Chapter 1118 love
Of course it’s because of love.

Being able to do a very hard thing with joy is because you have abundant love for it.

Zhou Yun also had ambitions in his heart.

Once upon a time, Zhou Yun only wanted to be a good actor and film his own movies.

However, now, with success after success, Zhou Yun also sees that some things that were once almost impossible are possible.

Why did Zhou Yun in the end rather give up tens of millions of dollars in profits than sell "Truth Night" directly to American streaming media and broadcast it online?

It's not that Zhou Yun doesn't like online broadcasts, but that in this era, the influence of a movie online is far from reaching the traditional theatrical release model.

What Zhou Yun wants to do is not just as simple as making money.

With the success of "The Killer", Zhou Yun wants to promote the influence of Chinese-language films in the global market.

Just like what Song Chi is doing.

Why have the two of them been focusing on developing the global market in the past two years?Are the projects you star in and produce working hard to be released/broadcast in different countries and regions?

Because they are all using their influence, popularity, and box office appeal to drive the success of Chinese-language films.

Now, apart from other things, the box office of Chinese-language films in Asia has grown a lot compared to a few years ago.

Hong Kong films once achieved such glory with Chinese-language films, but then they declined.

And now, Song Chi and Zhou Yun started climbing along this road again.

In recent years, literary and artistic films such as "Days" and "Behind the Scenes" have gained great influence, and commercial films such as "The Cloud" and "The Killer" have swept major markets. Chinese-language films have really gained a voice overseas.

At this time, how could Zhou Yun not want to work hard for himself.
For the movie "Truth Night", in the Asian market, they value the two markets most, one is Thailand and the other is Japan, because the type of this movie happens to be the subject matter favored by the film markets of these two countries. Of course, South Korea Yes, but South Korea has never been very enthusiastic about Chinese-language movies, and they rarely sell high box office. Moreover, Zhou Yun himself has made it very clear that he will not participate in any promotion in South Korea.

Under this circumstance, the promotional strategy of "Truth Night" is of course mainly tilted towards other countries.

"Truth Night" did very well at the domestic box office. It didn't get No. 1, but it has always been in the first tier.

The box office on the first day was 1.4 million, and the box office on the second day was 1.3 million.

There are two movies ahead of "Truth Night".

After "Truth Night", there are works whose daily box office cannot exceed [-] million.

According to the current trend, as long as "Truth Night" can stabilize the audience's reputation and evaluation in the subsequent schedules, it will definitely have no problem exceeding 15 billion box office.

For a work with such a low production cost, its profit can simply make other film companies so jealous that they can't sleep in the middle of the night.

Including two works with higher box office than "Truth Night".

Although their box office is higher, their production costs and publicity expenses are ten times or even higher than that of "Truth Night"!

"Night of Truth" has only one star, Zhou Yun, and the others are all newcomers.

In their movies, from producers to directors, from leading actors to supporting actors, which one is not a big star?With an all-star lineup and a golden team, entering the Spring Festival period, it is unclear whether it can make money, but it definitely means "burning money."

And Zhou Yun, who stars in a movie alone, can compete with them without falling behind. Who in the industry wouldn't envy him?
But this is mainly due to the fact that the schedule of "Truth Night" was well arranged, and it caught Zhou Yun at his peak.At this time, Zhou Yun has a general trend in the hearts of the audience. Many passerby fans have the impression of Zhou Yun that "she acts in movies very well." Therefore, when choosing to watch a movie, seeing Zhou Yun's name, I will choose her movies.

This is not a big production, nor is it a subject that touches on social empathy. It catches up with this film that has been praised by "The Killer", "The Killing Song", the Best Actress at the Berlin Film Festival, the Best Actress at the Golden Globe Award, and the Best Actress at the Oscars. Zhou Yun's highlight period under the nomination bombardment is the main reason why "Truth Night" can stand in its current position in the Spring Festival war.

Subsequently, "Truth Night" began to be released abroad.
"I really want to watch "Truth Night."

On the set, Xu Jinbo chatted with Zhou Yun who was waiting for the set, and said with a smile: "My son went to see it, and when he came back, he posted on WeChat Moments, saying it was good."

Zhou Yun said: "I haven't watched it yet, and I didn't even attend the premiere."

For this movie, Zhou Yun really almost never appeared in the promotion scene.

It all depends on the help of friends.

Xu Jinbo knew that Zhou Yun did not want to delay the filming of "Flower City".

Because he took too much leave in January, Zhou Yun didn't want to cause any more trouble to the crew.

If Zhou Yun wants to take leave, Xu Jinbo will certainly agree.However, if Zhou Yun hadn't mentioned it himself, Xu Jinbo wouldn't have taken the initiative to ask for leave to promote your new movie.

Now Zhou Yun has achieved great success.

Xu Jinbo also knows that "The Night of Truth" has done well at the box office, and Zhou Yun must be in a good mood.

He smiled and mentioned what they had done to him before.

"When the "Flower City" project is completed, if you still need me, I am willing to join you."

Zhou Yun's eyes lit up instantly.

"Really?" Zhou Yun looked at Xu Jinbo in surprise, showing excitement and joy.

"That's great!"

Xu Jinbo said: "But before that, you have to give me some time. I need to discuss this matter with Yue Hai."

"Okay, no problem." Zhou Yun nodded, "As long as you are willing to come over, we will definitely wait for you."

Xu Jinbo: "In addition, I also have a few people of my own in Yue Hai, and I want to bring them with me. They have been following me. If I don't take them away, they will definitely be left out in Yue Hai."

"Of course there is no problem. To be honest, we are very short of manpower right now. If you can bring your team to form our production company, Zhou Lan and I will definitely support you." Zhou Yun said, "This is really a good news."

If Xu Jinbo can join, their film and television drama sector will be greatly enriched, and they will have a general who truly understands production in the production process.

And this is also the biggest shortcoming of the combination between her and Zhou Lan.

Xu Jinbo said: "Have you considered signing Cui Xidong? I see that you have signed a screenwriter before. You have worked with Cui Xidong, and you are aware of his abilities. If you sign him, you will have a screenwriter for yourself. With a director, many projects can go much smoother.”

Zhou Yun said: "The focus of our studio is mainly on movies. The projects that will be promoted in the next few years are all movies. There are no dramas. If Cui Xidong is signed, I am worried that there will be no projects for him to do."

(End of this chapter)

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