Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 875 Revenge

Chapter 875 Revenge
Among them, Jia Youcai is the most. This kind-faced fat man looks like a good guy on the outside, but he is the most vicious. It is he who led the seizure of the Violet and deceived the stupid Su Mingjuan.

Su Qing sentenced them all to death without searching their souls.

Don't talk to her about the laws of the empire, they are all stipulated for ordinary people. She killed all the heinous people, which is considered a good deed.

Jia Youcai didn't believe that there are people in this world who don't love money, and wanted to continue. Su Qing disliked him for being long-winded, and made him speechless with a finger in the air. His wife just opened her mouth and wanted to cry a few times, but Su Qing also Point became dumb.

The captain couldn't be silent anymore, he would die if he didn't work hard to win over him. He saw that the girl had a lot of murderous intent, and he had already planned to kill them.

It turned out that what Zhu Shunming said was true, the owner of the battleship was very powerful, they couldn't afford to offend him, but people were like that, they didn't cry when they saw the coffin, they thought he was blowing nonsense and didn't believe it.

Seeing Su Qing's ability with his own eyes, the captain finally admitted that he had fallen. They and Su Qing were not at the same level.

While he was still able to speak, he quickly shouted: "Miss Su, Boss Jia is the culprit. Can you spare us who obey orders? If you don't want to let us go, I can work for you with my brothers. From then on Follow your orders, we are all experienced warship pilots, with rich experience in dealing with various battle scenes, now that the Zerg is raging, with our technology, we can definitely kill a way out."

In order to let Su Qing let them go, the captain spared no room to praise his ability, focusing on the driving of the battleship.

The captain analyzed the situation on the Violet, and found that there was a serious lack of pilots, and the battleship could not play its full role at all, but he and his men were proficient in driving, maybe Su Qing just needed them.

"Bah! Ms. Su, don't listen to his nonsense, he is in charge of piloting the spaceship, but he is the real villain in hiding. He is the real culprit who instigates all our ideas. You kill him first. Well, don't be fooled by his rhetoric."

The head of the mercenary regiment had long been dissatisfied with Jia Youcai and the captain for making plans without telling him, but as a result, all the mecha masters who implicated their mercenary regiment died.

The captain still wants to join Ms. Su, but there is no way. There is no such good thing in the world. After doing all the bad things, he can still separate the relationship.

In the face of death, no one will be polite, and no one wants to die. The captain and Jia Youcai made the start, and the others scrambled to shirk responsibility and report others.

Everyone exposed Jia Youcai's conspiracy to use the Zerg to kill the people on the battleship, so that they could report their deaths and then legally occupy the Violet.

Someone also revealed that Jia Youcai asked his subordinates to take the opportunity to shoot black guns when the Zerg was fighting with Zhu Shunming and the others, and the man who fired two armor-piercing bullets at Zhu Xiuyun was also pointed out;

Su Qing listened indifferently, but Ye Lan and Ye Hao cursed angrily;
The two had just met Su Qing, and they didn't dare to go forward. They were not as calm as Zhu Shunming, and they felt very sorry for Su Qing. It was all their fault for not protecting Grandma Zhu;

In particular, Ye Lan sent out a water talisman indiscriminately and caused a catastrophe, otherwise the following things would not have happened and caused irreversible consequences.

When Su Qing came, the two of them were too frightened to go forward, but were oppressed by Su Qing's aggressive aura and always wanted to hide.

Hearing those people denouncing each other, they were immediately furious and scolded each other for being shameless.

Su Qing frowned, and said coldly: "Shut up, I already know what you have done. I have already decided how to execute you. I will start with you first."

Su Qing reached out and made a move. The three figures were lifted by her, and they flew up, and appeared in the starry sky in a blink of an eye.

The captain, Jia Youcai, the head of the mercenary team, struggled hard. The captain kept talking, trying to change Su Qing's mind.

There was no oxygen in the void, and soon they felt suffocated. The mercenary captain and captain were not low, and they could persist. Jia Youcai's face turned purple soon, and he was about to lose consciousness and suffocate to death. .

Seeing that Su Qing waved his hand and covered them with spiritual energy, the three of them suddenly felt that their breathing became smoother, and their whole bodies were more comfortable than ever before.

Su Qing: "Before you die, how can you lose consciousness? You still have to watch yourself turn into cosmic dust with your own eyes!"

Jia Youcai couldn't speak, humming, his face was very excited;
The head of the mercenary group has already accepted his fate. If he hadn't been tied up by Su Qing, he would have taken out his own weapon and shot himself directly, which is better than being hanged like this by the other party;
The captain looked at the ice-like girl standing in space, and his last hope was shattered.

He suddenly laughed wildly, "Temo, I never thought that I would die like this, the world is so unfair, some people can't get it no matter how hard they work, some people are blessed with it, and they are born with it.

What am I doing wrong?If God doesn't give it to me, I have no choice but to fight for it myself. Isn't it just the jungle of the jungle?What is wrong with killing a few weak people, why should I be labeled as a bad person? "

Su Qingcai didn't care how they cursed or struggled, but murmured: "Grandma, I have avenged you, and you must watch if your soul is immortal."

Tears flowed down her cheeks, scenes of the past ten years flashed in her mind, and the most important person in her heart was never seen again.

She never thought that just leaving for a period of time would be a farewell. If she had known how much trouble it would take to deal with the emperor, it would be great if she found Yang Wei and took him away directly. Grandma would be fine.

Looking at those three people, there was a trace of ruthlessness, since you guys made me so sad, I will let you experience the pain, anyway, none of them are good people.

He stretched out his hand to hold Luoying, and killed three mortals. Using Luoying was a bit of a bully, but only Luoying could achieve that effect.

With a swing of the sword, the flowers rained like a rain of apricot blossoms, and the fine petals formed a powerful force to rush towards the three of them.

Seeing such a beautiful scene, the head of the mercenary shouted, "It's okay to die in this beautiful scenery...Ahhh!!!"

Before I finished speaking, I started screaming, the pain was unbearable.

The three of them were screaming and screaming in pain, but they still couldn't die, no blood flowed, every petal turned into a sharp knife, cutting their bodies quickly, can it not hurt?

The powerful force made the bodies of the three of them unable to resist Su Qing's moves. It was like soybeans entering a wall breaking machine and instantly turned into powder. The feet of the three of them had been ground and completely turned into single cells. Not even a drop of blood, just floating in the void.

However, the three of them still couldn't die, their minds were clear, and they felt the bone-piercing pain. Watching their bodies gradually disappear little by little, the pain and the terror in their hearts made people crazy, it was terrible.

Su Qing looked at it, and didn't feel that what he did was cruel at all. Grandma was also instantly turned into nothingness by energy. You three culprits should enjoy this feeling in the same way.

The screams of the three people resounded through the starry sky. The pain was one, and the most important thing was the fear. Watching one's limbs being disintegrated little by little with one's own eyes, that kind of psychological endurance could scare one to death in an instant, but Su Qing hanged it with spiritual energy. For the souls of the three, they couldn't die even if they wanted to, even if they bit their tongues and killed themselves.

The head of the mercenary group begged loudly, saying that he was really just following orders, and it was the two of them who made up his mind, please give him a good time!
(End of this chapter)

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