I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 1116 The darkest moment has passed

Zhou Yun actually thought about whether he should come forward to mediate the conflict between Cheng Shenlu and her agent, but after discussing with Zhou Lanyi, he felt that if he did this, it would only be counterproductive, so he gave up this idea. Intend.

Her sudden appearance will only make Cheng Shenlu's company feel wary and wonder if she wants to steal Cheng Shenlu into her own studio.

It is unclear whether the company helped Cheng Shenlv find a new agent or used his agent to suppress Cheng Shenlv's ambitions.

Cheng Shenlu can only handle this matter by herself.

People always have to get through things on their own.

The only thing Zhou Yun can do is to help Cheng Shenlu with this.

If Cheng Shenlu really gets into trouble with her company (even if this possibility is very small), Zhou Yun will find a way to save her acting career and ensure that she will not be hidden.

And Zhou Yun had a legitimate reason to do so.

It's very simple. Cheng Shenlu is an indispensable part of the "Three Thousand Worlds" universe that she will develop in the future. She has already starred in "Three Thousand Worlds". How can she watch Cheng Shenlu's agency hide her away.

Zhou Yun still believes that in the face of a money tree, no matter how well-connected, rich and well-connected Cheng Shenlv’s agent is, and how well-connected he is in the company, the company will not bury Cheng Shenlv.

Unless they are crazy.
Sure enough, Sung Shin Ryul appeared at the screening of "Truth Night" and served as the host, which attracted huge attention.

This attention even exceeds the "Truth Night" movie event itself.

Facing the wave of doubts at the scene, although Cheng Shenlu had expected it, he was still shocked by this scene.

She took a deep breath to calm herself down and not be affected by the noise.

The appearance of Cheng Shenlu immediately made her a hot search topic.

Later, an account suspected to be her agent's account posted on Weibo, saying that the job was not approached through the company, and that Cheng Shenlu took the job privately, which violated the agency contract with the company.

Before Cheng Shenlu had replied, Zhou Yun immediately posted a Weibo: Thank you Shenlu for your generous help and the screening of "Night of Truth" on the platform. I believe that those rumors about you will eventually be cleared up, The truth is revealed!

This is the first artist to publicly stand up and support Cheng Shenlu after his accident.

Zhou Yun's speech surprised and incredible everyone.

Why did Zhou Yun want to take a trip into this muddy water?
She is obviously at her peak now, so why bother?

Even Cheng Shenlu's company was shocked and stunned.It's one thing to have a personal relationship between artists, but it's another thing to be willing to speak up for you publicly.Anyone who can do this is a close friend.Is there such a deep friendship between Cheng Shenlu and Zhou Yun?
Zhou Yun's statement attracted a group of people's attacks.

Someone asked, do you know the truth? You are here to support Cheng Shenlu!She stole things from her classmates, bullied her classmates, and acted like a big star on the set. You turn a blind eye to so much dirty stuff?
Some people blame you, you are now a global superstar, stop making random statements, why do you want to wade into this muddy water, can't you just take good care of your feathers?

There were many people quarreling in Zhou Yun's comment area.

Zhou Yun was upset and closed the comment area of ​​this Weibo post.

If a person's success means having to restrict one's personality more and more, becoming tolerant, and unable to speak up for one's friends, she would rather not have this success.

Zhou Yun is now getting more and more annoyed with others teaching her how to do things.

Maybe the mentality is really inflated?
Zhou Yun closed the comment area for a while and reopened it.

Train your mind, cultivate your mind.

She hypnotized herself like this and decided to train her mentality.If you are afraid of what others will say, just let them say whatever you want.

What you want to do does not depend on what others say.
However, Zhou Yun didn't know that her statement made Cheng Shenlu's company feel a sense of crisis.

The company's previous intention was to take this opportunity to suppress the ambition and disobedience that accompanied Chengshenlu's rapid popularity.

Cheng Shenlu is now taking on roles, and she has very big ideas. The company is picky and picky about the roles arranged for her, and her cooperation is very low. This is especially true for other jobs, which makes the company really dissatisfied with her.

As for the agent's struggle with her, the company was just happy to see the outcome.

When Cheng Shenlu couldn't handle it anymore and asked them for help, they would mediate these conflicts and take the opportunity to win Cheng Shenlu's heart or renew the contract for a few more years. This was their original idea.

Now the company suddenly realized a problem. Even if Cheng Shenlu failed, her remaining inventory could help her survive until the end of the contract period. With Zhou Yun's help, Cheng Shenlu didn't have to worry about not being able to keep up with subsequent resources.

This is completely a misunderstanding caused by the information gap between the two sides.

Zhou Yun felt that he did not take the initiative to go to Cheng Shen Lv's agency, but only expressed his support for Cheng Shen Lv on Weibo. This level was not scary.

But Cheng Shenlu's agency thought of something more.

Has Cheng Shenlu been hooked on Zhou Yun's big tree for a long time, so he dared to go hard with his manager?
Is Cheng Shen Lv confident?

Then when the two sides fall apart, will Zhou Yun be the one who picks up the slack?It has been three years since Sung Shen Ryul debuted, and he still has two years left on his five-year contract.

The company certainly doesn't want to give up on this very rising star.

Worried about Zhou Yun poaching, the company no longer pretended to be deaf and dumb, and arranged for a vice president to contact Cheng Shenlu immediately.

The two parties had an in-depth discussion about the agent and future career development.

In exchange for renewing the three-year contract, Cheng Shenlu had the right to decide on his work.

As for the previous agent, there will naturally be a company to deal with it.

After everything was negotiated, the scandal surrounding Cheng Shenlu for a month was overwhelmingly covered by clarifications, counterattacks, and the whole story that emerged overnight.

In this way, Cheng Shenlu spent his darkest moment.

Although she didn't know when the company suddenly changed its mind and stopped pretending to be deaf and dumb, after Zhou Yun posted that Weibo post, Cheng Shenlu would think about it and know what the variables were. .

She sent Zhou Yun a long WeChat message to express her gratitude.

Zhou Yun was confused and thought, what did she do?She hasn't done anything yet.

Zhou Yun asked: Shenlu, did you misunderstand something?I have not contacted the leadership of your company.

Cheng Shenlu responded with a smile.

She didn't know if Zhou Yun had contacted the leaders of her company, but she knew very well that this matter must be related to Zhou Yun.

Cheng Shenlu looked back on the past few years since her debut and found that Zhou Yun had really helped her a lot.

Even she didn't realize it. Unknowingly, she had been favored by Zhou Yun too many times. (End of chapter)

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