Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 846 Exchange Conditions

Chapter 846 Exchange Conditions
Humans are such complicated creatures, one second they wish the other party would die, but the next second they put down their hatred immediately because the other party is useful, and can negotiate terms, and afterwards the two sides still have to fight to the death.

The more savvy mecha masters had already started fleeing this way. No matter how fast the mutated Zerg was, there was still a process of digestion. Thirty or so mechas escaped.

At this time, the Zerg has doubled in size compared to the original one, and its appearance is more and more human-like.

Because there is a big bull, Zhu Shunming doesn't care how powerful this Zerg is. Now the most important thing is to save Zhu Xiuyun, and everything else is secondary.

As long as Jia Youcai is kept stable and time is delayed, everything will be fine when Su Qing comes back. The key is that Zhu Xiuyun needs to be well before Su Qing comes back.

When Jia Youcai saw the picture on the light screen, he was shocked to find that although there was only one Zerg left, it was very powerful, and his mecha masters were killed by the Zerg in a few clicks.

Terrible, what the hell is going on with that Zerg?All of a sudden, there was a huge change, and the combat power rose sharply. After a while, half of his strongest trump card was wiped out. If he continued, he would not be fully sure to crush the people on the Violet.

Hearing that Zhu Shunming said that as long as he promised him one thing, he would ask Daniel to help intercept the Zerg, and immediately climb along the pole. When Zhu Shunming ruthlessly exposed his thoughts, he was not embarrassed at all, and asked frankly: "Captain Zhu, Tell me what to do, as long as Daniel can wipe out that Zerg, we can talk about everything."

What he said was nice, but he didn't promise anything. After thinking about it, the typical guy turned his back on it.

Zhu Shunming: "Thanks to you, many of our people have been injured and need to enter the medical cabin for treatment. One person has died, and the others can't have any more accidents. Otherwise, I can't explain to the master. Boss Jia, I advise you again. , It’s not too late to rein in the precipice, and it’s too late to regret it when you die.”

Zhu Shunming didn't want to really fight with Jia Youcai's group. Don't look at them fighting the Zerg well. Once they fight with Jia Youcai's group, it's really bad. Daniel and Huomiao brothers and sisters together can't protect everyone.

After all, the Zerg don't know how to use thermal weapons, they mainly use claws and mouths to attack, but humans can't. Not only do they have all kinds of weapons, but they can also attack with supernatural powers, plus dozens of mechas, this is what happened on the Violet There is basically no hope for people. Only relying on Daniel and Huo Miao brothers and sisters can't stop hundreds of people, at most they can protect Zhu Xiuyun.

Zhu Shunming knew very well that when the crisis came, the big cows would never care about other people, and Zhu Xiuyun was their master, so he had two purposes now, saving Zhu Xiuyun and delaying time.

That Zerg appeared wonderfully. It not only weakened Jia Youcai's strength, but also helped them a lot. Now Jia Youcai will definitely not deal with them so quickly.

As long as Daniel can contain the Zerg, they can use this to negotiate terms with Jia Youcai.

When Jia Youcai heard Zhu Shunming's condition, he said relaxedly: "That's not easy, I agree, the battleship is yours, use it as you like! But the cow will stay here to help us deal with the Zerg."

He didn't take Zhu Shunming's last sentence seriously at all. At first, he was scrupled. Zhu Shunming said too much, and he felt like it was fake.

Zhu Shunming shook his head and refused: "Impossible, Da Niu wants to be with the wounded. They were already injured and there was no one to protect them. Your people don't bully them at will. If something happens, I feel uneasy and let Ye Lan The brothers and sisters went with Daniel and the wounded, as long as he came back safely, wouldn’t he be a Zerg? Daniel would be wiped out immediately.”

Jia Youcai's face immediately sank, "Captain Zhu, you are not sincere, you said it well, let Daniel help resist that Zerg, but don't let it stay, aren't you kidding me?" ?”

Zhu Shunming sneered, "If you are worried, go to the medical cabin and keep an eye on it! Stay with Daniel, he can save you at any time."

Zhu Shunming's goal was to get Jia Youcai away. The cockpit was safer. Even if the Zerg came, they wouldn't find them, so they would definitely go to the crowded side.

When Jia Youcai heard Zhu Shunming's words, his mind changed, and he understood what he meant, and said sarcastically, "Captain Zhu's thoughts change quickly, so let's follow."

Seeing that Jia Youcai agreed, Zhu Shunming finally felt more at ease, otherwise they would definitely force them to change the route if they found out that there was a problem with the route in the cockpit.

If it was thanks to the Zerg, otherwise Jia Youcai and the others would have discovered that the route was wrong and forced them to change the route. Wouldn't it be that they were getting farther and farther away from Su Qing?

If he refuses to agree, what strength will he use to stop him?
Jia Youcai and the others really did not expect that there would be problems with the route of the Violet.

Now that there are Zerg races in the Blazing Star Field, whoever does not evacuate to a safe area will be a fool and run back like courting death.

But the Violet took the risk and went to the central star field where the Zerg broke out. Because the journey was safe and much smoother than when Jia Youcai was driving the spaceship by himself, they thought it would be all right. Once the people on the battleship were under control, don’t worry about it. They can do whatever they want.

Originally, Jia Youcai's plan was to use violence to make Zhu Shunming submit and hand over his driving authority. The appearance of the three big cows just made him a little uneasy, but he didn't give up the idea until the mutant Zerg killed many of their mechas. Master, he panicked.

Not counting employment, the mecha masters he cultivated alone are the capital for him to settle down in the future. Although he still has some supernatural masters under his command, in terms of combat effectiveness, mecha masters are definitely the strongest.

Since Zhu Shunming said that the cow can help deal with the Zerg, why is he being polite, isn't he just using the medical cabin?Use it, let them live for a while, anyway, sooner or later they will be killed.

Zhu Shunming told the Yelan brothers and sisters, "Go to the medical room, don't take anyone who is slightly injured, just take Sun Sheng and Grandma Zhu, and Da Niu and the others will follow you to protect your safety. Come back, bear with provocations, don’t be impulsive, don’t think you’ll be safe if you’re around, our purpose now is to delay time and save Grandma Zhu, nothing else matters, understand?”

The Ye Lan brothers and sisters nodded. The two children were young and had never experienced anything. Zhu Shunming was really worried, but he wanted to sit in the cockpit, so he had to let them take the three strongest ones.

Jia Youcai will not be a moth, as long as there is the threat of the Zerg, he dare not, otherwise he will be severely beaten by both the bull and the Zerg. The result he wanted.

Ye Lan and Ye Hao nodded, and the two took out a foldable medical cart from the space, and carefully put Zhu Xiuyun on it.

Ye Lan is in charge of Zhu Xiuyun, and Ye Hao is in charge of the man with the broken arm. Although the man is unconscious, he is much stronger than Zhu Xiuyun after taking the blood-enriching and healing pill. Jiaojiao is reluctant to give him the recovery pill, otherwise his new arm will be damaged grow out.

He hasn't used a healing device on his wound yet, but he plans to use cell repair fluid in the medical cabin so that the severed limb can be regenerated.

The others were all gunshot wounds, as long as the shot was not a vital part, take some healing medicine, and use a healing device, it will be fine.

They are sane, they don't want to take risks, they are still safe with Mr. Zhu, they have also seen Mr. Zhu's kung fu, it is really amazing, besides Jia Youcai is eyeing Daniel, the dangerous people are gone, the cockpit is more Be safe, their injuries are fine, if they die, they can bear it, let the seriously injured go!
Daniu led the way, Ye Lan and Ye Hao followed closely behind, pushing the medical cart, Huomiao and Jiaojiao stood on both sides of Zhu Xiuyun's body, their eyes full of eagerness.

(End of this chapter)

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