Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 877 As You Wish

Chapter 877 As You Wish

So Su Qing easily caught them all. They saw all the three people being killed in the void just now. If they don't beg for mercy, it's time for them to experience the feeling of their bodies being ground.

They couldn't see the souls of the three people, but they could feel what Su Qing's soul-refining lamp absorbed. The howling ghosts and howling wolves added to the terrifying atmosphere. Fear.

Zhu Shunming looked at these villains without any expression of emotion. Those who kill will always be killed;
Although Ye Lan and Ye Hao are young, their parents set up a mercenary regiment, and the idea instilled in them since childhood is not as benevolent as a woman. To be kind to the enemy is to be cruel to yourself.

Only a few men who were ordinary people couldn't bear it, but they didn't dare to show it.

Of course, Su Qing doesn't care about other people's opinions, she has the final say on how to deal with these people.

Kill the culprit and avenge Zhu Xiuyun, and Su Qing doesn't want to let any of the remaining people go. All the souls killed by people will be sacrificed to the soul lamp.

These people are all the younger brothers of the three, and there are more than a dozen relatives and friends of Jia Youcai, a total of a hundred or so people;

Jia Youcai's wife shook her head, trying hard to make a sound, her face was extremely excited, but unfortunately she couldn't speak.

Su Qing hated Jia's family very much. If it wasn't for them, Su Mingjuan wouldn't have been fooled, so what she hated most was Jia Youcai and his wife. It was good that he didn't take his wife to the void to be executed.

Su Qing has always been too lazy to explain to outsiders, let alone enemies, looking at the remaining hundred or so people, they are all scum, they are not worthy of being killed by Luoying, just shoot them to death;

Three people have been killed to avenge grandma, and the remaining one did not run away. All of them have to pay for grandma's life. They are Jia Youcai's children, and Su Qing didn't want to let them go. Children who grow up in such a family cannot be kind and innocent. Also killed, so as not to have many bad guys in the future.

As soon as Su Qing raised his hand, those people screamed in fear, and many of them shrank into a ball, afraid that Su Qing would take them away.

Seeing this, Zhu Shunming was a little worried. Su Qing's method of killing did relieve his anger, but so what. Now that the chief culprit has been killed, the people below will give them a good time, deal with them quickly, and they leave quickly. This is an outbreak of Zerg area, very dangerous.

"Qingqing, do you still want to grind these people to death? That would be a waste of time, this star field is very dangerous, we have to leave as soon as possible."

It was impossible for Zhu Shunming to directly ask Su Qing to give up using cruel methods to torture them. It would arouse Su Qing's disgust. Besides, the grandmother died, so she couldn't let her take revenge.

Su Qing is now emotional. If what he said is wrong, will Su Qing settle with him? Who told him not to protect his grandmother? This makes Zhu Shunming feel very guilty.

Su Qing seemed to see what Zhu Shunming was thinking, and nodded, "Mr. Zhu, I know that killing those three people is considered revenge for grandma, and the rest can be executed directly. I'm not that kind of perverted murderer."

While Su Qing was talking, her heart felt like a knife was piercing, and she felt an urge to have a quick fight.

Zhu Shunming nodded. No matter how capable Su Qing is, she is still a young girl. She just lost her dependent grandmother, and there must be some fluctuations in her heart. It is enough to kill the three chief culprits. Don't become a murderer at a young age. The rest will just be killed.

Zhu Shunming did not show kindness indiscriminately, and persuaded her to let go of some innocent people. None of the people brought by Jia Youcai was innocent. People with conscience had already been killed by them, and everyone was full of blood. Based on their disregard of the Zerg's ravages and their refusal to save people, there is no good person, and killing them is considered a righteous act for the heavens.

The Soul Refining Lamp in Su Qing's hand was dimly lit, and she threw it into the air with a wave of her hand. The people below were trembling with fright. They didn't know how this aunt would deal with them. Under the deep terror.

Su Qing originally came here in a rage, but killing the three people did not ease the grief in his heart except to relieve hatred, so he continued to torture and kill the rest of them.

Su Qing snorted coldly, "As you wish, let you go on the road quickly."

After speaking, he tapped his fingers a few times in the air, because the speed was too fast, he didn't seem to move, but the people who were tied up in front of him groaned, and fell to the ground one by one to die, some looked panicked, some looked peaceful, most of them Glad I didn't have to suffer.

Swimming around with sharp fingers, those intruders who were domineering and caused heavy losses on the Violet were finally killed by Su Qing. Even if these people died, Su Qing would not spare them lightly. I really thought she was good Bullying, giving them a happy ending is the end, and death is just the beginning.

Su Qing grasped the magic formula and controlled the soul refining lamp. The souls of nearly a hundred people had just died and hadn't left their bodies. They were directly pulled out and put into the soul refining lamp.

Su Qing just gave their bodies a pleasure, but did not promise to let their souls go. There is no good person who just provides energy for the soul refining lamp.

Facing the messy corpses, Zhu Shunming was not surprised at all. He thought that a year ago, in this hall, Su Qing killed the five hundred star robbers with one move. A hundred people are nothing.

But the few people around him had never seen him before, their eyes were all wide open, and their hearts kept beating.

But what happened next shocked them even more, as if they got to know their boss again, this little girl named Su Qing,

Su Qing put the Soul Refining Lamp into the space, flicked his fingers, and a thread of fire flew out. With a whistling, all the corpses burned, tasteless and smokeless, and all the corpses turned into fly ash after the fire thread turned around.

Ye Lan and Ye Hao have already prepared, they have done this job before.

He hurriedly took his things and went forward to tidy them up. Zhu Shunming didn't remind Su Qing that those people might have something good on them.It's better not to worry too much about yourself. It's a bit inappropriate to not forget to search for the corpse when someone is sad.

In fact, Su Qing really forgot when she was sad, but those finances don't matter to her, if you don't have it, you don't have it!

After Su Qing killed all the enemies, she asked Zhu Shunming to open the hatch and let Daniel in. She then retrieved Huomiao brothers and sisters to heal them. No matter how good the healing medicine is, some wounds still need to be smeared with ointment. After all, they are not caused by ordinary swords the wound.

It's just that the two brothers and sisters kept crying, meowing and meowing about what happened to them at that time, and they were so sad about Grandma Zhu's death that they burst into tears.

Especially Jiaojiao, who was hatched by Su Qing with spiritual energy. She was very close to Zhu Xiuyun since she was a child. She threw herself into Su Qing's arms and cried hard, which made Su Qing want to cry, so she had to comfort her softly, and the tears couldn't stop Fall down by itself.

After the mood stabilized for a while, Su Qing contacted Bai Qian and told them about the situation of the Violet.

At this time, Bai Qian was fighting fiercely in the starry sky. How could the Shark be compared to the Violet? With the protection of the formation drawn by Su Qing, it was good luck that it had been safe before;
As soon as Su Qing left, there were many Zergs, large and small, and they were all Bai Qian who came forward to eliminate the Zergs, so that they could survive safely.As long as the king worms did not come, these zerg Bai Qian could handle it.

Fortunately, they were all stragglers of the Zerg race. If they really encountered a sea of ​​insects, Bai Qian would not dare to guarantee the safety of the Shark. Su Qing entrusted the Shark to her.

The two made an appointment at the meeting place, Zhu Shunming had reset the navigation, and the warship turned around and started sailing back to meet the Shark.

(End of this chapter)

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