Chapter 1030
Liu Gang didn't know that Tim Lange would send him an invitation in the VCR.

Come on, that's the famous Hollywood director Tim Lange, the director of the "Killing Music" trilogy.

He actually extended an olive branch to him!
Liu Gang originally thought that this opportunity had been lost by him, but it was lost again!

Liu Gang covered his mouth excitedly.

His wife and son, who were also invited to attend today, were not sitting next to him but in the audience.

But, have they seen it?
Tim Lange extended an invitation to him!

Liu Gang's eyes were red at this moment.

"Congratulations, brother!" Zou Kai patted Liu Gang on the shoulder and said.

Liu Gang said "Thank you" and turned to look at Zhou Yun.

It was Zhou Yun who recommended him to Tim Lange!

Zhou Yun gave him a thumbs up and said, "Awesome!"
There are many big names in the VCR, such as Clotte Brewster, the artistic director of the Venice International Film Festival, the famous film critic Pauline, and the American superstar Elizabeth...

They showed up one after another to recommend the movie to everyone and express their love for the movie.

After the VCR ended, everyone returned to the stage.

Liu Yuan lamented: "The movie "The Killer" has been loved and appreciated by so many people, and I can't wait to see the day when it is officially released in theaters! I know that the audience who came to the scene today, There are many fans of Wen Bing, Zhou Yun and Zou Kai, but I believe that after today, many of you will also become fans of Liu Gang!"

"Liu Gang is so handsome——" a girl screamed loudly in the audience.

The sound was extraordinarily loud.

This made everyone laugh.

But the next moment, another childish voice sounded out, unwilling to be outdone: "Dad is so handsome——"

Everyone looked back in surprise.

Liu Gang also looked back in surprise after hearing this voice.

In the audience, Liu Tong held his hand excitedly, his eyes shining.

Liu Yuan smiled and asked: "Wait a minute, have we met our handsome Liu Gang's equally handsome son? Baby, where are you? Can you wave to Uncle Liu?"

Liu Tong felt embarrassed and threw himself into his mother's belly.

This scene was broadcast in real time on the live screen. Everyone couldn't help laughing when they saw it.

His mother coaxed Liu Tong to sit up and say hello to everyone.

Liu Tong blushed and waved his hand.

"Baby is so cute!" Liu Yuan said immediately.

There was a happy atmosphere at the scene.

Liu Yuan's viewing time was almost up and he began to control the scene, "Xiaoyun, so many people like this movie. As the star of this movie, do you have anything to say?"

Zhou Yun picked up the microphone and was about to speak. At this moment, the door behind the screening room suddenly opened.

The live sound also made the sound effect of opening the door.

"I heard that "The Killer" has a very good reputation when it is screened overseas?" A voice sounded familiar to many people at the scene.

Everyone looked back in surprise.

At this moment, the lights in the back row went out without knowing when.

The next moment, the lights in the front row also went out.

The theater fell into darkness again.

The whole audience let out bewildered exclamations.

What's going on here?
Chasing Light suddenly appeared, and a figure appeared in front of everyone.It is also playing simultaneously on the screen.

Director Fan Deshang appeared behind the door and walked in, "Wen Bing, I heard that your director's works have a particularly good reputation when they are screened overseas?"

He looked dissatisfied and angry.

The whole audience was silent and looked at this scene in bewilderment.

In fact, this scene happened so suddenly that the atmosphere of the scene changed. No one knew what happened.

Why does Director Van Deschamps appear here?

The live broadcast room also exploded.

The barrage instantly increased.

At this moment, Wen Bing calmly stood up with the microphone, and another beam of chasing light hit him.

Wen Bing asked: "Director Fan, you came uninvited today. Do you have any advice?"

Director Fan Deshang snorted coldly and said, "I don't have any advice, but the characters in my movie would like to have some advice from you."

Wen Bing said: "The characters in your movie are in the movie, how can they ask for advice?"

"Who said we were in a movie?" Yin Lin's voice sounded.

In the auditorium of the screening hall, a beam of chasing light suddenly lit up.

Yin Lin, elegant and beautiful in ancient costume, walked slowly from the aisle.

"I've heard for a long time that there is a female assassin in a foreign country named Swing. She is very skilled in martial arts and can seal her throat at the sight of blood. But I don't know who is stronger or weaker between her and the assassins from our Three Kingdoms?"

The sound of an ax chopping rocks suddenly appeared at the scene.

Xu Yuliang lifted the curtain from behind the stage and appeared in front of everyone with a big ax in his hand.

He sneered and pointed his ax at everyone present: "I thought that I would be so famous, but I would be judged by ordinary people like you. I, Xu Yuliang, live my whole life, not seeking fame or profit, but only seeking to be upright and upright in my heart, to be frank and upright, to establish the world. In the meantime, keep your heart pure for the rest of your life."

The audience was dazzled by the surprises that appeared one after another. Fans watching the live broadcast also screamed in disbelief after being stunned.

"There are many games between big countries, and the world is divided and the people suffer." Chen Jing walked in with a spear, "I only regret that I can't end this troubled world with one shot and bring peace to the world!"

"Life is like a journey against the odds. One shot cannot quell the chaos, but two shots! Two shots cannot quell the chaos, three shots!" Chen Sihai also appeared, "The wind is blowing, and the strong men must go!"

"How can we settle the chaos in the world?" Yin Lin sighed softly, "Lin only hopes that all the generals will return in triumph!"

The four actors came together and stood in the aisle, looking to the other side.

On the other side, Zhou Yun, Zou Kai and Liu Gang also gathered there at some point.

They faced each other from a distance across the auditorium, their eyes flowing.

At this moment, a strange atmosphere filled the air.

The lights come back on.

Liu Yuan said loudly in the most enthusiastic manner: "Welcome Director Fan Deshang and the crew of "Conspiracy" to come to "The Killer" to smash the show!"

At this moment, everyone knew that all this was planned by the two crews.

The audience came to their senses and applauded spontaneously.

Liu Yuan continued: "The performance brought to you by the "Conspiracy" group led by Teacher Xu Yuliang is so terrible. Everyone's lines are so short, but in an instant, we are brought to the turbulent Three Kingdoms era. It is an ancient battlefield, and the other is a modern battlefield. When they faced each other from a distance, I actually felt a touch that transcended time and space. Welcome Director Fan Deshang, welcome teachers Xu Yuliang, teacher Chen Sihai, welcome Chen Jing and Yin Lin!"

Everyone walked onto the stage together.

At the same time, the number of viewers in the live broadcast room exceeded tens of millions.

The hot search terms for "The Plot" which crashed the premiere of "The Killer" were also arranged to appear on the lists of various social platforms.

(End of this chapter)

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