Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 861 Jiang Xiaobai Takes the Opportunity to Steal People

Chapter 861 Jiang Xiaobai Takes the Opportunity to Steal People

But what happened next made Jiang Xiaobai's heart skip a beat, he patted his chest, luckily he didn't snatch someone face to face;
The siblings and the two cats are so vicious, they are so powerful, Jiaojiao's little fireball has passed his medical cabin several times, if it hits, the nutrient solution in the medical cabin where he is lying will not be boiling , He will be cooked in an instant, it's terrible! !
But everyone is fighting, who has time to care about him.

During the fight, the five medical cabins were inevitably affected, and Jiang Xiaobai also rolled to the floor. His hand had just grown halfway, and it was still numb and itchy.

He is not an ordinary person, the supernatural master is not experienced in many battles, this pain is not a big deal, he tried his best to recover his body, thinking of finding an opportunity to leave quickly, this place is too dangerous, he might be accidentally injured by someone.

Just as he was about to get up and leave quietly, a huge tiger landed near him with a plop. He knew it was the cat that could only transform. There was also his mission target and a red kitten on the cat's back.

Jiang Xiaobai had given up on the mission originally, but who would have thought that a good opportunity would fall before him;

Obviously, the cat that could only hit was seriously injured, and it hadn't gotten up for a long time, its body was dripping with blood, and its fur was burnt to several pieces.

Jiang Xiaobai felt that as long as he took care of the little red cat for a second, he could rush out, after all, there were many people on his side.

So he made a decisive move, successfully covered Jiaojiao, and grabbed Zhu Xiuyun.

Jiang Xiaobai suddenly issued a supernatural ability, stretched out his hand to snatch people, jumped up and ran, all in one go, within a second, and still kept shouting, his own people.

Seeing that Jiang Xiaobai had succeeded, Jia Youcai and the captain immediately made way for him, stepped forward to stop Huo Miao and Jiaojiao, and covered Jiang Xiaobai to leave;

A tall man said loudly, "Get out quickly and hand him over to the captain."

Jiang Xiaobai didn't think much about it, he could give it to anyone, anyway, they were in the same group, they held Zhu Xiuyun under his arm, and ran out quickly. He was also experienced in many battles, but he had never seen such a scene , Hitting too hard, if you wait a little longer, you will lose your life.

Fortunately, he had quick legs and feet, and with the cover of his own people, he quickly ran to the door and was about to go out.
"Meow! Meow!!" Huomiao and Jiaojiao howled impatiently;
Regardless of the injury, Huo Miao poured out all her demon power to attack those people, even Ye Lan and Ye Hao were going crazy.

Ye Lan yelled: "Jiang Xiaobai, you let Grandma Zhu go, she's still in a coma, she can't stand it, don't regret it."

Jiang Xiaobai didn't listen to anything, he just focused on handing Zhu Xiuyun to the boss.

Jia Youcai's men tried their best to stop them, but the captain's men exchanged glances, meaning to withdraw and snatch them back.

A few people retreated silently, but at this moment, the Ye Lan brothers and sisters and Huo Miao were going crazy, and started attacking without leaving behind, trying to snatch Zhu Xiuyun back;
But Jia Youcai's people were not sick cats, and with the support of thermal weapons, they were pinned in place, and they couldn't get out no matter what.

Seeing that this was not going to work, Ye Lan was cruel, and took out a few talismans,
If Grandma Zhu fell into the hands of Jia Youcai, it would be a disaster. Mr. Zhu entrusted Grandma to them to take care of her, but Grandma Zhu fell into the hands of the enemy. They would be ashamed to see Qingqing!

Ye Lan has a rather impulsive temper. Seeing Jiang Xiaobai push the door away, he raised his hand and sent out a water magic talisman, and a water dragon rushed out like a galaxy pouring down;
I didn't dare to use the fire talisman, it was too lethal, and the attack power of the water talisman was a bit softer. Grandma Zhu has the diamond talisman on her body, so it should be fine, as long as the water dragon breaks through the obstacles in front of her.

The fierce and powerful force of the water dragon swept away those people, and the flames were swept up by the waves. Jiaojiao arranged a layer of evil spirit for her brother in time, otherwise they would also be swept away by the huge waves.

The water seems to be weak, and the attack power is definitely not light. Fortunately, this water spirit talisman was drawn by Su Qing during the foundation building period, and it is the kind specially for supernatural masters, so its power is not particularly powerful;
Just as Jiang Xiaobai walked out of the gate, there was the sound of water rushing behind him, which made him turn his head involuntarily, and he was so shocked to see it;
A huge current rushed over, and the waves were several meters high.

My mother, what is this, a supernatural attack?

Before Jiang Xiaobai could take a step, he was swept by the overwhelming water waves and rushed towards the back cabin of the battleship.

In the back cabin of the battleship, there is a spacious area, where the mecha roars vertically and horizontally, the big bull roars loudly, the sword, light and sword shadow, hot weapons swallow flames of various colors, and attack the big bull wantonly;

Although Daniel was protected by the Vajra Talisman, he was also injured;
After all, there are many people, and they can cooperate with each other. The limited space puts great restrictions on Daniel. Although he will not lose, he can't easily win with the cooperation of dozens of mechas and hot weapons.

Its spells are indeed very powerful, but there are always mechas who are not afraid of death attacking it, which makes it distracted and emits evil spirits, and the effect is greatly reduced. For this reason, more than a dozen mecha masters have died in battle.

Even so, these low-level mecha masters cannot defeat the ninth-level monsters. Many mechas have been paralyzed, and it is not clear whether the people inside are dead or not.

These mecha masters are determined to die, as long as the attacking mecha is destroyed, someone will immediately go up to replenish it, even if they have only one person left, they will kill Daniel.

Da Niu seemed to feel something, and suddenly started to go crazy, ignoring the firepower pouring on him, and started to slam into those mechs desperately, one after another was blown away by it, and Da Niu's head was stained. into blood red;

It turned out that it felt the aura of the spirit talisman being activated, so it knew that the medical room was under attack, so it could still not go berserk.

The close-combat mechas had already been knocked into the air by Daniel, and the mechas in charge of long-distance attack were not timid, and continued to launch, trying to block Daniel, while feeling fearful, but did not retreat at all;
This group of people was really cheated by Jia Youcai. A group of bad guys who are greedy for life and afraid of death, would fight desperately to the death?
All kinds of hot weapons fell on Daniel, and when the Vajra Talisman was used up, it was all up to Daniel's own evil spirit to resist, and he didn't care if his cultivation was high;

Daniu is the king of Qingniu, and she used tricks to be subdued by Su Qing, but Daniel is not convinced by anyone, what are dozens of mechas of human beings!
If it was inside the Hopeless Secret Realm, it would have been completely dismantled by them long ago, but in the battleship, no matter how hard it was fought, the battleship was smashed to pieces.

Daniu felt that the medical room was being attacked, and he went crazy immediately. He didn't care about the battleship, and he didn't hold back his strength. Thinking of his responsibility, he broke out in a cold sweat.

With all four hooves, braving the hail of bullets, regardless of the bleeding all over his body, he smashed away, a dozen or so mechs, and continued to run back;

The mecha divisions are also well-trained, and they immediately turn around and change their equipment, launch, rockets, armor-piercing bombs, and annihilation bombs are all weapons for space warfare. If they are all poured out, it doesn’t matter if they will blow up the battleship or not. Never let Daniel escape.

These weapons are definitely capable of killing a small spaceship. It stands to reason that they shouldn't use hot weapons that exceed the endurance of the battleship. However, they are going to die, and they can't take care of it. If they don't stop Daniel, everyone will die sooner or later.

If Jia Youcai knew that he was so successful in fooling around, that this group of people would go crazy and start using lethal weapons, making no distinction between friend and foe, he would definitely cry.

Da Niu felt a strong energy coming from behind him, so he definitely couldn't hide it, but Lao Niu was also smart, and his body quickly became smaller, reducing the target, and saving a lot of demon power;

Anyway, in front of it is the battlefield of the Zerg and Jia Youcai's subordinates, hehe, this is also considered an indirect killing, and Daniel is very clever.

The first round of attack was due to the transformation of the bull, and the power of the weapon explosion was ineffective. On the contrary, it accidentally injured a lot of people from the Zerg and Jia Youcai. The distance is not far away. These weapons are not decorations, and all of them can be destroyed. space fighter.

(End of this chapter)

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