I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 113 Scandal Begins: 112

Chapter 113 Scandal Begins: 112
Song Chi quickly went downstairs.

At noon, the sun was like a fire.

Song Chi walked over with a scorching sun on his head.

Seeing his figure, Zhou Yun said, "Song Chi is down, let's go."

Li Yuning nodded.

"It's so sunny today." Zhou Yun said.

Song Chi asked, "Aren't you wearing a sun umbrella?"

"I didn't expect it to be so sunny today."

"I thought you girls must bring umbrellas when you go out."

"I'm lazy."

Song Chi smiled and said, "It's not far, we'll be there soon."

It was about [-] meters from the parking place to Song Chi's friend's house.

When we got downstairs, Zhou Yun asked, "What's your friend's name? How should I call him?"

Song Chi said, "You'll know when you meet."

"What?" The expression on Zhou Yun's face was unimaginable, "How would I know how to call him your friend? I don't even know him."

"Who said they didn't know each other?" Song Chi smiled smugly, as if the previous concealment was just to wait for this moment.

Zhou Yun was stunned for a moment.

She didn't know what Song Chi was trying to trick.

But according to what Song Chi meant, she should know Song Chi as a friend?

Zhou Yun thought to himself, there were only a few people she and Song Chi knew in common.

Who can it be?
What Zhou Yun didn't expect was that it was Liu Yuan.

"Teacher Liu!" Zhou Yun was surprised.

Unexpectedly, it would be Liu Yuan.

Liu Yuan smiled brightly, and immediately hugged Zhou Yun, "It's finally here, Xiao Yun."

Zhou Yun met Liu Yuan once when recording a program before, and later had supper and sang songs together. Liu Yuan left a very good impression on Zhou Yun.

"So it's you! Song Chi didn't tell me, I was nervous before I came." Zhou Yun was very happy to see Liu Yuan.

Liu Yuan said "Come in quickly" and asked: "What do you drink? Coffee, juice or water?"

"Water." Zhou Yun said quickly.

When Liu Yuan poured water for Zhou Yun, he said, "I happened to be here today to record a program, so Xiao Chi invited me to join your program."

Zhou Yun asked: "Huh? Will that bother you?"

"It's okay, the recording of my program will start at night." Liu Yuan said, "There is still time to treat you to a meal."

Liu Yuan brought the water over and said, "Then sit down for a while, and I'll go prepare lunch."

Zhou Yun stood up and said, "Let me help."

"It's okay, it's okay, I don't need it, I can do a little homework by myself." Liu Yuan said, "There's no reason to ask a guest to help, please sit down."

Liu Yuan smiled and persuaded Zhou Yun to sit down, and went into the kitchen.

Zhou Yun was a little surprised, and whispered to Song Chi, "I didn't expect Teacher Liu to cook by himself."

Song Chi said: "It seems that someone usually orders takeaway at home?"

Zhou Yun said: "I'm so busy with work, it's hard to get some free time, so I don't want to do it myself."

"Brother Liu likes to cook. He has bought a house in several cities where he often stays. Whenever he has time, he will invite friends over for dinner." Song Chi said, "But this meal is my initiative. "

"Miss Liu is really kind to you."

"Of course, I am such a good person, of course Brother Liu is also kind to me."

"Don't take the opportunity to put gold on your face, okay?" Zhou Yun said with disgust.

Song Chi laughed, and asked, "You're not pretending to be a cute little sister now?"

Zhou Yun came back to his senses suddenly, and looked at the camera set up in the room.

"Don't look, it's already been photographed, and the original shape is revealed." Song Chi taunted.

Zhou Yun glared at Song Chi, "Did you do it on purpose?"

Song Chi shrugged his shoulders and said, "Don't blame me for showing your true colors."

Zhou Yun snorted angrily, stood up, put his hands on his hips, gave Song Chi a condescending look, and said, "You just showed your true colors, and I am also a fairy when you show my true colors!"

With his hands on his hips, Zhou Yun turned around and walked towards the kitchen.

"Miss Liu, let me help you!"

The fierce tone became sweet again.


Song Chi: "..."

Song Chi didn't want to admit it, but Zhou Yun's deliberate coquettishness just now moved his heart again.

Seriously, Song Chi did have some kind of interest in Zhou Yun, if not, he would be crazy to be so interested in a female artist he met halfway.

But things between people, to put it bluntly, are also paradoxical. If it is not melon men and widows, it will definitely usher in the result of dry wood and fire. There will also be like them, knowing that there will be no result. You can only test me and I will test you. , have a little ambiguous addiction in Huatou.

If you like me, you can hide in the ground and talk for two or three months, and enjoy yourself.

But Song Chi got to know Zhou Yun, and when he got to know Zhou Yun, he knew it was okay.

He didn't want to force it either.

Not to mention Zhou Yun, he himself is unable to talk about a relationship that is aboveboard.At this critical moment, any variable cannot afford it.

Therefore, the current relationship is the end, and there is no way to go any further.

The only thing that made Song Chi feel lucky was that Zhou Yun was more rational than him.

Zhou Yun conveyed the meaning of "let's just be friends" earlier than him.

No one will allow themselves to indulge in one-sounding greed.

Song Chi smiled, thinking to himself, his vision is correct, Zhou Yun is indeed different from many female artists in the entertainment industry.

This different female artist suddenly came out of the kitchen with dishes.

She glared, and complained to the male artist sitting on the sofa: "Are you really sitting there like an uncle waiting for someone to serve you for dinner? Hurry up and go in and serve the food!"

So the male artist entered the kitchen under the instruction of the female artist.

Liu Yuan smiled and said, "Xiao Chi, this girl Xiao Yun is quite interesting."

"Brother Liu, please stop."

Liu Yuan smiled and said no more.

Three people at the table, lunch.

It is said to be a homely meal, but it is true, there are not so many exaggerated dishes, but once you put it in your mouth, it tastes really homely and delicious.

Zhou Yun gave Liu Yuan a thumbs up and said, "Mr. Liu, your cooking skills are amazing! It's delicious!"

Liu Yuan was also not modest, and said with a smile: "That's right, it should take years to practice."

"Do you usually cook?" Liu Yuan asked Zhou Yun.

"I can do it, but I haven't done much in the past few months. I'm too busy. When I wasn't so busy before, I would do it myself." Zhou Yun smiled sheepishly.

Liu Yuan: "Then you are more competitive than Song Chi, he doesn't know anything until now."

Zhou Yun did not hide the sneer on his face.

Song Chi immediately retorted: "Brother Liu, don't be fooled by her words, isn't her cooking skill just average? Treat me to a meal, and I make a chicken soup hot pot, throw all the dishes in and cook it You can eat it, even a fool can do it."

Liu Yuan showed surprise on his face.

Zhou Yun countered: "Are you ashamed to blame me? You brought a bagful of vegetables at night and asked me to cook for you. I can cook you a chicken soup hot pot. It's not bad. Be content."

The expression on Liu Yuan's face was even more shocked.

"Wait, when did this happen?"

He turned his head at an angle, and winked at Song Chi and Zhou Yun, signaling them that there was still a camera.

(End of this chapter)

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