Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 885 Meeting on the battlefield

Chapter 885 Meeting on the battlefield

Several rounds of artillery fire from the First Army directly cut off a layer of shell of the Zerg Sea. The command of the Zerg was already retiring at this time, and the recruits were thrown away. The trained soldiers had to be brought back intact. They are the root of the Zerg.

The human army is coming, and their carnival is about to end. Fortunately, all the worm commanders who lead the team can bring back an elite soldier. When all the troops gather in one place, they can wipe out the human army. They will hurry up Time to continue to expand the site;
The resources in this star field are too rich. It didn't take long for the Zerg to regain their vitality. Every day, millions of Zerg soldiers were born, and with the addition of a dozen newly hatched king bugs, their Zerg power soared. Become the food they feed on.

As the commander of the Zerg, the news is not so well-informed, and he didn't know at all that Su Qing and Bai Qian had killed a lot of the newborn Wang Chong, which made the Zerg's high-end combat power not only not increased, but shrunk.

Seeing that the human army began to attack, the commander of the insect immediately ordered to shrink the battle formation, abandon the captured human spaceship, return to the invasion planet, and start preparing for the battle.

A large number of human armies have already arrived, and they will no longer be able to hunt so happily in the future. Taking advantage of the last madness, they are cultivating a group of elite soldiers.

Cao Zhifei saw at a glance that the Zergs were about to withdraw, and immediately ordered the fleet to take advantage of the victory to pursue them. Killing more Zergs now will save a lot of human deaths in the future. They came here to exterminate the Zergs.

Several fleets suddenly accelerated and began to pursue. Meng Yu drove the black whirlwind and led the mecha brigade, chasing after it like a strong wind.

"Hurry up, don't let the Zerg run away, I haven't fought against the Zerg for more than a year, this time I want to kill a lot, avenge the dead people, and follow me."

The black whirlwind rushed into the sea of ​​insects at the first, swung the long knife in his hand, and slashed and killed with the aura of the knife. The bravery and strength of the knife caused bursts of applause from the army.

Cao Zhifei laughed and said, "Meng Xiao's cultivation has improved again, and he deserves to be cultivated. Maybe 20 years later, he will be able to sit in my position. What a formidable future generation!"

Yang Yu and Cao Zhifei are optimistic about Meng Hao. All the generals here are not stupid. This is obviously to cultivate the posture of a confidant. Who can speak against them, and Meng Hao is indeed capable, so they have no way to refute;
Which of the children of their respective families had not been piled up with resources since they were young, and they were guided by famous teachers, but they were not as good as a country boy.

Meng Hao can be valued by both the army commander and Young Master Yang, and has a bright future in the future. Many people began to have ghost ideas in their hearts, thinking about how to get involved with Meng Hao, whose family did not have many school-age girls.

Su Qing found that the Zerg was slowly retreating. It must be because the army's attack was too fierce, and the Zerg was about to run away. If he was fine, he would chase the Zerg and continue to kill, but there was a Shark behind the Violet, so he couldn't run around with her.

"Bai Qian, there is another wave at the end, and we will go back. The army has intervened, so there is no need for us to get involved."

"Understood." Bai Qian replied.

The two of them took out the elixir at the same time and started to take it to replenish the exhausted aura, and instantly returned to the peak state, and then gave the Zerg a wave of ruthlessness, as much as they could harvest, and then they called it a day and went back.

Even though the two of them had been killing for a long time, they didn't even meet a powerful Zerg, even though there were a lot of them. Of course, Su Qing didn't risk his life either.

But before you leave, you can still kill more Zergs. Every time you kill another Zerg, you may save one more life. Su Qing is not the Holy Mother, but in this situation, you can't just ignore it.

If the empire's fleet hadn't come, she would have pierced through the sea of ​​insects and let those spaceships leave, but she didn't want to be so eager.

Su Qing's dantian burst full of aura in an instant, and returned to its full state. Looking at the densely packed Zerg, there were no shortages. She and Bai Qian killed at least [-] Zerg, but most of them were Zerg soldiers, and Zerg generals didn't kill many;

Seeing that the Zergs were about to retreat and the imperial army came again, those spaceships must have been saved. Su Qing didn't want to continue fighting, so she just killed a group of Zergs to relieve her anger. Her cultivation was still close, and she couldn't be like Bai Qian in the starry sky. long flight.

Only when she enters the Nascent Soul stage can she kill all directions in the interstellar world, and she can smash an entire planet by then.

After the grandma's funeral is settled, she will find a place to retreat and practice, and come out until the Nascent Soul Stage to avenge her grandma.

Su Qing's thinking is different from what everyone thinks. Everyone thinks that Zhu Xiuyun's death is directly related to Su Mingjuan and Jia Youcai, but Su Qing thinks that the Zerg is the biggest cause. According to the causal relationship, if there is no Zerg outbreak, Zhu Xiuyun would not take refuge on the Violet, and Su Qing would not be unable to go back to Fuchunxing. In the final analysis, it was the Zerg's fault.

She killed all of Jia Youcai's people, Su Mingjuan didn't think about how to punish her for the time being, let them go, the rest are Zerg.

In the future, Su Qingfang's only target for revenge is the Zerg. She is not cultivated enough now. If she reaches the Nascent Soul stage, she can go directly to He Miao Xing to kill the female insect. Only when the female insect dies, the source of the Zerg will be cut off. This war will really end.

Originally, Su Qing didn't want to participate in the extermination of the Zerg race too early. After all, the empire is powerful, and she is not needed for the time being.

But who let the Zerg provoke her? The hatred of killing grandma is irreconcilable. It is not her style not to kill the Zerg. Sooner or later, the mother bug's life will be hers.

After Su Qing and Bai Qian regained their energy, they flew to catch up with the retreating Zerg, and started another round of fighting.

Su Qing raised his hand and threw Luoying. The long sword was divided into dozens of short swords in an instant, and arranged into a large sword formation, which could encircle thousands of Zerg in one go;

Su Qing did not continue to use the previous small sword formation. Although the new sword formation was not as lethal, it had a wide range and could encircle thousands of Zerg at one time;
Su Qing thought it was too slow to kill a few, so she started to process them in batches, and she didn't need to kill with a fairy sword. She is an alchemist, so why can she only use that single method to fight the enemy? She can also prescribe medicine, which is simple, effective and fast .

Su Qing's speed of killing the Zerg suddenly increased, and after chasing the Zerg, he rushed to the Zerg in the center;
At this time, those human spaceships were gradually withdrawing from the encirclement, and few spaceships were surrounded.

The Zergs gave the order to retreat, and many Zergs rushed out from the spaceship, with blood dripping from the corners of their mouths. Bai Qian frowned when she saw it, and slashed up with a knife.

Although she is a monster, she will never eat people. Seeing the Zerg like this, she naturally feels disgusted. Why keep the Zerg, kill people directly.

The human fighter planes and mecha troops also came over, roaring and fighting with the Zerg.

One of the black mechs was not interested in these scattered Zerg, and chased after the Zerg army.

Suddenly, Meng Hao in the cockpit was shocked. The whole sword light was so familiar. Is Qingqing here?
Meng Hao was startled at first, then ecstatic. He hadn't seen Qingqing for a long time, and he missed her very much. They had never been separated for so long.

It was really a pleasant surprise to meet each other on the battlefield!
Meng Yu didn't shout out suddenly to greet Su Qing. They were all fighting the Zerg and couldn't be distracted. They just drove the black whirlwind to slowly approach Su Qing.

With Luo Zilan here, Su Qing already knew that Meng Yu was coming. Seeing Meng Yu leading hundreds of mechas against the Zerg, she was no less powerful than herself. She knew that Meng Yu had really grown up. He will grow up quickly, unlike himself, who always wants to hide in his own small world and live a peaceful life.

(End of this chapter)

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