Chapter 1063 Thug
When Zhou Yun returned to the crew, those who gathered to protest against the filming were still there and had not left. Their perseverance was worthy of a commendation meeting.

No sooner had she returned than Gerald Sanchi arrived.

He had previously received a commission from Zhou Yun and conducted an investigation. Unexpectedly, he actually found out something.

Zhou Yun asked what was going on.

"They have people behind them who are paying them to do this," Gerald Sanchi said.

Zhou Yun asked in surprise: "Pay?"

"Yes." Jerrod Sanchi said, "Generally speaking, this kind of protest and demonstration activities will not last long, let alone you are just filming a movie. They can last for such a long time. Someone paid for them, booked a hotel for them, and gave them money.”

Zhou Yun said "Sure enough" in his heart.

She really wasn't surprised at all.

Gerald Sanchi added: "However, we have not found out who is behind the money. The event itself was organized by a small group called the 'Purity Club'. This club is not a formal organization, but just a few people." A small group formed by individuals on the Internet. They usually complain and post online without any extreme behavior. This time, someone online contacted them and offered to sponsor them a sum of money to express their attitude on the set."

Zhou Yun: "Then this person is quite rich. He has to take care of the food, drink and urination of more than a dozen people every day."

"Yeah, the key is that I can't see any return in this matter, and I haven't figured out why I want to do this." Gerald Sanchi said, "Generally speaking, anyone who does something has a For your own purposes, or you really don’t want to see this movie made, so you found a group of people like this, but this group of people didn’t have a big impact on the actual filming, and they didn’t let this movie be filmed. No, it is just to create some noise, and such noise will not affect Antonio at all, nor will it affect this movie."
The information that Gerald Sanchi investigated did not clearly point to anyone, and it was not easy for Zhou Yun to tell Antonio and the others.

She returned to the set to meet with Antonio.

When Antonio saw her, he smiled in surprise and said, "Aren't you coming back tomorrow?"

"I just arrived, so I came here to take a look. There won't be any shooting for me today, right?"

"No." Antonio winked at her and asked, "Did you go to the award ceremony this time and win an award?"

"Oh, I didn't take it." Zhou Yun laughed, "I ran away with him."

Antonio: “Oh, do you need me to comfort you in some way?”

Zhou Yun shook his head: "No, Antonio, it's okay if you don't win the award. Did your filming go well?"

"Everything went well." Antonio said with a smile, "I really want to finish this movie as soon as possible, and then throw it in those people's faces and tell them that it is useless even if they protest, this is my work, I can shoot whatever I want."

Zhou Yun laughed.

"You can definitely do this, no problem." Zhou Yun said, "Antonio, this movie... it may not be released in mainland China in the end."

"I know." Antonio nodded, "Whether it can be released or not, I will not modify my creation."

"Yeah." Zhou Yun nodded, "I'm just worried that you don't understand our review mechanism."

"I have been to China several times, and movies have been shown in your place before." Antonio said, "Don't think of me as an old Westerner who has never been to China. I like your Chinese culture very much. I respect you very much." Very interested in history and culture.”

"Oh, really?" Zhou Yun blinked in surprise.

"Of course." Antonio nodded, "I also know a Chinese actress named Zhang Hongyu."

Zhou Yun looked at Antonio in surprise.

"Then this is a real surprise."

Suddenly, at this moment, there was a commotion nearby.

Zhou Yun and Antonio both looked over in surprise.

Those holding signs to express their protest, who usually stood outside the set and mainly relied on their voices to demonstrate, suddenly rushed towards the set like a group of adrenaline-fuelled thugs.

The security and staff on the set angrily blocked them.

Suddenly someone took action.The first person took action, and the others were immediately affected, just like the grassland being set on fire, and started taking action one after another.

Zhou Yun looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief.

Why did the fight suddenly start? !

"Hey, you crazy people! Thugs!" Julieta suddenly stood up from her chair and shouted, "Get out of here!"

Julietta picked up a piece of wood she found somewhere and seemed about to rush over.

Zhou Yun quickly went to hold her.

"Julieta, don't do anything. If it hurts your face, you won't be able to film the movie later!"

After hearing Zhou Yun's words, Julieta became a little more rational and no longer wanted to rush forward.

Today's set is an outdoor scene, just on a street.

Such a commotion suddenly occurred and there was chaos all around.

Zhou Yun turned around and looked around, wondering if anyone at the scene called the police.

"Call the police!" she shouted immediately, "call the police!"

Wade rushed out of a cafe not far away and immediately rushed in front of Zhou Yun and the others.

"What's going on here?"

"These thugs are taking action!" Julieta said with a dark face.

Those who took action, while struggling with the staff on site, shouted: "Stop filming! Stop filming!"

At this moment, someone broke through the defense line and rushed towards them.

This person obviously knew them.

When he saw them, his eyes lit up and he rushed towards them while shouting "Stop filming!"

He didn't hold any weapon in his hand, but the angry look on his face was scary.

The moment he was about to get closer, Zhou Yun was ready to take action. Wade raised his fist and punched the man in the face. The man screamed and immediately covered his eyes and squatted down.

"Well done!" Julietta shouted immediately.

Zhou Yun did not expect that Julietta's true character would be like this.

Antonio looked at a loss and his face was full of sad emotions.

Zhou Yun sighed when he saw this.

Suddenly, a figure appeared in the corner of her eye.

She turned her head suddenly and found someone rushing out of a nearby intersection at some point.

He even had a baseball bat in his hand.

When he saw Zhou Yun had discovered him, he immediately swung his baseball bat and was about to hit him.

Zhou Yun reacted to stress at this moment, turned around and raised his leg, sweeping his right leg across.

The man was kicked hard by Zhou Yun and was kicked two meters away.

(End of this chapter)

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