I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 1012 Arrived in Venice

Participating in the Venice International Film Festival, Liu Gang has neither formal clothes nor assistants.

Xindun is only responsible for his travel and accommodation.

Fortunately, Liu Gang has been in this circle for so many years and still has some connections of his own.He borrowed two formal suits from a familiar fashion designer, packed a suitcase, and met everyone at the airport.

Liu Gang set off with Xindun's large army.Liu Gang was the only actor who set off with the New Shield team, and the others went on their own.

Liu Gang was still thinking that when he arrived in Venice, the costumes would be taken care of and he would have to do his own makeup and hair. Fortunately, he had learned a lot of skills while running around in various studios over the years.

When he arrived at the airport and was waiting at the boarding gate, he took a selfie and sent it to his wife: I'm at the airport!

Wife: Come on, Fighting!Tongtong and I will watch the news!

Gang Liu grinned.

After so many years of acting, this is the first time he has gone abroad to participate in a film festival, and it will be the Venice International Film Festival as soon as he goes!
Friends in the circle also sent him messages of congratulations one after another, and those who didn't know said: Brother Gang, try to bring back the Venice actor!
Liu Gang had to smile and curse: We just went to the exhibition, and we were not shortlisted for the main competition. What a waste of the Venice Best Actor!
Even so, Liu Gang was extremely happy and was looking forward to this trip to Venice.

Colleagues in New Shield are equally excited about leaving for Venice soon.

A man in his early 30s smiled and said, "Since our Xindun teamed up with Zhou Yun, we have participated in more international film festivals."

"It can only be said that Zhou Yun's relationship with these international film festivals is really good. Even if no work is shortlisted, he can still get an official invitation. Look at the Cannes Film Festival in May this year. No work was shortlisted, but It is even more beautiful than the shortlisted works, and it was interviewed live by French TV as soon as it passed, how many people have such treatment."

"This time, "The Female Killer" will still sell after its premiere in Venice. I don't know if it can sell better than "One Mountain, Two Tigers."

"Have you started thinking about the bonus so soon?" Someone immediately laughed and pierced the former's thoughts.

"Don't you want a bonus?"

"I want it, of course I want it."

Everyone talked and laughed.

Liu Gang sat on the side, listening to their voices, his mood, which was a little joyful at first, gradually became tense.

He was thinking, when he arrived in Venice, would any reporter ask him questions?

What questions will be asked?
No one should ask questions, no one knows him.

Liu Gang couldn't help but sighed.

Will overseas audiences like the film?What would they say about his performance in this film?

At this moment, Liu Gang suddenly felt a wave of fear that was not very obvious, but faintly bubbling.

Because Liu Gang has never participated in such activities.Whether it's interviews by reporters or media visits, Liu Gang has never participated in any activities that require going to the front line to be interviewed in a serious manner.

Liu Gang was afraid that someone would ask him questions, and he was also afraid that no one would ask him questions.

He asked the person next to him to look at his bag for him, got up and went to the bathroom.

The restrooms at the airport are just as busy.

Liu Gang's figure is relatively tall and mighty, passers-by will involuntarily look at him with surprised eyes.

"Why is Mr. Liu Gang alone? I didn't expect to start with us."

"Who knows."

As soon as Liu entered the cubicle, he heard his name suddenly mentioned outside.

It seemed that an employee from New Shield had come in.

"I didn't intend to take him there this time."

"Huh? Why?"

"Because he is not well-known, the company thinks that whether he participates or not will not be very effective in the promotion of the early stage. One more person will cost tens of thousands more."

"Then why did you decide to take him with you?"

"I heard that it was Zhou Yun who asked why Liu Gang was not on the list."

"Zhou Yun still cares about other people's going or not?"

"She just asked a question, but I heard that the reason why our company added Gang Liu to the list immediately after Zhou Yun asked a question is because it is said that if Zhou Yun knows that the company does not take Liu Gang, he will get angry with the company of."

"Huh? Why?"

"I don't know. Anyway, everyone says that Zhou Yun is such a person. If you can work with her, it will definitely be a good thing. Your efforts and dedication will definitely not be buried, and no one will dare to Come and take your credit. Everyone says that Zhou Yun is a man with a great sense of justice."

"Really or not? I often hear some celebrities praise some celebrities in interviews or from some staff members. It’s just a little good-looking, without any special charm.”

"You've only been in the company for a year, haven't you met Zhou Yun?"

"No, I just heard everyone mention her."

"You will know when you meet her yourself. Let me tell you, she is one of the very few stars who is truly consistent on the outside. We have many fans of hers in our company. If you think about it, in our industry, there are many true stars of hers. Pink, how charming she is."



Liu Gang stood in the toilet cubicle and didn't come out for a long time.

Until someone outside knocked on the door twice, with the intention of urging, Liu just flushed the water in a hurry, unlocked the door and went out.

So, did Xindun not want to take him to Venice in the first place?

This news was like a basin of cold water pouring down from the top of his head, and all the previous excitement and excitement disappeared completely.

After that, along the way, Liu Gang didn't cheer up again.

Until he actually arrived in Venice, landed on the ground, and stepped on this strange land, Liu just woke up like a dream, and he actually came to Venice!
——What are you fussing about?Regardless of whether Xindun intends to let you come to Venice or not, you have already come, no matter what, seize this opportunity and perform well!

A voice said in his heart.

Liu Gang followed everyone to the hotel in a chartered car.

When she was carrying her luggage, Zeng Xiuyan suddenly came to her.

"Mr. Liu, Mr. Liu!"

Liu Gang put a suitcase on the ground, "Huh? I'm here."

Zeng Xiuyan said: "Mr. Liu, Sister Xiaoyun said that she is waiting for you in the lobby and that she has something to ask you to come over."

Liu Gang was taken aback, Zhou Yun?

"I-my suitcase-"

"Let's get this. Teacher Liu, you go ahead." Zeng Xiuyan said, "I will contact you later and give you the room card and suitcase."

Liu Gang thanked her immediately, and hurried into the hotel lobby in doubt.

Zhou Yun was standing in the lobby, with his white shirt tucked into his jeans and his long hair hanging down, looking fresh and beautiful.

"Xiaoyun." Liu Gang walked over.

Zhou Yun looked up and saw Liu Gang, showing a bright smile.

"Long time no see, Brother Gang, I just made an appointment with Director Tim Lange, and I know you're also at the hotel, let's go meet him together." Zhou Yun said. (end of this chapter)

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