On the day of the premiere, Zhou Yun worked hard for two hours on his styling.

"This is your premiere. Don't talk nonsense. You must dress up today and not be simple!" Zhou Lan warned Zhou Yun in front of everyone two hours ago.

Originally, Zhou Yun wanted to choose a simpler style, not so "blooming".

But this proposal was firmly rejected by Zhou Lan.

I had no choice but to end up with this look that took two hours to complete.

It is indeed beautiful.

It is very beautiful, like a rich flower.

The most important thing is that this set of looks fits the image in the movie.

Zhou Yun's skirt is a black long skirt with high slits, and her feet are a pair of high heels that are more than ten centimeters, as if they are stepping on knife blades.

It is her upper body that complements the sexyness of her lower body with her big exposed long legs.

The skirt was sleeveless, revealing her fair skin and graceful collarbones. Her two long arms and neck formed graceful swan-like curves.

She wore a necklace on her chest, a silver chain, crimson gemstones, and the gemstones were inlaid on a sword-shaped silver, coupled with her sassy long wavy hair, and a red color that was two shades darker than usual. lip.

It's exactly the sexy female killer who came out of the celebrity party scene in the spy movie.

The moment Zhou Yun walked out of the room, everyone in the corridor exclaimed in surprise.

She smiled slightly and followed everyone downstairs to meet Yao Yuanfeng and the others.

The moment she appeared, Yao Yuanfeng, Wen Bing, Zou Kai and Liu Gang all stopped their movements, and invariably their eyes fell on Zhou Yun. They did not move away for a long time, and their eyes showed Can't hide the surprise.

Yao Yuanfeng took a deep breath and said, "You are going to kill everyone today."

When these men saw Zhou Yun's outfit today, they all had no doubt that this would become the most eye-catching picture in today's shots. This look would also be widely circulated on various social platforms, stunning everyone.

Zhou Yun rarely has such a beautiful and unrestrained look.

Zhou Yun said with an elegant smile: "Seeing your reactions, it seems that my look today was very successful."

Yao Yuanfeng took a deep breath: "If your style is not successful, I will suspect that all the men in the world are blind."

"Mr. Yao, the mainstream in the fashion industry is women."

"You think men don't pay attention? Men just don't talk."


As Yao Yuanfeng said, the moment Zhou Yun appeared on the red carpet, the whole audience went crazy.

No one dislikes beauties, but in the entertainment industry where there are many beauties, if your beauty is too mediocre and ordinary, you will not be able to attract other people's attention.

The moment Zhou Yun appeared on the red carpet, everyone felt that this woman was here to cause trouble - Zhou Yun today was so stunningly beautiful.

Photographers frantically took photos of her from every angle.

Zhou Yun stood on his home court, greeting and waving to everyone brightly and openly.

The golden sunshine shines on her body, making people sigh that even the sunshine prefers her.

"Zhou Yun" like a roaring mountain and a tsunami struck from both sides.

At this moment, there is no one else but Zhou Yun as the protagonist.

This was not the first time Yao Yuanfeng had attended a film festival with Zhou Yun, nor was it the first time he had walked on the red carpet with Zhou Yun, but he had never encountered such a scene.

Yao Yuanfeng's mind came to the words "If God blocks God, he will kill God; if Buddha blocks Buddha, he will kill Buddha".

Today, Zhou Yun really killed everyone in his home court.
Zhou Lan looked at the reaction on the scene with satisfaction, and said to Liu Yun: "When I'm not around, you must keep an eye on Zhou Yun on this kind of occasion. This kind of her home field is such a world-class stage. She must be so beautiful that it makes people crazy, without any subtlety or modesty.”

Liu Yun nodded. She always spoke very little and looked at Zhou Yun in front of her. A rare sense of pride and pride welled up deep in her heart.

That's right, be proud of the woman who shines brightly in front of the whole world.

Liu Yun never thought that one day she would have such emotions.

Zhou Yun is so beautiful that people can't even bear to look away.
Tickets for the premiere of "The Killer" have long been sold out.

There were many people in the screening hall.

Although it is not a shortlisted work in the main competition unit, its level of attention is no less than those works in the main competition unit.A lot of filmmakers appeared on the red carpet, and some did not appear on the red carpet and went directly into the screening hall.

Zhou Yun and others, as the main creative staff, came in last.

Clint Brewster, the artistic director of the Venice International Film Festival, acted as the host of this premiere very gracefully.

After a brief introduction, the movie began to be officially screened.

Zhou Yun was full of expectations.
In the darkness, Zhou Yun's voice sounded: "Maybe you have seen me before, and you will think I look familiar, as if you have seen me somewhere, but if you really recognize me one day, please don't say hello to me. Because you never know what I'm going through."

The moment the screen lit up, a knife was pulled out and inserted directly into the heart of a paunchy man.

Blood flowed out.

The man's body struggled for a moment and soon stopped moving.

The camera zooms out slowly.

Finally, the perpetrator's face was revealed.

This is an old man with a wrinkled face and dull eyes.

He let go of the knife, picked up the cane placed next to the chair, put on his hat, turned around and walked out of the hotel private room.

The camera moves slowly with him.

Four guards stood at the door.

When they saw him coming out, they nodded to him.

The old man nodded in return and slowly walked towards the front of the corridor.

The waiter in the middle saw him and asked thoughtfully: "Do you need any help?"

The old man smiled warmly and said "Thank you, no need" and walked out of the hotel tremblingly.

For such an old man with limited mobility, everyone treated him with great patience and gentleness.

No one would have thought that he had just killed someone.

The moment he walked out of the hotel, suddenly, there was a terrifying scream inside.

He paused, but still walked down the steps calmly and merged into the crowd.

In the crowd, he took off his hat first and threw it into the trash can on the roadside.

The figures coming and going hid his small stature.

The next second, several men in black suits rushed out of the hotel and turned around, looking for someone.

At this moment, he turned around, turned a corner, quickened his steps by two steps, and entered a path. He took off his coat and threw his crutches into the garbage pile at the corner of the path.

The camera keeps filming her, and after she throws away her coat, the camera slowly moves up, so the audience has a wider view.

Among the men in suits who had just been chased out of the hotel, two of them ran into this path, only about twenty meters away from him, as if they would catch up with him soon.

But he still walked calmly, and the camera returned to her body. Every time she turned a corner, she took off something on her body.

First, the wig.

The moment the wig was taken off, a fluffy long hair fell out.

It was only then that the audience knew that this was actually a woman.

At this moment, a guess quickly emerged in the minds of the audience.

But won't it?

This face... looks nothing like...

The next second, he on the screen tore off the skin tissue on both sides of his cheek in front of the camera and threw it directly into the sewer.

First the sides of the cheeks, then the forehead, and then the nose, revealing a delicate and plain face.

When everything was torn off, the whole audience let out an exclamation of realization.

It’s really Zhou Yun! (End of chapter)

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