Chapter 951

Su Qing: "When those who lead the trouble are dead, open all the battleship channels, and state our promise. If you don't behave well, you don't have to be eaten by the Zerg. I will kill them first. Do you die immediately or fight desperately?" It depends on their own choice."

Ye Zhiqiu and Zhu Shunming nodded in unison. This is the right time to announce their promise. Those restless people are dead, and the rest of the star robbers must be frightened. Telling them just makes them obedient and fight the Zerg. Take the odds and win the bet.

The part of the 10 people who can survive after fighting must be the elite, and the First Army will definitely accept them, and no matter how vicious they are in the army, they will be controlled submissively.

If this gang of star thieves can kill more Zergs, it will be considered atonement, and the sins covered in their bodies can be reduced a little.

The Leng Ye mercenary regiment also had hundreds of warships. When they came, the battle formation was relatively neat. The people of the First Army had already noticed it. Without orders, no one would take the initiative to approach them and talk to them. They were just on strict guard.

Not long after Captain Leng Ye entered the flagship, the formation of their fleet suddenly changed, and they even surrounded the two leading warships. What's wrong?

The soldiers of the First Army who were in charge of security were full of gossip and gloated in their eyes.

The sudden emergence of the Lengye Mercenary Corps has been sought after and praised by people on the star network, making most of the army very unconvinced. A mercenary regiment is just laying down a few small star thief bases. What kind of credit is it?
The soldiers of the empire sacrificed their lives and fought against the Zerg every day. How come no one worships and praises them?

Of course, this is only the thinking of some soldiers. The quality of soldiers is still good. After rigorous training, obeying orders, defending the country, and protecting the citizens of the empire have been engraved in their bones.

The Zerg ravages the homeland of mankind, and the civilians suffer heavy casualties. The soldiers protect the people and eliminate the Zerg. They do not need praise, that is their responsibility.

However, some soldiers still feel aggrieved by the praise of the cold night mercenary group on the star network. They fought against the Zerg without fear of death.

So some people were a little excited when they saw the troubles of Leng Ye's mercenary group.

Afterwards, they received orders from the chief to destroy several small warships coming towards the station, leaving no one on board.

After receiving the order, the first army can kill several star thieves in minutes with only one battleship. It is not too simple.

As an imperial soldier, there must be a reasonable reason to kill the opponent. The soldiers on the warship must first check their identities to make sure that it is the star thief who is attacking. After all, the opponent is not a Zerg, so they cannot be killed directly.

More than a dozen star robbers, each with a hundred or so confidantes, dared to rush to the First Army's garrison. They appeared rashly without prior contact.

Soon they received a warning from the First Army, asking them to show their identity certificates and not to trespass in important military areas, otherwise they would be killed immediately.

The battleship's main guns were already aimed at them, the hatch was opened, and fighter planes flew out, surrounding them.

At this time, the star thieves didn't realize that the first army was going to attack them.

Among this group of people, Cao Yang had the most thoughtfulness. He felt that he had to show himself from the very beginning, push away others immediately, and come forward to explain the reason.

The commander of this battleship has been expressionless all the time, but he thinks disdainfully in his heart: The star robbers who have committed many crimes have become captives of others. It is really a dream to ask the first army to help them find the antidote and take them in. What should the First Army do? I can't blame my superiors for ordering you to be killed.

The commander of the warship ordered his subordinates to check their identities, and when they saw the result, they turned their faces angrily. They found out that their identities were fake. given.

Cao Yang didn't panic at all, and immediately opened his mouth to explain and specifically explained each person's specialty, and any of them could be considered a talent in the empire;

This is not the only thing that Cao Yang and the others rely on. There are nearly [-] star thieves behind them, which is their biggest bargaining chip. The military must care about so many people;
Although they star robbers are not good people and live by robbery, they are all capable, otherwise they would not be able to do the job of robbery. They think that their strength is no worse than that of the army.

Even if you want to be cannon fodder, 10 people can resist the Zerg for a while, right?How much pressure can be reduced for the military, how many casualties of soldiers can be reduced, 10 people can always change their way of life!

The commander of the battleship seems to have never seen such a brazen person, who speaks of selfishness so lightly, but what morals can the star robbers have, so they should be killed as soon as possible to complete the task.

They were also looking for a reason, and it was enough to confirm their star thief identities.

The First Army immediately turned their backs, accusing the other party of being a dangerous person. It must be the Star Bandit who wanted to invade the First Army's garrison. With an order, the fighter planes began to attack violently.

At this moment, Cao Yang and the other star thieves were all dumbfounded. Why was the reaction of the First Army different from what they expected?Don't 10 people still get the attention of the military?
Before they could continue to distinguish, the artillery attack of the First Army ushered in. The main gun of the battleship consumed too much energy.

Now the star thieves are in a hurry, one yells and begs for mercy, and says everything, some want to kneel down and call daddy, but unfortunately the soldiers on the opposite side are still ruthless.

Cao Yang yelled like crazy, "You are imperial soldiers, how can you kill innocent people indiscriminately, we are captives of Leng Ye Mercenary Group, why should you kill us?"

"Every star thief is a murderer full of evil. It is not normal for an imperial soldier to kill you. Order the battleship mecha division to fight, and leave no one behind."

The commander of the battleship issued an order, ignoring the star robbers' begging for mercy.

Each battleship has several mecha divisions, which are close combat escorts. There is no need for a few small battleships to use heavy weapons. Space fighters and mecha divisions are enough.

A few star thieves dared to negotiate terms with the First Army. Do they have the qualifications?
The battleship mecha divisions went to battle, although they were not in large numbers, they were not as powerful as the mecha regiments, but they were also mechas, the most powerful weapon for individual combat.

High-level mecha masters, driving the latest mechas can cut small warships in half. The mecha masters of the First Army are not parallel imports like star pirates, they are all elites in the army.

Several mechas appeared in the starry sky, raised their mecha guns and launched an attack instantly, destroying the power system of the battleship at once, leaving the star robbers powerless to fight back.

More than a dozen space fighters bombed in turn, no matter how good the defense is, it can't bear it, let alone a few small warships, which are only suitable for short-distance interstellar navigation.

Cao Yang and the others never expected to come here full of confidence, but were severely attacked by the First Army. Why?Could it be that being a star thief can't correct evil and return to righteousness, they really defected to the military.

But there was no chance for them to distinguish, no matter how much they shouted, they couldn't resist the footsteps of Death, so Cao Yang regretted it too much.

Although following Su Qing is also death, there is still a difference between early death and late death. Now they are going to die soon, how could this be?
Although these people are experts, but the firepower of the first army is not enough. As expected, the battle ended in a few minutes. After the battleship was split into pieces, all the star robbers were exposed in the void.

These star thieves are not bragging, each of them has real skills. Even if the battleship is destroyed, they are not injured. They use various methods to float in the void, but their abilities are consumed quickly, and they can't last long.

The little brothers under their command died miserably one by one in space. Even if they didn't die immediately, they would be smashed into pieces when the first army's firepower covered them.

(End of this chapter)

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