Chapter 855
Daniel's evil spirit was originally destructive, but the mutated Zerg was born with a different species, and the evil spirit was refined and absorbed by it not long after.

This is great, the body of the Zerg has doubled in size, some scales have grown from its abdomen, and a pair of horns have grown on its head. It was already weird after it mutated, but now it is really a monster, more terrifying than the Monster Race.

Daniel stared at the mutated Zerg curiously, and his own evil spirit could be absorbed!
Although its magic didn't use all its strength, it used three points of its power, but it was suppressed by the mutant Zerg and refined. It's so strange, this Zerg is so talented!
The moment Daniel was surprised, the mutated Zerg had already rushed forward.

Daniel didn't like to fight, he used several spells in a row, turned them into various attack methods, and rushed towards the Zerg, but it turned around and ran away, as if fleeing in embarrassment.

This is the first time for the Zerg to encounter such strange beasts who can play tricks, wooden arrows, wooden vines, etc. . .The green monster gas turns into various plants and arrives in an instant. Because there are so many, the Zerg cannot swallow them all, and it is also in pain.

Countless sharp wooden arrows shot at its body heavily, and the wood was as flexible as snakes wrapping around its limbs, and the most powerful thing was that the evil spirit turned into a heavy wooden stake and hit its head;

The Zerg defended against the wooden arrow with their body defenses, swallowed the wooden stake in one gulp, and struggled to break free from the wooden vine, making it disheveled and embarrassed.

Seeing that the big cow ran tens of meters away, the big cow shook its head, as if laughing at it.

This is absolutely unbearable. If it didn't understand these things when it was an insect soldier, since its IQ has improved, Daniel's contempt and mocking it understands it, and then it is furious, jumping towards Daniel and chasing after it.

Jia Youcai and the others breathed a sigh of relief, and Daniel still made a move, although it felt very unreliable.

The captain looked at his side's misery, and the loss was not small, but he always felt that something was wrong.

If Da Niu was replaced by a human, he would have already understood that Da Niu was delaying time and controlling the pace of the battle between the two sides. He didn't want Jia Youcai and the others to use heavy weapons in large quantities, and the energy of the heavy weapons, the Violet, couldn't bear it. .

Otherwise, Zhu Shunming and the others could fight Jia Youcai and the others with great fighting power. Just because of this scruple, the Zerg just happened to attract Jia Youcai's troops and took the opportunity to shift the battlefield and let them leave the cockpit.

Daniel didn't want to really fight the Zerg. After all, it is still useful. It's not time to die, but it can't do nothing, so let's play with it.

Human beings pay attention to modesty and cannot underestimate any enemy, but as a monster, how can Daniel understand these things? He can follow Zhu Shunming's orders and learn slowly after living in the world for a long time. In his bones, he is still the rebellious, reckless and domineering green bull king.

I don't care about the Zerg bull at all, as long as I can stall for time;

But when it really started fighting, Daniel was shocked. This Zerg has improved so fast, its strength, speed and skills are constantly improving. It has gradually reduced the original attack behavior of the Zerg. By making full use of its physical advantages, its combat power is about to catch up with the flames. , of course far worse than Daniel.

Daniel has the bloodline of the beast, and the bloodline has the advantage of inheriting it. He is not too young, and the Zerg is definitely not comparable.

Because the strength of the Zerg was unexpected, Daniel had no choice but to release his power little by little, and it had reached more than [-]%.

With a sudden use of his talent, its horns did not pierce the Zerg, and its physical strength was not bad.

I can't complain about the war with the Zerg. Humans are retreating steadily. If the Zerg have this kind of strength, who can beat them? They are still multiplying so fast. Years don't grow up, is there still a way to survive when encountering Zerg?
Daniel suddenly felt that the Zerg race was terrible, why did they call them the enemies of all creatures, sweeping away most of the life species in the universe.

The Zerg fights more and more angry. They obviously feel that the opponent is quite powerful, but they only found out that it is a parallel importer. If I knew this, it would have hunted and killed this cow just now. After eating it, it will definitely continue to advance. Maybe it will become a handsome insect soon. .

Daniel didn't know that the mutated Zerg had swelled enough to want to eat it, so that it could evolve into a handsome worm.

Daniel has been fighting with his cultivation base down, but on the surface they seem to be of equal strength. They fought fiercely, sparks flew everywhere, and there were many crises. Daniel almost couldn't escape the onslaught of the Zerg several times.

Jia Youcai and the others nodded in satisfaction. Sure enough, Daniel was able to restrain the Zerg. Seeing this, they couldn't help but feel moved, or that people of the same kind thought the same!

Not only Zhu Shunming had an idea, they were all human beings, they had already thought that once the Zerg was killed, they would face the formidable enemy of Daniel.

Now is a good opportunity to get rid of these two together. In the future, there will be no obstacles for them on the battleship, and the two cats will be easy to deal with.

Originally, Jia Youcai wanted to use the hostages to make Daniel obedient, but the opportunity in front of him was really rare, and it was best when they both suffered a loss, and he sent someone to get rid of the two quickly.

The head of the mercenary team was the first to say: "Boss Jia, this is a good opportunity. Let's fire a round of heavy weapons and kill both of them directly. Next, we will quickly control the battleship. It is estimated that we have not yet left the Blazing Star Field. You can go wherever you want. The people on the battleship can stay for now, anyway, it is easy for us to kill them."

Isn't that the case when a few people think about it?The reason why their plan failed again and again is that they miscalculated the strength of the Violet.

Who would have thought that besides a super expert like Bai Qian, there would also be Da Niu, Huo Miao brothers and sisters on the battleship, and they would not be easy to mess with.

With the addition of the Zerg, the originally simple robbery became complicated, causing them to lose a lot of manpower, but they didn't even have time to enter the cockpit.

Jia Youcai didn't feel that it was his good luck to meet the Violet. It seemed that there was always an invisible force pushing him towards the Violet. This feeling was very mysterious.

But he didn't believe in evil, and those people had experienced many bloody fights. Since he thought it was feasible, he gathered the remaining mecha masters together and asked them to find a chance to shoot a round with hot weapons first, and then take advantage of the two seriously injured , kill them in one fell swoop;
But the battlefield should be placed in the back cabin, not in the front. Once the battleship is broken, as long as the power cabin and cockpit are fine, they can repair it. The supporting equipment on the battleship is very complete.

The Zerg is left with this one in front of them. Kill it and get rid of the bull, and they can fully take over the Violet.

If the old man continued to speak stubbornly, let their own technicians crack it directly.

Jia Youcai originally wanted to subdue Daniel, but he would have a powerful thug in the future, so he had to give up depending on the situation. Jiang Xiaobai didn't believe him for a long time, so he probably won't succeed. He also has the brother and sister and two cats guarding him. Disaster.

Jia Youcai gave up on kidnapping Zhu Xiuyun and taking her as a hostage, so he prepared to wait for Daniel and the Zerg to lose both.

The mecha masters regrouped and followed behind the two big cows, waiting for the opportunity to make a move.

The Zerg and Daniel had discovered them a long time ago, but they couldn't pay attention to those people, and the two sides fought very tightly.

Daniel looked around and went back to the medical room. He didn't want to fight at all. He was still guarding the door. Let Jia Youcai and the others fight!

Daniel wanted to stop, and found a suitable opportunity to pull back suddenly and stop playing.

The Zerg was having a good time playing, and felt that they could take down Daniel soon, but they were always close. No matter how hard it tried, the opponent could stop its attack, and it was always stronger than it.

Daniel left the fighting circle and stopped fighting. He was still a little confused, what was he doing?

Daniel sent a spiritual message, "Get rid of those mecha masters first, otherwise they will get in the way, what if you want to sneak attack us, take this opportunity to absorb more energy, or you won't be able to beat Lao Niu."

(End of this chapter)

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