I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 102 Scandal Begins: 101

Chapter 102 Scandal Begins: 101
Just as he was seated, Zhou Yun's cell phone vibrated suddenly.

When she saw it, it turned out that Song Chi, whom she hadn't contacted for several days, appeared.

Song Chi asked: Where are you?
Zhou Yun said: Shanghai.

Song Chi said: Are you free now?

Zhou Yun said: No time.

Song Chi:? ? ?
Zhou Yun: I'm having dinner with the crew, and I'm going to take a set photo in the afternoon.

Song Chi: When will it end?let's have dinner tonight?
Zhou Yun: I have a live broadcast event tonight.

Song Chi: Then let me know when the live broadcast is over.

Zhou Yun: What are you doing?
Song Chi: Go to your house for dinner.

Zhou Yun: In the evening, you want to come to my house for dinner?
Song Chi: Didn't you say last time that you owe me a meal and you want to cook for me yourself?

Zhou Yun: Are you crazy?In the middle of the night, you came to my house to grab a meal, who said I would cook it for you?
Song Chi: Talking doesn't count?

Zhou Yun: I didn't mention today.

Song Chi: Can you take the initiative to be more enthusiastic?
Zhou Yun: I have a job tonight, I will invite you when I find a job.

Song Chi: Isn't it just a live broadcast?Can't you live broadcast at home?The big deal is that I won’t talk during your live broadcast, it’s such a simple matter.

Zhou Yun: Tonight's live broadcast is for business cooperation, so they set up a special venue, okay?Brother, are you so short of this dinner?

Song Chi: It's fine if you don't want to.

Zhou Yun hesitated.

She felt that there was something wrong with Song Chi today. Song Chi was usually difficult, and he would play tricks like a child, but it would definitely not be like today, and he had to do something.

Both of them are artists, and they know each other's involuntary nature of work, so they are usually more considerate.

Sudden non-response to WeChat, unreceived phone calls, two or three days after disappearance, etc. Such things often happen. If you are not considerate, the relationship cannot continue.

If you have work arrangements like this evening, generally speaking, you will find another time wisely.

What's wrong with Song Chi?
Zhou Yun was worried that he had overlooked something, so he asked Zhou Lan, "Sister Lan, is today a special day?"

Zhou Lan thought for a while and said, "What's the date today? It's not a holiday, so what's special about it?"

Zheng Xiaoju took out his mobile phone and looked at the calendar, and said, "The calendar doesn't say anything special about today. The [-]th is a very ordinary day."

"Number [-]?" Zhou Yun was taken aback suddenly.

"May [-]th?" Zhou Lan exclaimed, "By the way, tomorrow is your birthday!"

Only then did Zhou Yun come to his senses.

Tomorrow is her birthday.

Zhou Yun's birthday is on May [-]th. Recently, he has been so busy that he has forgotten his days. If he hadn't asked such a sudden question today, he probably would have spent tomorrow at work.

Song Chi contacted her suddenly, did he want to celebrate her birthday?
If you want to celebrate your birthday, you have to celebrate it tomorrow. What's the matter if you can't wait to go to her house for dinner today?

Zhou Yun couldn't figure it out, so he messaged Song Chi: Are you okay?If it's really just an appointment for a meal, I'll cook another day for you when both of us are free.

Song Chi ignored her and didn't return.

Zhou Yun didn't have time to continue entangled with him, he announced one after another, until it was time for dinner, Zhou Yun was finally able to breathe a sigh of relief and got [-] minutes of breathing time for lunch.She remembered the conversation with Song Chi, and she didn't know if Song Chi had returned in the afternoon. She took the phone from Zheng Xiaoju and opened the chat history with Song Chi. The latest record was still in the one she sent, and there was no new one. News comes in.

Zhou Yun couldn't help wondering, could it be that Song Chi was still angry?
Song Chi isn't so narrow-minded, is he?

At this time, Zhou Lan, who had just finished talking with the businessman about the content of the follow-up live broadcast, walked in and saw that Zhou Yun was still looking at his mobile phone, and said, "Hurry up and eat, and you are still looking at your mobile phone. The live broadcast will be broadcast soon. First communicate with you about some links and content of the live broadcast later, you can’t edit and re-edit the live broadcast, and if you make a mistake, you will be wrong.”

Zhou Yun had no choice but to put down his mobile phone first, to cook, and then to work non-stop.

When the live broadcast ended, it was already nine o'clock in the evening.

Zhou Yun got into the nanny car and was about to go home.

"If I had known that tomorrow was your birthday, I wouldn't have arranged so much for you." Zhou Lan said apologetically, "I was negligent."

"It's okay, anyway, I don't have anyone to celebrate my birthday with." Zhou Yun shook his head and said with a smile.

Zhou Lan knew something about Zhou Yun, so he didn't ask, but smiled and said, "Then I'll order a cake tomorrow. Anyway, I still need a birthday cake. When work is over, we'll blow out the candles and eat the cake together."

"Yeah." Zhou Yun nodded.

All the way to the apartment downstairs, Zhou Yun got out of the car, said goodbye to Zhou Lan and Zheng Xiaoju, and walked into the elevator under the moonlight.

Just after pressing the button of the elevator, I suddenly heard a knock on the glass door behind.

The doors of this apartment are all entered by fingerprint recognition. How can there be a knock on the door?
Zhou Yun turned around suspiciously, and was stunned for a second when he saw the person standing outside the glass door.

Song Chi appeared from nowhere, and was standing outside the glass door, still wearing his fisherman's hat. The brim of the fisherman's hat cast a shadow on his face, as he slowly raised his head , His facial features gradually appeared clearly.

He was smiling, a bit like he was playing a prank, and there was a smug light in his eyes.

Zhou Yun lost his mind and was a little at a loss.

"You, why are you here?"

Zhou Yun walked to the glass door and opened it, his face still full of surprise.

Song Chi suddenly took off his fisherman's hat and put it on Zhou Yun's head.

"What are you still doing here, go upstairs."

An anti-client tone.

Zhou Yun widened his eyes, chased after him, and said, "You, why didn't you say hello in advance when you came here?"

"Who knows if someone will find another excuse to reject me."

Song Chi put his hands in his trouser pockets, and he had an expression of being an old god and being a little bit wronged at the same time. Zhou Yun didn't know how he could properly blend these two expressions into one face.

Zhou Yun stared: "When did I find an excuse to reject you! I just finished the live broadcast, so I didn't lie to you!"

"Okay, I know you didn't lie to me, I watched your live broadcast."


"Anyway, idle at night is idle."

At this time, the elevator door opened, and the two walked in.

Zhou Yun swiped his own fingerprint on the fingerprint reader and went straight to the floor where her apartment was located.

"What is this bag you're carrying?" Zhou Yun asked, looking at the black plastic bag in Song Chi's hand.

Black plastic bag, full of bags.

Song Chi raised his mouth slightly and said, "Some meat and vegetables, I haven't had dinner, I'm waiting for you to cook for me."

"What?" Zhou Yun really didn't expect Song Chi to really think about this dinner so much, "You...I'm convinced."

 Morning, ask for tickets.

(End of this chapter)

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