I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 1085 Unexpected Nomination List

Chapter 1085 Unexpected Nomination List

Xu Jinbo and Cui Xidong did not respond to Liu Ziyan's words.

Xu Jinbo said: "The play "Flower City" involves more than 200 characters, large and small, which is the most among all the plays I have ever done. The scheduling of actors is really a big problem. Up to now, the filming schedule They haven’t been coordinated yet, and there are still some roles that haven’t been cast yet.”

Liu Ziyan said: "If you can't coordinate the schedule, just replace it. If you can't decide on the actor, just go to the major theaters to find actors. Anyway, we have one standard for this drama, and we will produce it according to the most excellent standard."

Hearing Liu Ziyan say this, Xu Jinbo felt disillusioned.

Xu Jinbo had never had this attitude before.

The success of "Deep Sea" not only allowed Liu Ziyan to receive generous bonuses, but also increased his status in Yue Hai.

The reason for this is that the commercial returns are secondary. The popularity and high reputation of "Deep Sea" overseas have made this drama a typical representative of Chinese film and television dramas overseas, and have been highly praised by the mainstream. Liu Ziyan represents Yue Hai. Know how many seminars you have participated in and how many awards you have received.

"Flower City" is a big S+-level project. After Liu Ziyan took over the operation and put him in charge, he immediately roped in Xu Jinbo and Cui Xidong to replicate the miracle of "Deep Sea".

Coincidentally, "Flower City" is also a story from the female protagonist's perspective.

Because of the popularity of "Deep Sea", Yue Hai also had high hopes for "Blossom" starring He Wenyun.During this holiday season, "Blooming Season" was also very popular in China, but it did not meet Yue Hai's initial expectations.This drama was aimed at the global market from the beginning and was co-produced with overseas film and television companies.However, this drama did not make much splash overseas, and the number of viewers was very small. If it were not broadcast well in China, it could be said to be a failure.

In the past six months, Liu Ziyan and the others have watched Zhou Yun become more and more popular overseas, with one movie after another becoming a hit. They were afraid that Zhou Yun would quit playing "Flower City", so they kept in touch with Zhou Yun and Zhou Lan.

"What if Cheng Shenlu finds Zhou Yun and asks Zhou Yun to come forward and play a role in this drama?" Xu Jinbo asked.

Liu Ziyan didn't even think about it and said, "What's there to say? Let's make arrangements immediately."

Xu Jinbo used this question to figure out Liu Ziyan's attitude.

It seemed that Liu Ziyan paid more attention to Zhou Yun this time than last time.
In just one month, Zhou Yun received more than a dozen scripts from Hollywood.

She has a schedule almost every day, and meets new people every day, including producers, directors, actors, screenwriters, casting directors, coordinators, brand owners... With so many people, Zhou Yun basically knows them all. They are forgotten once they meet, and rarely can they be written down in one sitting.

Zhou Lan and Mo Weisen's people have already started negotiating the sequel contract with Melando.

The differences between the two sides are not big, but they still have not reached an agreement on the issue of division, especially the division of surrounding areas.

Zhou Yun didn't care about this matter at all. All her energy now is on the public relations of "Female Killer".

Ever since she relied on the film "The Killer" to win an Oscar nomination for Best Actress, she has received more than a dozen calls every day.

Elizabeth, Christina, and Cedar all called her to confirm the authenticity of the news.Zhou Yun did not hide it, saying that it was indeed the case.

The public relations strategy formulated by Stephen Peck has also aroused a lot of discussion and response as expected, and more and more people are participating in discussing whether Zhou Yun deserves an Oscar nomination for Best Actress.

Compared with others, Zhou Yun started his public relations relatively late, so he was a bit disadvantaged in terms of time.

However, because "The Killer" performed very well at the box office, Zhou Yun's public relations momentum was also relatively strong.

By the end of the month, the Golden Globes announced their nominations and had everyone's attention.

After all, as one of the four major Oscar trendsetters, the influence of the Golden Globe Awards cannot be underestimated.

In the Best Actress category, Zhou Yun's name appeared. However, the nominated work was not "The Female Killer" but "The Language of Fallen Leaves".

Zhou Yun and Zhou Lan sat together and looked at the list. When they saw "The Language of Fallen Leaves", they were both confused and at a loss.

How could such a situation happen?
"It's not surprising that there will be such a nomination list for the Golden Globe Awards."

Stephen Peck was very calm and told Zhou Yun and Zhou Lan: "On the one hand, "Language of Fallen Leaves" started public relations three months earlier than "The Killer." This year is a big year for the musical comedy category, and in the drama female lead category It's a young year and there are no particularly strong competitors. With the high reputation of "Language of Fallen Leaves", I'm not surprised that you can get a nomination. On the other hand, the Golden Globe Award is selected by a few judges. The list is inconsistent with the public relations approach of "The Killer". "Language of the Fallen Leaves" received very high ratings from many film critics, but "The Killer" is just the opposite. Your performance in "The Killer" has been praised by film critics. In the eyes of the media, the artistry and complexity of the characters are not enough, and cannot be compared with the character performances in art films. Therefore, it is expected that "The Killer" was not nominated for the Golden Globe Award. The key is that "The Killer" "Whether it can be nominated by the Screen Actors Guild is the key to verifying the effectiveness of our previous public relations strategy."

Stephen Peck's explanation helped Zhou Yun and Zhou Lan clear up their doubts.Otherwise, the two of them really couldn't figure out why they had been working as publicists for "The Killer" for so long during this period, but in the end, "Language of Fallen Leaves" without any news was nominated.

Both Shi Luoqi and Xue Qin sent congratulatory text messages.

Zhou Yun called Shi Luoqi.

"Sister Luo Qi, are you still providing public relations for "Language of Fallen Leaves"?"

"Yes." Shi Luoqi said, "The reviews of "Language of Fallen Leaves" are very good, and we are still continuing it. We are also preparing to re-release it on a small scale in North America starting from January 1."

"Do you need me to do anything?"

"Do you have time now? I see that you have been very busy recently." Schluoqi said, "We mainly went to public relations for the two categories of Best Original Screenplay and Best Foreign Language Film. I didn't expect that you suddenly won the Golden Globe Award for Best The nomination for Best Actress is an unexpected surprise.”

"Yeah, I didn't expect it, and I was very surprised." Zhou Yun said, "I was shocked, but my public relations manager gave me an analysis. Maybe "Language of Fallen Leaves" will compete for the Oscar for Best Actress. The unit is still a bit uncertain, and the focus will be on "Female Killer" later on."

"Yes, if you continue with your current promotion strategy, I think there is still hope. Recently, there has been a lot of discussion about whether you can be nominated for an Oscar. There are more and more discussions, which is a good sign."

(End of this chapter)

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