Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 985 Star Wars

Chapter 985 Star Wars

Humans would never have imagined that the king worm would go to battle. According to the previous Zerg battle mode, as long as it is not a big war, the worm commander will be dispatched at most;
After probing, it turned out that there are not many masters in human beings. It guessed right. Those two humans were no match for them. It’s a pity that they can also use iron boxes. Expose them so that they will be on guard in the future.

Even so, it is not afraid, leading a few worms, it is confident to keep these two people, as long as they kill them, other humans are no problem, the taste of two human masters must be very delicious.

Thinking of the delicious high-grade flesh and blood that was about to taste, the black beetle salivated greedily, and was almost shot by a mecha gun accidentally.

Hurry up and kill them, the human battleship in the air is still waiting for it to tear it apart!
Suddenly, a powerful force came out from nowhere, and the blockade of the flying Zerg was opened, and several human warships escaped. The hate is so hateful, who, do humans still hide masters?
Only the battlefield where the king worm was located was difficult to break through, and other places were okay. Su Qing walked around and helped a little. The first army did not suffer much loss, and they all rushed out of the atmosphere.

The black beetle king found that the humans on the planet had escaped, and was so angry that he almost slapped a close insect to death with his paw.

Once it thought that since it didn't stop it, it would enter the decisive battle in the starry sky. It didn't believe it. It couldn't keep a small human fleet with less than a thousand warships by mobilizing all the forces under its command, which was far worse than during the war.

Because of the increase in territory, the Zerg had to divide their troops, but the humans also divided their troops, and they still had an absolute advantage.

Humans can't beat this point, and the female worm will definitely think it is a waste, let alone see it, and the status of their clan will gradually decrease in the future, and the allocation of resources and larvae will also decrease accordingly;

Absolutely not, from the day it remembers, their black beetles are the main force of the Zerg conquest, and they have made great contributions to the continued development of the Zerg. In this battle, it must wipe out all human beings.

Ever since they came to this universe to start a war with humans, the Zergs have never been cowardly. Humans have always been retreating. This time, don’t even think about running away alone. They all stay and feed the larvae. If you kill so many larvae on the planet, you can still escape. Don’t even think about it! !

At the order of the Black Beetle, the Zerg followed the human fleet and rushed out of the planet.

At this time, the first army in the starry sky just discovered that they were surrounded by the Zerg. I didn't expect that the Zerg, who had always been rampant and could only rush forward, would also use the method of ambush to show weakness on the planet and confuse them. Dive into space and prepare for an ambush.

Now that the First Army is short of troops, it is divided into two places. If the Zerg ambushing is not discovered in advance, both sides will be attacked by the Zerg fiercely. If the ground troops cannot withdraw in time, the First Army may suffer heavy losses;

Gu Bowen has always been calm and could not help but break out in a cold sweat. After a series of orders, his main ship fired first, attacking those Zerg that thought they had not been discovered, and other warships fired successively;
The Zerg had already surrounded them, so close to them made everyone's heart beat wildly, and it would be bad if they found out that the fleet was later.

After receiving the order, all the ships fought fiercely, killing some of the Zerg first.

The long-range attack of human warships is very powerful. The artillery fire can destroy a large number of Zerg. It is a long-range support during a war, and it is also a fire cover during a retreat. It plays a very important role in a war.

But warships have a weakness. They are afraid of Zerg close combat. There are many special types of Zerg that can cause damage to battleships. Once the Zergs are allowed to approach the battleship, those Zergs that can eat metal, corrode the outer wall of the battleship, and explode on the battleship will bring harm to the human army. Big trouble.

Especially if the Zerg broke through and entered the battleship, all the Zerg must be wiped out quickly. Once the Zerg is out of control and the Zerg destroys the power system of the battleship, it is very likely that the battleship will be useless;

If there is a problem with the battleship on the battlefield, it is very dangerous. The battleship is the basis for the human army to fight in the starry sky. Without the battleship, the mech division may have a chance to survive, and the other arms basically have no hope.

Therefore, the Zerg must not be allowed to approach the fleet, and a round of artillery fire attacked wildly, but it caught the Zerg by surprise;
The commanding worms are stunned, humans have discovered them, and the genetically updated information worms don't work?Didn't interfere with the detector?
No time to think about it, the worm commander hurriedly sent shield worms to block the front. Although the shield worms died a lot, it was better than other arms dead, and the battle had to rely on those arms with strong attack power to attack.

This time they have brought enough elite soldiers, not the larvae who have accumulated experience in the past, and they will definitely let humans have a good taste of their true strength.

The warships of the First Army opened fire, and the Lengye Mercenary Group did not sit idle. Under the command of Zhu Shunming, they fired at the dense Zerg, and the star robbers did not make trouble. After all, everyone is in the same group, and the Zerg is the enemy. , if the Zerg cannot be eliminated, their lives will be in danger.

Under the protection of the shield bugs, the Zerg suffered very little casualties, and they were still approaching the fleet, and the distance between the two sides was less than a few stars;

The experienced Gu Bowen immediately ordered to stop the attack, and immediately dispatched fighter planes, mechs, and all soldiers who could fight in the starry sky.

Without any hesitation, the warships opened their hatches, facing the raging Zerg, the soldiers bravely greeted them, the human side was obviously short of troops, and the most powerful mech regiment of the First Army hadn't returned yet.

They knew that if they confronted the Zerg, they would soon lose their bones, but none of them was timid and rushed forward to fight the Zerg without hesitation.

The two sides have advantages in fighting each other. Humans' thermal weapons are powerful, while Zerg's body is strong. When the two sides fight together, Zerg has a numerical advantage, and humans will soon be at a disadvantage;

Zhu Shunming asked those mecha masters in the Star Thief to participate in the battle, but no one dared to fight.

The left-behind Star Pirates envied those who went out to fight at first. The Zerg on the planet were easy to kill, but the situation reversed after a while;
Not only are there no fewer Zerg races, but more and more, and they are even more powerful. The star robbers are obviously unable to defeat them, and the casualties are heavy, and the situation is even worse when the momentum is low;
The Star Bandit is not a well-trained soldier, and he panicked when he encountered some difficulties, especially when some people started to retreat, everyone ran back, and more people died.

Although Ye Zhiqiu led people to retreat first, Leng Ye only had a total of less than 200 people, which was inconspicuous among the tens of thousands of star thieves. No one noticed when they retreated, and it was those star thieves who retreated first that caused panic.

The Zerg race showed their true strength. Not to mention that the Star Bandit could not hold it, even the first army found it difficult. The main reason was that there were fewer troops coming this time. Gu Bowen hoped that the army commander would come to meet them as soon as he received the news.

Zhu Shunming ordered to attack the Zergs with guns. There is no need to talk nonsense. All the Star Thief warships will listen to them and let them go out to fight the Zergs. The Star Thieves dare not dare. Surrounded by the Zerg, can they just blow themselves up if they lose in the end?

It's terrible, they will die if they go out to fight!
Of course, Zhu Shunming's order was ignored. If Su Qing issued an order, the Star Pirates would fight it out, old man Zhu and the others would not be afraid!

At the critical moment, the Leng Ye returned with all the Star Thief warships, and Ye Zhiqiu returned directly to the Violet, commanding all the warships to line up and take part in the battle at any time;

He was not there, and others didn't understand, Zhu Shunming could only stay next to the first army, and fired together. When the first army went to battle, Leng Ye would be stuck, and the star thief dared not go out to die.

In a flash, Bai Qian came back with Huo Miao and Jiaojiao. Hearing that the Star Bandit was afraid to fight, Bai Qian's face darkened, and she walked over in a few steps.

(End of this chapter)

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