Chapter 893
According to the agreement, the Su family began to make various arrangements and notify relatives and friends.

The Su family's old house needed to be rebuilt, so Zhu Shunming went to the town to find a construction team. Although the construction team in Huanglong Town was not as advanced as the medium galaxy, it was much faster than the villagers building their own houses. A small villa could be built in three or two days at most.

Su Qing walked to his old house, the illusion that was arranged at that time was still there, what does Su Qing care about now?Grandma is gone, so what's the use of being cautious, she is not ordinary after all.

With a wave of his hand, the old formation was withdrawn. The original site of the yard was full of wild grass, and there was only a piece of homestead. With a wave of Su Qing's hand, all the weeds rose from the ground and were piled up into a haystack by her.

Another earth-type spell is cast, the foundation is good, and Su Qing can complete the work of other people's house for a day with a raise of his hand.

It happened that Zhu Shunming also brought a construction team from Huanglong Town, and various construction materials were sent to the village one after another.

Huanglong Town is very lively today, there are rumors about warships everywhere, and many people drive to Shanquan Village to see the warships.

Zhu Shunming drove an obvious high-end speed car into Huanglong Town. Everyone looked like a monkey, and there were people watching wherever he went.

I finally contacted a construction team. Although Huanglong Town is located in a remote area, as long as the money is in place, high-end materials can be used to build a house, and it can be completed in a few days.

Zhu Shunming was very generous with the money and asked to use the best materials. The boss had a big smile on his face.

Freight vehicles full of building materials drove into the village, and the villagers rushed out to watch the excitement. Many people murmured that the old Su family house disappeared and turned into a well-arranged foundation in a short time. It was all due to the fact that Su Qing was a supernatural master.

Before the house was built, Su Qing and the others lived on the battleship first. Su Mingjuan was afraid of the preaching from her second uncle and aunt, and wanted to go back to the battleship.

But Su Qing was busy dealing with Zhu Xiuyun's funeral with Uncle Su's family. As a daughter, she didn't do anything, and she seemed too much to make the villagers laugh.

I can only resist and follow Su Qing all the time, trying to find something to do.

The men went up the mountain, found the Su family's ancestral grave, and dug up Su Jing's grave to place Zhu Xiuyun's coffin.

Su Feng worshiped in front of the elder brother's grave, thinking that the elder brother and his wife were reunited under the Jiuquan.

The women of the Sumeng family prepare all the necessary things for the funeral. The funeral in Shanquan Village still follows the old rituals.

The actions of the Su and Meng families quickly spread. It was heard that Zhu Xiuyun and the others were attacked by the Zerg and that Zhu Xiuyun was unfortunately killed. The shock of the villagers was obvious, and everyone was talking about it.

At first, everyone envied Zhu Xiuyun to go to the medium galaxy to enjoy the blessings, but they didn't expect to enjoy the blessing for a few years, and their lives were still waiting. The medium galaxy is already so chaotic, and there are Zergs everywhere.

Huanglong Town is too remote, and even if many people who escaped to Mengyue star, most of them live in Mingyue City, so most people don't know what's going on in the outer galaxy.

Zhu Xiuyun's death was like a bomb that exploded in the peaceful and simple mountain town. It turned out that the outside was so dangerous.

Su Qing is a celebrity in Huanglong Town, and basically everyone knows about it. The news of her return spread throughout the town within a day.

Seeing that the Su family mobilized people to build a house, everyone in the village looked at it enthusiastically, good guy, this is to build a building, and all the materials are the best, it is not the kind of earth embryo house they live in, everyone feels sorry for Zhu After Xiuyun's death, seeing the Su family's newly built house began to envy again.

Building a house, preparing for Zhu Xiuyun's funeral, the Su family and the Meng family were very busy,
When old lady Meng Luo Cuilan came back, when she heard Zhu Xiuyun's sad news, she burst into tears, hugged Qingqing and cried for a while, shouting why she was so unlucky, how could there be no one?
Luo Cuilan and Zhu Xiuyun were from the same village, and they married into Shanquan Village together. The two families had always been good friends. When they suddenly heard that Zhu Xiuyun was gone, the old lady felt flustered and lay down at home sadly all day.

Zhu Xiuyun's popularity in the village is so good that everyone sighed when they mentioned it. If I had known it, I might as well have stayed in the village!Although life is a little bit harder, at least I can still live.

In less than three days, the Su family's three-story building was completed, with more than a dozen rooms and a yard in front.

In the other yard of the Su family, Su Qing built a large planting field, and planned to leave it for Su Mingjuan to grow vegetables in the future.

Su Qing had already thought about it, leaving Su Mingjuan in Shanquan Village, Mengyuexing is safe for the time being, and the Zerg will not invade the original galaxy for a while, because the central galaxy is blocking it!
Besides, Su Mingjuan didn't fit in well with the people on the battleship. It was best to stay in Shanquan Village. She hadn't come back for many years. It was her uncle's family who took care of her grandmother. Now it was her turn to take care of her uncle and aunt.

After the house was built, after buying furniture and various daily necessities, they could move in directly. Both Su Qing and Su Mingjuan lived in it. Others thought it was more convenient to move in the battleship, so they didn't move in. They still lived in the battleship.

After the Su family’s house was built, there was an endless stream of visitors in the village, and the bright floor was trampled to blackness. Fortunately, there was a household robot to clean it, otherwise Su Mingjuan would definitely go crazy, and the cleaning of such a big house would exhaust her to death. She has been servant enough;

Being on the battleship without worrying about eating and drinking, and doing nothing, Su Mingjuan quickly changed and dreamed of living the life of a rich man.

Su Qing had a good idea, let her farm and play at home, as if she had something to do, but she didn't know that Su Mingjuan had always envied the life of the rich, so she didn't want to farm!
In the new house, everyone began to decorate the mourning hall and hold the funeral;

Almost everyone in the village came, Wang Sanmei and Grandma Meng cried together, and Su Mingjuan and Su Qing, as family members, also shed tears along with them. A strong boy lifted up, and a funeral procession walked up the mountain.

The coffin was buried in the pit dug in advance, the family members buried the first shovel of soil, and then everyone buried it three or five times, and the grave was piled up to complete.

Su Qing and Su Mingjuan stood in front of the grave, very sad, after all, the person who treated them best in this world was gone.

Everyone else has gone back, only the two families are left, Su Feng's eyes are bloodshot, no one can sleep well these days, after the sister-in-law's funeral is finished, they need to discuss what will happen to Su Qing's mother and daughter in the future?
Everyone returned to the new building of Su's house and began to tidy up the living room, returning the borrowed things and tidying up a little.

Everyone finds a place to sit down, let the children go out to play, and only the adults are left.

Su Feng asked: "Qingqing, now that your grandma's funeral is all over, what are you going to do in the future?"

Su Qing: "Uncle, my cultivation is still too low. I can't beat the Zerg female now. I want to find a quiet place to practice in seclusion. After I advance, I'm going to avenge my grandma."

Su Feng shook his head disapprovingly, "Qingqing, your intentions are good, but the Zerg race is too dangerous, so many planets have fallen, and the imperial army has never wiped out the Zerg race. Hope you take the risk."

From Su Feng's point of view, although Su Qing is a supernatural master, it is said that she is quite capable of fighting, but the Zerg race is so powerful that so many troops in the empire can't beat it, so why is she a little girl involved!
Su Qing shook her head, "Uncle, I will definitely kill the insects, but not right now. I must avenge grandma. Don't worry, I will definitely not go by myself."

The elders wanted to say something, but felt that they were all ignorant people and didn't understand the situation outside. Qingqing was sensible since she was a child, and would not take risks. Besides, they couldn't control Qingqing, a girl who could own a battleship. It must be very capable.

(End of this chapter)

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