I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 104 Scandal Begins: 103

Chapter 104 Scandal Begins: 103
Song Chi seemed to be deliberately against her, the more he urged him to eat faster, the slower he ate, and it was delicious, a hot pot meal, two people, even took two hours to eat.

In the middle, Zhou Yun went to the kitchen to cut several more dishes.

In the end, Zhou Yun finally couldn't help but said that classic line to Song Chi: "Are you a pig?"

Song Chi glared at her, and said, "Can you be a bit of a hostess? When others invite you to eat, you just persuade them to eat more. I only ate this, and you still call me a pig?"

Zhou Yun looked at the messy table that had been completely consumed, smiled, and said, "It's not scolding you, it's seeking truth from facts."

After dinner, Zhou Yun said that she would clean up after she woke up tomorrow.

Song Chi said, "I'll clean it up for you."

Zhou Yun said no.

Song Chi said: "How about that, just leave it alone, I'll come, you go and have a rest."

Zhou Yun said: "This is my home after all, and you are a guest."

"Why do you pay attention to these things?" Song Chi had already rolled up his sleeves and began to clean up the messy dishes on the dining table.

Song Chi was so proactive, Zhou Yun was too lazy to be polite, and she didn't want to clean up.

However, it took another half an hour to clean up, and when Song Chi came out of the kitchen, it was almost twelve o'clock.

It's almost zero.

"The driver will be here in ten minutes," Song Chi said.

Zhou Yun yawned and said, "You are leaving at last."

Song Chi: "...you really have no conscience."

Ten minutes later, Song Chi received a message from the driver saying that he was already downstairs.

"Then I'm leaving." Song Chi said.

Zhou Yun got up and sent Song Chi to the door.


"Zhou Yun."


"Happy birthday."

Zhou Yun was stunned.

She blinked and looked at Song Chi in a daze.

"Let's go." Song Chi raised the corners of his mouth, and with a smile in his eyes, he turned and walked out the door.

"Song Chi!" Zhou Yun called to stop him.

Song Chi stopped, looked back at Zhou Yun, and said, "Why?"

"You, are you here to celebrate my birthday?" Zhou Yun just felt incredible.

Song Chi gave Zhou Yun a disgusted look, "What are you thinking?"

Zhou Yun realized that he was acting affectionate, and was a little embarrassed, "Okay, you can go now."

"I was just looking at Weibo and saw someone saying tomorrow, oh no, today is your birthday." Song Chi was still explaining, "Don't think too much about it."

"I see, you can go now." Zhou Yun picked his toes in embarrassment.

Song Chi finally left.

Zhou Yun closed the door, returned to the living room, and was about to turn off the lights and enter the bedroom, when he suddenly saw a strange object on the coffee table in the living room.

She came closer and saw that it was a small rectangular box.

She was pretty sure it wasn't her family's stuff.

She opened the little box to see what it was.

On the flannel, lay a necklace, and four words were burnt on the flannel inside the flap of the small box: Happy birthday.


Downstairs, parking lot.

Song Chi got into the car covered in cold air.

"Let's go."

He looked at the elevator room where the lights were still on, with a smile in his eyes.

"Hurry up and sleep for a while, the recording will start tomorrow morning." Huang Hu said, "It will be a day of recording."

Song Chi smiled and said, "Brother Hu, thank you for your hard work."

"Why are you telling me these things? Don't worry. I slept all night. I came here only after receiving your call. You can rest easy and sleep for a while." Huang Hu said, looking at Song Chi in the rearview mirror, "But You really are, there will be a program recording early tomorrow morning, why did you come out so late?"

Song Chi lowered his head and smiled, and said, "Maybe it's about being a teenager?"

Huang Hu didn't understand, he was at a loss.

Song Chi spread out the blanket, "I'm asleep."


On my birthday, I was still busy.

Zhou Yun looked at himself in the mirror. Sure enough, he was very busy recently, and he didn't have a good rest. His condition deteriorated at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The announcements that have been made still have to be completed, but fortunately she is full of energy.

On this day, from time to time, someone gave her news of birthday blessings, and even He Yong arranged for someone to send a gift over.

The company's official Weibo made a page of publicity pictures for her on Weibo, wishing her a happy birthday.

Zhou Yun's few fans also carefully edited a video for her.

Zhou Yun could only watch the video during the meal break.The video was edited very carefully, making Zhou Yun's eyes red.

Until eight o'clock in the evening, the work was finally over.

Zhou Lan asked: "I booked a place for you, let's celebrate together?"

Zhou Yun said yes.

They ordered a cake for her, sang birthday songs, and blew out the candles, which was full of ritual.

Zhou Yun made his birthday wish, talked and laughed with everyone, and shared the cake.

Finally, Zhou Lan said: "Let me take a photo for you. You post it on Weibo, and many fans wish you a happy birthday on your Weibo."

Zhou Yun said yes, wearing a birthday crown, holding a small piece of cake, and smiling sweetly.

The photo was uploaded on Weibo, with the text: Celebrating my birthday at work, with you by my side, busy but also happy.

"Sister Xiaoyun, is this necklace you just bought?" Looking at the photo with only the upper body, Zheng Xiaoju suddenly discovered a detail that he hadn't noticed during the whole day.

After Zheng Xiaoju's reminder, Zhou Lan noticed that Zhou Yun had never seen the necklace on his neck before.

Zhou Yun said: "Ah, this one, it was given by someone else."

Zhou Lan asked, "Who gave it to you? This necklace doesn't look cheap."

"A friend." Zhou Yun said with a smile, "Which one of you wants to eat cake? I'll cut it for you!"



After the director announced that the recording of this episode was over, it was already eleven o'clock in the evening. Song Chi immediately clapped his hands to express his gratitude, and walked to the nanny car accompanied by Luo Yuhu.

At the end of the day, Song Chi's bones seemed to be falling apart, and he drifted away.

Yesterday, I only slept in the car for a few hours. When I got there, I didn’t have time to go to the hotel. I went directly to the recording set, doing makeup and styling, followed by a whole day of recording.

Luo Yuhu said, "Did you stay up late last night? I see bloodshot eyes in your eyes."

Song Chi hummed and looked down at the phone.

He is replying to WeChat.

There are many WeChat messages to be answered every day, especially the drama "Questioning the Heart", which requires him to worry about a lot.

Costumes, props, styling, location selection...

Luo Yuhu said: "You look like this and feel like you will die suddenly in a second, or I will cancel the shooting tomorrow morning."

"No need." Song Chi said without raising his head, "Just sleep and it will be fine."

After getting in the car, he finally finished replying to WeChat. Suddenly, a message popped up on Weibo with the key words "Zhou Yun posted a picture to celebrate his birthday".

Song Chi clicked in and saw Zhou Yun's new Weibo.

He clicked on the photo, zoomed in a little more, saw the necklace Zhou Yun was wearing around his neck, and smiled with his lips pursed.

He raised his left hand and gently covered the corner of his mouth.

Tonight is starry.

(End of this chapter)

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