Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 977 Survived

The speed of human warships is fast, but the interstellar is so big, even superluminal speed is not as fast as the transmission channel. When their Zerg army invades a planet, it will take at least a few days for the human army to arrive. At that time, they have already succeeded ;

So after the red worm woke up, the mother worm asked all the king worms to go back to fight immediately and launch a general attack on humans.

The red worm chirped a few times, answered some questions from the mother worm, and finally managed to deal with it. Then, it suppressed its anger and looked at the two women, but no information was passed on.

The mother worm is paying attention to it, so it can't take risks. No one knows how much the mother worm has. What if it can also receive those messages?
What's more, the two humans are very unreliable. If the contract is exposed, it will be over. The mother worm will never allow a king worm controlled by humans to exist.

Now that they need to be sent away quickly, Hong Chong called out to his personal guards.

Not long after, many ferocious Zergs came. The red worm has no siblings, it is different from birth, and the Zerg does not have such a species. When it becomes an adult, it can only choose from those races that do not have king worms. , Seeing that there are no other king worms with neat guards, but their combat effectiveness is not bad, anyway, the red worms don't care.

It ordered the guards to take the two women and send them back to the human city, where they can live a normal life and cannot be thrown in the insect nest. have eaten.

The cities where human beings are kept in captivity are watched by their king worm guards, and no one dares to mess around. Besides eating the people there, it is better to go to the battlefield. If you are lucky, you can eat enough. If you lay down a new planet, the energy is high. There is plenty of food, and that's how human energy is. Only low-level Zergs like it. When they reach the level of Zerg Generals, they are not so greedy for humans and beasts. What they need is high-level and pure energy.

Two robust Zergs came over, grabbed Zhou Ya and Huang Yunbi and ran away. The two had already been told by the red worm not to resist, it would personally send them back to the city.

Both Zhou Ya and Huang Yunbi were smart people, and they didn't panic even with the protection of the red worms. Even though the Zergs caught them, although they were still trembling in their hearts, at least they didn't scream. The red worms led the team and ran quickly in the dark insect nest.

It didn't take long to see a bright light, and it seemed that the exit was not far away.

Zhou Ya's heart beat wildly. She really survived, but what can she do if she is alive? Living under the control of the Zerg for the rest of her life, life is worse than death. I think it will be difficult to die in the future;
The red king worm will not let her die. Their lives are linked together. If the master dies, the pet will not want to live. As a king worm has a long lifespan, how can it be dragged down by a human being.

It will definitely force itself to practice hard, keep advancing, and the longer the lifespan, the better, until it can cancel the contract.

Thinking of her future life, Zhou Ya felt that living was not so happy.

Different from Zhou Ya's worry, Huang Yunbi's heart is full of joy, like returning home with a good clothes, hum!She has become the master of the king worm, whoever dares to bully her in the future, maybe she can become the master of the city and let everyone listen to her, haha! !Thinking of that scene, Huang Yunbi was overjoyed.

Zhou Ya knew more about their contract with the red worm than Huang Yunbi, because Su Qing directly conveyed the basic information of the animal pet contract to her mind;

Let her know that the owner and the pet can communicate with each other, as the owner can communicate at will or close the spiritual link, but the animal pet can't.

Zhou Ya didn't have Huang Yunbi's ambition, she just felt alive, and she guessed that Huang Yunbi didn't know that both of them had successfully signed the contract, so there was no need to explain it.

What's the point of being the master of the Zerg race? Future fortunes and misfortunes are unpredictable, and how long you can live is uncertain. You can only take one step at a time, so Zhou Ya hides the fact that she is also the master of the red bugs.

Huang Yunbi was not familiar with the animal pet contract, so she didn't close the spiritual link. Her messy thoughts were all taken over by the red worm.

Since the red worm was born, it was the king of the Zerg race, with a noble status. Except for the female worm and the king worm, all the other Zerg worms were obedient to it. When it grew up, it was also the strongest among the king worms.

It is very disdainful of Huang Yunbi's thoughts, human beings are despicable, they have become their food, and they want to enslave their own race to satisfy their own selfish desires.

Too lazy to listen to Huang Yunbi's boring inner thoughts, Hong Chong said sullenly: "Shut up! Woman, if you dare to tell about the contract, I will throw you into the most disgusting worm group in the worm nest.

You stay in the city honestly from now on, don’t make me turn against you, I hate you human women the most, and when I meet them, I will be trampled into flesh. You are very lucky to be alive, and disobedience makes me anxious Don't think that a bullshit contract can bind me for a long time, remember what I say, or don't regret it. "

Huang Yunbi's proud expression froze immediately, and she asked in her mind: "Why can't you say it? I understand that I don't want the Zerg to know, but the city is full of humans. Tell them what's wrong. I became the city lord, and everyone listens to me." Yes, that would be beautiful."

Red worm: "Stupid, the human beings in the city are all food we raise. When their heads have something to be proud of, they may be eaten up one day. We raise those people just for fun. When my Zerg territory expands , when you need to change the planet to build a worm nest, there is no need to maintain this planet, every ounce of energy will be absorbed, and none of those people will want to live, so you should be honest! You can’t die if I’m here .”

Red Worm has a bad temper and a cruel temper, and she has to explain it patiently to a stupid woman. If there is no contract, she would have been trampled to death. It's strange to be obedient.

Huang Yunbi blushed a little, and was a little angry, she is the master!Why was she scolded by her pet, but she didn't dare to put on airs to boss the red worm, it's really useless to be the master of the king worm!

Huang Yunbi is very smart, she can afford it, she is thick-skinned, but her closed life for more than ten years has made her gradually become stupid.

There are not many people in the city, which is far worse than the tens of millions of people in the big cities of the empire. Huang Yunbi is also a pharmacist. They are all gone, successfully contracted red worms, just want to rule the whole city, and have a queen's addiction;
But was stopped by Red Worm, the contract matter had to be kept secret and not revealed, otherwise Red Worm didn't mind killing her, and killed her first, which made Huang Yunbi very dissatisfied.

But she didn't think about it, the people in the city are the food of the Zerg, and the heads of these people are not easy to be;

What will she do when the Zerg come to eat people again?Whether to stop or help the tyrant, help to choose the right person to eat.No matter which one, Huang Yunbi will become the object of everyone's spurning.

Besides, how can she stop the king worm from eating people, saying that she is the owner of the red worm?Even if the red worm asked her to say, how do humans communicate with the Zerg?Can the Zerg understand the human language?
It’s better to follow Red Worm’s words and stay in the city honestly. Even if everyone is eaten up, she and Zhou Ya won’t dare to move. They might be able to escape one day. Only by living can there be hope. It's not something smart people do.

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