Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 992 Killing the King Worm

Chapter 992 Killing the King Worm
Although Meng Hao's Black Whirlwind had a defensive formation, because it was too late to replace the spirit stones, the mecha was scratched and bitten by the Zerg several times because the spiritual energy of the formation was exhausted. The battle was very dangerous, and he had never seen a high-level Zerg fight desperately.

In the past large-scale battlefields, insect soldiers and generals were basically the main players. Although the high-level soldiers participated in the battle, they fought with restraint. High-level Zerg and human masters rarely fought desperately. There are a small number of casualties, and it is difficult to make up for one casualty in a short time.

But this time is different. First, the mother worm gave the order to speed up the attack and expand the territory, looking for more energy to expand the group.

The Black Beetle King Beetle is very confident in this battle, as long as it destroys this human fleet, it will be considered a meritorious service, but the appearance of Bessie makes it greedy and insists on taking down the witch;
It's a pity that after fighting for a long time, it couldn't do anything to Bai Qian. This situation not only didn't make the king worm shrink back, but instead aroused the zerg's nature;
It ordered all the worm commanders to besiege together. Under the pressure of the king worm, the silver worm couldn't resist at all, and began to abandon rationality and attack madly, even if it was beaten with scars, it would not retreat.

The two sides fought in a scuffle, and it was difficult for Bai Qian not to be dragged into the battle circle. With Meng Yan, she couldn't just watch him get injured, so Bai Qian was naturally dragged into the scuffle when she made a move.

The three mechas and Bai Qian fought against a group of high-level Zerg, and the fight was so lively. Bai Qian was so angry that she couldn't help throwing out the magic talisman, but because the distance was too close, she almost accidentally injured the friendly army.

Bai Qian let out a long cry, and with a knife in her hand, she chopped off at the worms without hesitation. The king worm didn't care about it, and couldn't cut it for the time being. Three humans intercepted.

Bai Qian, Meng Hao, and the two masters of the special forces team are all masters alone, and they can fight against the king worms. The four of them formed a team to fight against the Zerg, but they pulled each other's legs back and couldn't fight for a long time.

Especially Bai Qian, even though she had followed Su Qing for more than ten years and hadn't learned to fight with others, she was the most troublesome, throwing out a magic talisman even affected her own people.

The three of Meng Hao were very restrained, and one of them fell on their own head without paying attention to the attack. The main reason was that the two sides changed their positions too fast, and you chased each other. The Zerg didn't care about casualties, they did!Every human life is very precious, not comparable to the Zerg.

In fact, the king worms are also drumming in their hearts. The lowest level of their Zerg soldiers can ignore casualties. The higher the level, the more they care. One, let alone a handsome worm, at the stage of the king worm, the entire Zerg race is only about twenty, plus the new generation, the original number should be even more;

A few of them were killed in the fight against the Yaozu. Later, when they met Su Qingbaiqian, the little king worm was almost wiped out. It was the big king worm who desperately rescued a few of them, causing the number of king worms to drop sharply.

Although Wang Chong led Zong Shuai to attack wildly, but with the help of Meng Hao and Bai Qian herself, Wang Chong's plan to kill the demon girl fell through.

The black beetle screamed angrily. It also knew that the three humans were there. It couldn't kill the demon girl. Since the demon girl had human help, it also went to find a helper, but it was very reluctant to share half of the credit.

The king worm let out a long cry and ordered his men to leave the battle circle, stop fighting now, and surround the demon girl, and wait for another king worm to fight.

As for those humans, millions of insect soldiers would definitely consume tens of thousands of people. Don't look at those humans hiding in iron boxes and fighting. The Zerg race has insect soldiers who specialize in dealing with mechs, so they won't be allowed to be arrogant for too long.

The king worm's order, the worm commander faithfully carried out, each left the battle circle.

The king worm was responsible for the cover. Instead of retreating, it lunged towards Bai Qian. It thought it would be easily dodged by Bai Qian like before, but it never expected that instead of hiding, Bai Qian stood up and approached, with the knife in her hand raised high , and slashed at the king worm.

On the bright side, it was Wang Chong who attacked Bai Qian fiercely, and Bai Qian swung a knife to meet her.

The king worm was not afraid. After fighting for so long, Bai Qian's attacks would at most cause minor injuries to it, and could not hurt it at all, but Bai Qian's sudden attack destroyed its plan to take the opportunity to escape from the battle circle.

One monster and one worm fought together again, but the other worm masters gathered together, watching the battle of the king worm closely. The three of Meng Hao stopped and stared at them closely, not daring to be careless at all.

No one could understand why Wang Chong and Bai Qian suddenly fought fiercely again. Why didn't those handsome insects go to help? Could there be some trick?
Wang Chong is so angry!Originally wanted to force the demon girl back, so it could retreat, but now it is entangled.

Bai Qian's anomaly surprised the three of them, and they discussed whether they should go to help.

The mechas they piloted were huge, but Bai Qian was in human form, and the Zerg were also big, so the mechas might not be of much help in the past.

Meng Hao suggested that it is better to keep an eye on all the silver worms. As long as they don't participate in the battle, it will be good for the two battles. Otherwise, once these silver worms join the battlefield, it will be very bad for the human side. They have insufficient manpower this time. Can't stop all the bugs;
People with high cultivation bases have to be one-on-two, or even more. Before coming here, no one would have thought that there would be so many worm masters on a single planet. Are the zerg going to attack aggressively?
That means that they came to the right test this time, otherwise they would never have known that the Zerg would launch such a powerful offensive formation, which was beyond everyone's expectations.

It seems that the Zerg have exhausted the energy of the occupied planets, and the originally prosperous star field is about to become dead. Those planets cannot be restored within a few hundred years, Meng Hao secretly analyzed.

The staff at the command center analyzed the Zerg's intentions based on the battle situation, and then directly sent it back to the main fleet. This information is very important, and the first army must be prepared for the start of the war.

Bai Qian didn't show her original shape, so she couldn't use her strongest fighting state. With the king worm's defensive power, she couldn't kill her with only [-]% of her power. At most, she was exhausted. Anyway, what she had on her was enough.

Suddenly I heard Su Qing's secret voice transmission, asking her to kill the king worm. Since she has revealed her cultivation, she should kill the king worm!

The king worm is not dead, the fleet of the First Army is in danger, and all the star thieves they brought will not be spared. They escaped with the protection of the two warships. The First Army investigates what happened. How do they explain abandoning their companions and fleeing by themselves? There is also Meng Yu.

Since the king worm is eyeing Bai Qian, and they have the ability to kill it, let's kill it, so that the First Army Fleet can break through the encirclement smoothly.

Bai Qian told her difficulties via voice transmission, and Su Qing told her not to worry;
First step forward to fight and entangle it, Su Qing finds the right opportunity to slap the king worm in the air, and Bai Qian swipes the knife to kill the king worm, making sure no one can see it.

The two women are not pedantic people, they think it is despicable to sneak attack on the king worm, what morals can they talk to a zerg, as long as they can kill it.

Only then did Bai Qian fly over and attack the king worm fiercely. Su Qing was hidden nearby, looking for an opportunity to attack the king worm.

One insect and one demon were fighting fiercely. At the same time as Bai Qian swung the sword, Su Qing took the right opportunity and slapped Wang Chong on the head.

Huge power quickly covered the king worm's head, but other people and the Zerg couldn't feel this power at all.

Wang Chong's heart went cold, and he felt a great terror was approaching, as if he was being targeted by an extremely powerful creature. Facing Bai Qian's knife light, it could have dodged originally, but under the pressure of that force, it couldn't move at all. .

For a moment, the king worm felt unprecedented fear, even surpassing the fear of the mother worm, making it feel that its life would be in danger. Is it going to die?

(End of this chapter)

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