing? I didn't see that Grandma Zhu was injured, so you didn't help."

Su Mingjuan stood there dumbfounded for a long time. Although she was so frightened that she became mentally abnormal, she still had a sense of clarity and knew what she had done. At that time, her mother stood in front of her to block the Zerg's attack for her, but she had hallucinations I pushed my mother cruelly.
Sending her mother to the Zerg's mouth with her own hands, causing her mother to be taken away by the Zerg, only to encounter another explosion, lightning and thunder, that scene finally made Su Mingjuan sober.

She didn't know how to face all this, and shouted frantically in her heart: I didn't do it on purpose, I was just too scared and had hallucinations, mom, you must be fine!
She really wanted to see how her mother was doing, but her feet were so heavy that she couldn't move any more. Who would believe that she didn't do it on purpose. When he became an enemy, he stretched out his hand and gave it a push.

Now the threat of the Zerg was gone, but she shrank with guilt and dared not go forward.

She was very worried about her mother. After all, such a strong explosion, would a small jade pendant work?
Ye Lan called her angrily, and Su Mingjuan walked over in a daze, with her head lowered, not daring to look into other people's eyes. Will anyone notice her behavior, and what will they think of her then?

Su Mingjuan really thinks too much, everyone has no opinion of her, only a few days of contact, no one regards her as a normal person, she does not feel strange about anything, after all, she did not do one or two stupid things, Everyone's current situation is thanks to her, even if she is killed, nothing can be saved.

A few people saw that she pushed Zhu Xiuyun into the worm's mouth, and they were not surprised, but thought to themselves, it really is a white-eyed wolf, Aunt Zhu's daughter is not a good one, her mother gave her life to protect her, She was able to do it.

These people didn't know that Su Mingjuan was insane at the time, so they couldn't help being a little prejudiced and despised her even more.

When Su Mingjuan looked closely at her mother's pale face and the bleeding wound, her heart ached and she burst into tears, but she had no choice but to say helplessly, "I don't know medical skills, what do you think should I do? Will my mother get better?"

Ye Lan said angrily: "You don't need to know anything, you sit next to Grandma Zhu, call her, and see if you can wake her up, I will be in charge of healing."

Su Mingjuan nodded. She could feel the disgust of the people around her. She really didn't mean it. Besides, Boss Jia didn't do anything to hurt them.

Everything was caused by the Zerg. If there were no Zerg, perhaps Mr. Jia would leave after getting the energy. Now his spaceship is gone, so he can only stay on the battleship.

Su Mingjuan's thinking is too naive, she also knows that she has been fooled, subconsciously she just does not accept that Jia Youcai will harm her, and still has a little fantasy, hoping that what Jia Youcai said before was just a joke, and her former master would not hurt everyone.

Hearing Ye Lan's words, Su Mingjuan held her mother's hand and cried, "Mom, Mom, open your eyes, how are you doing? Don't leave me alone, Mom, we finally reunited... .”

Su Mingjuan shouted, thinking of her parents' love for her when she was a child, she couldn't help crying. Although life was very hard at that time, she felt happy every day, until she went against her parents' wishes and insisted on marrying Qingqing's father, and she never Experience that feeling of happiness.

Ye Lan quickly took off Zhu Xiuyun's protective clothing, and the powerful force destroyed the latest protective clothing of the empire. When the protective clothing was uncovered, the wound inside was exposed, and there was faint bleeding. They took a breath,
The wound looked as big as the mouth of a bowl, and it was very serious and bloody, as if this part of the body had been crushed by high pressure.

Su Mingjuan burst into tears, and thought back to the scene when her father died. Her parents gave up their lives because of her, but she didn't show filial piety to her parents for a day. At this moment, she really regretted that she didn't listen to her parents, and let her live for more than ten years. Miserable days.

Ye Lan didn't have time to comfort the crying Su Mingjuan, she took out the healing device and began to repair Zhu Xiuyun's wound.

The light of the therapeutic device shone on the wound, allowing the cells to repair quickly and shrink the wound. Everyone hurriedly wiped the blood with cotton pads, disinfected and helped prepare bandages.

Everyone has these things on them. When they left Fuchunxing, each of them distributed weapons healing supplies and field survival supplies. Even small space storage devices were distributed to each of them. The Su family is worthy of each of them.

This time, if Zhu Shunming and the others hadn't risked their lives to intercept the Zerg, they would have died even more, so Su Mingjuan was stupid to lure wolves into the house, but no one complained publicly, because the Su family had done enough for them.

Even if everyone stayed in Fuchunxing and waited for the government to rescue them, it would still be dangerous. Maybe they would not be rescued, and the Zergs would come and eat them all. If they followed the Su family, there was still a way to survive.

The wound on Zhu Xiuyun's abdomen is slowly healing with the effect of the healing device, and Zhu Xiuyun's eyelids are also shaking, as if they are about to open in the next second. Su Mingjuan's call still works.

It's a pity that inside the body invisible to the naked eye, near Zhu Xiuyun's wound, a strand of lightning force thinner than a hair swam there. After a circle, all the repaired tissues collapsed, and the wound suddenly cracked from the outside. , blood poured out.

"Ah!!" Ye Lan trembled in fright, holding the healing device at a loss.

Still, a sister-in-law next to her reacted quickly, and quickly breathed out a bottle of military hemostatic powder, pressed it with a bandage, and then tied it around Zhu Xiuyun's body, temporarily stopping the bleeding.

Ye Lan hurriedly put away the healing device, and said in panic, "Why is this happening? Why can't the wound heal? If this continues, Grandma Zhu will lose too much blood."

Seeing this situation, Su Mingjuan said anxiously: "Then what are you waiting for, send my mother to the medical cabin!"

Before Ye Lan opened her mouth, the woman beside her snorted coldly: "Now I know I'm in a hurry, why didn't I just lose my mind when I found Jia Youcai, Aunt Zhu is not like this because of you, the medical cabin!! Can you go in? Your good master is guarding outside, how many shots they fired just now, didn't you see it because you were blind."

Su Mingjuan's eyes turned red, and she said aggrievedly: "Why do you talk like that? I don't mean to harm everyone. I just want to sell energy to Mr. Jia so that my mother can earn some money and impress you all. I didn't expect him to lie to me. , really, you guys trust me."

Ye Lan dressed Zhu Xiuyun and threw away the blood-stained clothes.
Then she turned her head and said to Su Mingjuan: "Aunt Mingjuan, you are an elder, so you should be more sensible than me. Grandma Zhu was seriously injured and unconscious. You still have time to argue about it. It has already happened. It is useless for you to regret it. Find a way to stabilize Jia Youcai and the others, and kill them all when Qingqing comes back to avenge the dead Xiao Li, and none of them can run away, only then can Grandma Zhu get treatment, and now she can’t go if she wants to.”

(End of this chapter)

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