Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 946 The Real Purpose

Chapter 946 The Real Purpose

What Yang Yu valued most was Su Qing's ability to refine elixir, and personal matters were nothing compared to eliminating Zerg

The elixir refined by Su Qing is so effective that all the pharmacists in the army can't compare to it. A good elixir on the battlefield can save lives and also play a decisive role. Can Yang Yu not value it?

Su Qing nodded. There is no need to keep her identity as an alchemist now. After Guanglingzi appeared, it was no secret that she was a monk. Some people naturally guessed that she was still an alchemist.

"That's right, what master taught me is alchemy, but my cultivation level is not high, and I can't refine many elixirs, so I'm not as good as Master Guanglingzi's alchemy."

Su Qing felt that she should keep a low profile in alchemy, so that the dignitaries felt that she was not important in the sect, but just an outside disciple.

Outer sect disciples can refine basic pills with astonishing effects. The alchemists in the sect must be of higher level. The legendary longevity pills, longevity pills, and great return pills are not extravagant hopes. The pill will agree to any conditions.

Su Qing happened to protect her secret well, and she must not let anyone know that she was the only one in the whole sect.

Su Qing's teacher, Bai Qian, Huo Miao and the others didn't know either. When they followed Su Qing, she was already a monk.

Su Qing fabricated a sect out of thin air, but no one doubted it, even Meng Xiao, who grew up with him, believed it.

What's more, Yang Wei swore to testify, if nothing happened, he would talk about his experience with Guanglingzi in the imperial capital,

Others wouldn't think too much about it, but Zhu Shunming and Bai Qian didn't believe it at first. Since Guanglingzi appeared in the palace, where did Su Qing go?
Later, after hearing Yang Wei talking too much, the two felt that Guanglingzi's style of work was not like that of Su Qing, maybe she was really her elder teacher, and Su Qing was not bold enough to kidnap the emperor.

After all, Emperor Capital Star is not an ordinary place, with strict security and strong armed forces. It is really a bit lonely for Su Qing to save people alone. It is also possible to ask the teacher for help. Gradually, they also believe that Guanglingzi is really someone.

"Senior Guanglingzi is nowhere to be found. I have no chance to cooperate with him. Fortunately, you can come here. The army is in urgent need of various pills, and the medicines made by the pharmacists are not very effective."

In fact, the level of pharmacists in the army is still good. The key is that the quantity is large and can supply the entire army.

Yang Yu said lightly, the potion refined by the pharmacist is not comparable to Su Qing's pill, it is not of the same grade, but Su Qing's energy is limited, and the pills sent in the past are not enough.

The entire First Army has tens of thousands of needs every day, how can it be supplied.

Yang Yu can only guarantee that his own people can use the elixir. Now that Su Qing is in the territory of the First Army, it is estimated that Commander Cao will also have a share;

In the past, Yang Yu really didn't have many pills in his hand, so Cao Zhifei was too embarrassed to ask for it. Since Su Qing himself has come, he will definitely not let it go.

Su Qing: "Only monks can make real elixirs. It is much easier for pharmacists to make elixirs, and it is easier to master."

The implication is that the medicine can produce energy, but the monk's medicine can't.

Su Qing is unmatched in the entire empire in terms of refining medicines, but she rarely refines medicines, because she can't use medicines, and elixirs can also be taken by supernatural masters. question.Naturally, Su Qing would not waste time refining potions.

Yang Yu nodded. He knew that Su Qing was extremely talented in pharmacy, so he continued: "Su Qing, the cooperation between us has always been good. Because of Meng Hao's relationship, I was the first to cooperate with you. Since you When we arrive at the territory of the First Army, it is estimated that Commander Cao will take the opportunity to ask you to help in alchemy, the army is in great need of good pills."

Su Qing understands the importance of good pills to soldiers, and it will save many people from dying on the battlefield, which makes her unable to refuse.
"As long as I have time, the legion will produce spiritual plants. It's no problem for me to refine some low-level pills. Even high-level medicines will take a few days. I don't have time. I still want to fight Zerg!"

Yang Yu felt at ease, and said happily: "It's just the basic pills such as Huiqi Pill, Buxue Pill, and Huichun Pill, which require a large amount. The pharmacists in the army are refining day and night at the rear every day, and the supply is still insufficient. Many soldiers died because of untimely rescue, you are willing to help, and all soldiers should thank you."

On the Zerg battlefield, once you are injured, you must quickly withdraw for treatment, otherwise you will be torn apart by the Zerg and never come out again.

Soldiers take the good healing medicine they carry with them immediately, and they can save a life;

Once the ability master is about to be exhausted, take a Qi Hui Dan to recover immediately, otherwise there will be danger;

The pharmacists in the army tried their best to refine it, but they couldn't catch up with the consumption. After a big battle, the effect of the medicine was not good, causing many soldiers to die from their injuries;
After all, the medical cabins that can be brought to the front line are limited, and a trade-off needs to be made.
Moreover, the body of the supernatural master is strong and requires high-level healing potions, and the medical cabin has limited effects on the injuries of people with advanced cultivation bases.

The effect of Su Qing's elixir is astonishingly good. The casualty rate of Meng Yu's mecha regiment has been extremely low these years, so it's no wonder that Commander Cao didn't notice;
After finding Yang Yu, and after a conversation between the two, Army Commander Cao had no choice but to give up his mind. It was not suitable for the whole army to promote without mass production, so he had to give up.

But the elixir is really easy to use. Yang Yu will give Cao Zhifei a little every time, which makes him feel regretful. When will it be equipped for the whole army?
It was Cao Zhifei who reported the cold night mercenary group's coming to the Zerg battlefield. It's no good, so it's no wonder he is willing to contribute!
How could Cao Zhifei refuse when Yang Yu talked about Su Qing's identity and the benefits of being delivered to his door. As long as he could save soldiers from dying on the battlefield, he would spare no effort to persuade the alchemist to help.

Yang Yu insisted on meeting Su Qing. Her strong cultivation was partly because she wanted to reach an alchemy agreement with her. The First Army paid more attention to her status as an alchemist.

So far, Guanglingzi and Su Qing are the only alchemists in the empire. If no one else shows up, even if there are still people in Su Qing's sect who can do alchemy, it's useless to contact them.

The emperor also tried to ask his sect to provide a large amount of elixir through Guanglingzi, but was rejected and had to trade according to the previous agreement.

There was a smile on Su Qing's cold face. She agreed that alchemy was for the soldiers who defended the country. Don't look at Yang Yu's appearance of worrying about the country and the people. If there is danger, he will be the first to run away. There are many reasons It's gone, so a good birth and a good life are precious!

Only those soldiers fought bloody battles, and survived and sacrificed for the commander and some important people, because their lives were low and their backgrounds were ordinary.

Yang Yu and that Commander Cao were not kind-hearted and reluctant to bear the death of soldiers, but because the death rate was too high to affect the outcome of the war.

Su Qing is a kind person, but she is not unprincipled and kind. If Yang Yu didn't tell her, she wouldn't have offered to help alchemy;

Now that he has spoken, Su Qing will not refuse. Of course she is willing to save people, but there is no bottom line. The imperial army is countless, and she cannot afford it.

Although Su Qing agreed, she didn't say she would die but said that she would try her best to help refine some without delaying her work, and the reward would be according to the alchemist's rules;
Absolutely not for free, self-declining status Yang Yu and Cao Junchang will think she is easy to handle, and the taste of food is more and more treating her as free labor.

Su Qing is a Nascent Soul cultivator, and she is considered a small and powerful monk in the cultivation world. Alchemists in the Nascent Soul realm will be respected even more. If she really wants to be forced by a group of mortals to make alchemy, she will be aggrieved.

So what to refine and how much to refine depends on Su Qing's own mood. There are still a lot of cheap pills in her space, otherwise Su Qing would not agree. When you have free time.

(End of this chapter)

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