I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 111 Scandal Begins: 110

Chapter 111 Scandal Begins: 110
On Friday, Li Yuning, the follow-up director arranged for Zhou Yun by the program group of "After We Spread the Gossip", met Zhou Yun for the first time.

This program is now getting a lot of attention on the Internet, and they are all waiting for the feature film to go online.

Li Yuning arrived at the door of Zhou Yun's apartment early in the morning and rang the doorbell.

Zhou Yun didn't expect the other party to come so early.

When the doorbell rang, she was still on the bed, swiping her phone, and was going to wash up after a while.

She opened the door, disheveled and looking at the camera, startled.

"You came so early, I thought you would come later." Zhou Yun stepped aside, took out the shoe covers prepared for them in advance from the shoe cabinet, and said, "Please come in."

A follow-up director Li Yuning, two photographers, and other people responsible for radio, lighting, etc., a total of ten people.

Because the filming was going on at the same time, director Liang Tian was at Song Chi's side.

Li Yuning was a little embarrassed and asked, "Did I bother you to rest?"

"No, no, I'm already awake too." Zhou Yun said.

Li Yuning said: "Don't worry about us, just pretend that we don't exist. By the way, we'll install a camera in your home later, is it convenient?"

This is all communicated in advance. Zhou Yun will not join the group for a while, and he will live at home these days, so to film Zhou Yun's daily life, he needs to install several cameras at home.

"Okay, then you sit down first."

Zhou Yun went to fetch mineral water for them.

Li Yuning found that Zhou Yun was a little uncomfortable, and said with a smile: "Just do your own thing, don't worry about ours."

In fact, there were more people in the family, and Zhou Yun couldn't ignore their existence at all.

Whether she washes her face and brushes her teeth, or changes her clothes, when she thinks of someone outside, not only her mood, but also her demeanor will become deliberately particular, fearing that her private and vulgar side will be photographed.

Zhou Yun changed his clothes and went out again.

Li Yuning said to Zhou Yun: "Let's leave the mic first."

Zhou Yun nodded.

Someone came up to wear a mic for Zhou Yun.

"Look at the radio."

"Zhou Yun, please say a word or two casually."

"Ah, what should I say?"

"The radio is ok."

"Ok." Li Yuning smiled at Zhou Yun and said, "Okay."

Zhou Yun smiled awkwardly.

At this time, Zheng Xiaoju came.The door was locked with a code, and she knew the code, so she opened the door and walked in, carrying Zhou Yun's breakfast in her hand.

"Ah, so many people?" Zheng Xiaoju was taken aback for a moment.

Zhou Yun said: "They are the staff of the "Gossip" program group."

Zheng Xiaoju had a sweet mouth, smiled sweetly, and shouted: "Hello, brothers and sisters."

At her age of eighteen, it would be appropriate to call her brother and sister.

When the film crew saw Zheng Xiaoju, they smiled kindly in return.

Zheng Xiaoju took out the breakfast and said, "Sister Xiaoyun, today's breakfast is corn, tea eggs and milk."

Zhou Yun nodded and said, "Buy me tofu curds tomorrow, I want to eat tofu curds."

"Okay." Zheng Xiaoju immediately took out his mobile phone and wrote it down in the memo.

Zhou Yun was sitting at the dining table having breakfast, with a camera next to him.

The more Zhou Yun ate it, the less he liked it, as if someone was watching over him, he even chewed and swallowed the corn slowly.

Li Yuning seemed to see Zhou Yun's uneasiness, smiled, and asked, "Xiao Yun, why don't we chat now?"

Zhou Yun snorted, and was about to put down the half-eaten corn.

Li Yuning sat down opposite Zhou Yun, waved his hands quickly, and said, "You eat what you want, and we can chat casually."

Zhou Yun nodded.

"Is this your first time recording a variety show?" Li Yuning asked.

Zhou Yun is certainly not the first time to record a variety show, she smiled shyly and said, "This is the first time to record a variety show in this kind of life."

In the past when recording variety shows, I put on makeup, put on the clothes matched by the stylist, and followed the program flow. Every link has a strong purpose. Zhou Yun is also very clear about what he wants to do. What is shown in the lens.

But this show is different.

"In the past, when I recorded a program, there were pre-set links. I was very clear about what to do, but now I am very confused and don't know what to do at all."

Li Yuning: "It's the first time you're recording this kind of program, and it would be good to shoot for a few more days. In fact, we don't want to shoot with a purpose. We want to capture the most realistic state through tracking and recording."

Zhou Yun smiled and asked, "Will you film me eating corn?"

Li Yuning said: "It's pretty good, who hasn't eaten corn."

Zhou Yun thought Li Yuning was very interesting, and he was very good at relieving guests' nervousness and embarrassment.

"I still have work to do this afternoon."

"Well, it's still the same sentence. You just pretend that we don't exist. Your agent has already communicated with the other party. We have reached an agreement in advance on what can be filmed and what cannot be filmed." Li Yuning explained.

"it is good."

After breakfast, Li Yuning said: "Xiao Yun, the cameras are already installed, we will go down first, and you will go out later, tell us, we will come up again."

"it is good."

Zhou Yun sent them out, rubbed his eyes, and wanted to lie down on the sofa.

But looking at the cameras installed in the house, I thought, forget it, don't be too lazy.

She decided to read a book for a while.

She didn't pretend to be reading books, she liked reading novels, especially suspense and crime novels.

More than half of her bookshelf is filled with suspense and crime mystery novels.

Zhou Yun often places orders based on a few reading bloggers he follows, puts them on the bookshelf when he buys them, and takes them apart to read when he has time.

Zhou Yun picked out the tome that he wanted to read a long time ago, "Solomon's Perjury" by Miyuki Miyabe.

Tome, a total of three volumes, each as thick as a brick.

Zhou Yun took the book, sat down on the sofa, and read it quickly. In a flash, two hours passed.

In the middle, Zhou Yun only got up to pour himself a glass of water.

Downstairs, in the recording car, a few people watched the recording screen sent back in real time. After two hours passed, Zhou Yun was still nestling on the sofa reading a book. Just record her reading a book?"

"How do you say that he is also a graduate of B University, a top student, have you found a second B University graduate in the entertainment industry? He is not a special talent, he just passed the college entrance examination." Another person said, "Say To be honest, I would rather see such a beauty reading a book quietly than taking pictures of those embroidered pillows and big straw bags."

"You are willing to watch, but the audience is not willing to watch."

Li Yuning said: "How do you know that the audience will not like to watch it? The purpose of our program is to record life. We need to shoot material for three months. When the time comes, we will cut [-] episodes of the program. Don't worry, just take it slowly." .”


(End of this chapter)

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