I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 132 Scandal Begins: 131

Chapter 132 Scandal Begins: 131
Zhou Yun has already answered this question.

Someone asked her before, and she answered it, once or twice, and it became the prescribed answer sentence pattern.

Why do you do this line of work?
Because she looks so pretty, it would be a pity not to do this job.

Because I like acting.

Because there is such a dream.


Zhou Yun lowered his head and smiled, thought for a while, and said: "To be honest, I didn't find a suitable job at that time, and because of some things happened at that time, I just needed a sum of money, and it happened to be seen by others, so I did this job for me. A chance for a line."

It was an answer she never answered.

But it's the one that's closest to the real answer.

Gu Huaichun asked: "Then do you like acting?"

"It was a job at the beginning, but I gradually fell in love with it." Zhou Yun shook his head, "But I don't know if I really like it or fake it. I didn't act for a long time. This is my second time acting. Woolen cloth."

Gu Huaichun nodded.

"What about you? You chose this line of work because you like acting?" Zhou Yun asked.

Gu Huaichun hummed, "When I was a child, I watched movies and thought I could act too. Later, I passed the acting school and passed the exam."

"Have you been so narcissistic since childhood?" Zhou Yun asked.

Gu Huaichun pointed to his own face, "If you had such a face, wouldn't you know that you are handsome? You treat everyone around you as blind."

Zhou Yun took a breath, and asked Yin Zhou sincerely: "How do you usually endure him? I was filming with him, and I couldn't help butting him every day. Fortunately, it was only three months. You and him every day Stay together, don't you want to be bored to death?"

Yin Zhou turned his head away with a smile.

The three people usually stay together because of filming, and their relationship with each other has become a little closer than usual in a short period of time.

And the intimate relationship begins with mutual confrontation anytime, anywhere.

After having dinner with them, Zhou Yun returned to the hotel and took a shower. As soon as he came out, he heard the sound of swiping his room card at the door.

Zheng Xiaoju walked in with a look of surprise, and said, "Sister Xiaoyun, let's watch the show together."

"Ah?" Zhou Yun didn't understand what Zheng Xiaoju meant.

Zheng Xiaoju said: "Tonight, the second episode of "After We Had a Gossip" will be aired at [-] o'clock, and there are still five minutes left!"

Only then did Zhou Yun realize what he was talking about.

"Okay." She nodded.

Zheng Xiaoju also prepared snacks and drinks. Considering that Zhou Yun is currently in the weight control period, Zheng Xiaoju prepared konjac shreds, seaweed and zero-sugar drinks.

Zhou Yun suddenly remembered, and said, "Xiaoyu, you can eat this. I packed a fried chicken with spicy peppers for you in the restaurant. It's not the leftovers from us."

Zheng Xiaoju's eyes lit up immediately.

"Really! Sister Xiaoyun, you are so kind to me!"

In the second episode, the scene where I finally read the book was finally broadcast.

At the end of the last episode, it only aired Li Yuning's interview with Zhou Yun and the acting class in the company.

When the content of the program was broadcast until Zhou Yun received a call from Song Chi about having dinner together at noon, the video barrage suddenly increased a lot.

As they said, in the second episode, Zhou Yun finally appeared in more episodes.

In particular, nearly half of the second issue is about eating at Liu Yuan's house.

Zheng Xiao laughed several times in the middle of the sentence.

Zhou Yun wanted to dig a hole and buy himself in.

The program team is really wicked. Through editing techniques, it specifically highlights the intelligence, elegance, and lady she deliberately pretended to be when recording the program at the beginning. As a result, after Song Chi's several times of dismantling it, Zhou Yun broke the jar and showed her true self.

Especially when he was running on Song Chi.

Zhou Yun had a premonition in his heart that this segment might become a popular segment on the Internet.

famous scene.

This episode is still only an hour long.

In the show, lunch has just been going on for a while.

According to this edit, Zhou Yun felt that the content of the third feature film might still be in Liu Yuan's house.

The phone suddenly vibrated several times.Zhou Yun picked it up and took a look. It was a message from Zhou Lan, reminding her to post on Weibo to promote the program "After Our Gossip".

In fact, Zhou Yun had already posted on Weibo in the afternoon. Zhou Lan wanted Zheng Xiaoju to take a photo of Zhou Yun watching this show and post it on Weibo.

Zhou Yun followed suit and posted on Weibo.

Someone reminded her in her comment that Song Chi @她了。

Zhou Yun clicked on Song Chi's Weibo and took a look. Thirty minutes ago, Song Chi posted a new Weibo, saying: I have never been attacked like this @周云.

People @ it, Zhou Yun thought that there must be some interaction.She reposted and commented: You set yourself on fire, don't blame this fairy for destroying grass.

In the second video, Zhou Yun also claimed to be a fairy several times, and was complained by Song Chi, which was also a part of the barrage with relatively large reactions.

Zhou Yun's act of calling himself a fairy has been liked by many girls. Zhou Yun also saw in the barrage that someone was laughing at Zhou Yun's unknown face. After claiming to be a fairy, many people attacked the person in front of him in the barrage .

On Weibo, there used to be one-sided dislike, dislike, and disgust towards Zhou Yun. Now there are some people expressing that they did not expect Zhou Yun to be so cute in private. speech by a little girl.

Seeing these speeches, Zhou Yun really wanted to complain, why is she so cute in private?Isn't she cute on camera?The effect of a reality show is often unpredictable, because it is uncertain whether the audience will like the real appearance, so many companies create personas for their artists in order to ensure stability, and let the artists play the roles that have been seen in the camera. Proven personality.

Chengqian Entertainment also created a few character designs for Zhou Yun, such as a pure beauty without makeup, but this character design was shattered because of Zhao Qin's scandal in June.

When Zhou Yun was on this show, Zhou Lan proposed to focus on the keywords of elegance, beauty, and generosity as much as possible. Who knows, she didn't make it on the first day and failed.

Less than an hour after the show aired, Zhou Lan suddenly sent over a mosaic picture. I don't know who made it. It was all real-time comments on the show on the Internet. Have.Expressed his liking for Zhou Yun without hesitation, saying that Lu Zhuan is a fan.

Zhou Lan said: The effect of this episode was better than expected.

Zhou Yun: They are very happy to see me making a fool of myself.

In this episode of the show, Zhou Yun's biggest highlight is the reversal of his pretense of being gentle and generous but being exposed by Song Chi.

Zhou Lan: In fact, the audience thinks that they have seen your true temperament even more.

Zhou Yun: I thought the program group would not release these clips, didn't they agree to create a beautiful and generous side of me?

Zhou Lan: These days I have been with the producers, editing the films together with them. These shots were broadcast only after I agreed with them.

Zhou Yun: Are you editing films with them these days?
Zhou Lan: Yes, when I saw this segment, I thought it would help the audience realize a more real you, so I decided to let them cut it into the feature film.

Zhou Yun: Thank you, sister Lan, for your hard work.

Zhou Lan: Next, you may have to work harder.

Zhou Yun: Huh?What's wrong?
Zhou Lan: After today's episode airs, the company will slowly resume your promotion. The partners who were afraid of you because of the scandal and public opinion before, should not hesitate anymore after seeing the effect of today's broadcast. There are already several business contacts here.

Zhou Yun: What about the crew?I also have heavy tasks in filming every day.

Zhou Lan said: Don't worry about this, I will communicate with the crew, focusing on filming, it will not affect your normal filming, but you will be more tired if you run around.

Zhou Yun: It doesn't matter if I'm a little tired, but Lu Yuan is very rushed in filming, and he is in a hurry every day. It has not been a month since filming, and I have finished filming one-third of the scene. I am worried that I will not be able to spare time.

Zhou Lan: I will handle the schedule coordination. As for Lu Yuan... I heard that Yuehai.com is looking for someone to write the script and wants to develop two extra films.

Zhou Yun was startled, and asked: Extra movie?
Zhou Lan: Yes, because the current data of "The Eighth Heartbeat" is much better than they expected. They internally evaluated that this drama will at least be a hit, so they want to use this drama to make two extra films , and it will also be online on Yuehai.com at that time.

Zhou Yun: It means that in addition to the current script, I will act in a new script by then?

Zhou Lan: No, I will not agree to let you act in this kind of online drama. I heard that one of the two sideline movies is starring Yu Yan and the other is Yin Zhou. It has nothing to do with you, Lu Yuan and the others are in a hurry now, because they want to film the scenes of these two extra-fan movies together later, and then cut them into two extra-fan movies separately.

Zhou Yun: Don't spend extra money, and make two extra feature films?I understand, I am convinced, I can still do this, absolutely.

Zhou Lan: Anyway, it has nothing to do with you, so just pretend you don't know.

Zhou Yun: Then Yin Zhou and Yu Yan won't get extra salary?

Zhou Lan: I don't know about Yu Yan. Yin Zhou himself is Yue Hai's artist, so he probably won't give any extra money. I heard that even the photographers are only planning to give a bonus.

Zhou Yun: It's really stingy. They have already made money in this drama, right?There were TV stations who bought TV broadcasts before, and there were new sponsorship advertisements.

Zhou Lan: It has nothing to do with us. We finish filming normally and get the final payment. They like to shoot a few extra episodes.

Such things are actually not uncommon.

As long as any big production or blockbuster hits, they will basically develop extra movies or other peripherals, and make more money with the help of Dongfeng.

But Zhou Yun didn't expect that Huang Zhong suddenly appeared downstairs in the hotel early the next morning, invited Zhou Yun from the chartered car to the set, and personally sent her to the set.

Naturally, we want to talk about things.

Huang Zhong asked with a smile: "Xiaoyun, did you take on other movies after you finished filming this movie?"

Zhou Yun asked: "Boss Huang, what's the matter?"

Huang Zhong said: "Didn't I have a project in my hand before, the heroine fairy drama, "Book with the King", I made it with Hongcheng Satellite TV, and I want to invite you to play the leading role."

"My agent told me."

"Our "Eighth Heartbeat" is also very pleasant to cooperate with. Unlike "The Eighth Heartbeat", "Book of Yu Jun" is a big production, and the investment is not at the same level as "The Eighth Heartbeat". Please also Director He Luochuan is appointed to direct. Many actresses in this play are asking, but I still prefer to ask you to act, what do you think?" Huang Zhong asked.

Zhou Yun said: "Mr. Huang, my schedule until the end of the year is already full."

Huang Zhong said: ""Book of Yu Jun" will not be available this year."

Zhou Yun asked: "Who is the leading actor?"

Huang Zhong said: "We are in contact with first-line male actors."

That is, it has not yet been decided.

Zhou Yun thought for a while and said, "Mr. Huang, you can tell my manager about this. I have no way to promise you directly now."

When Huang Zhong heard this, he was a little anxious and asked, "Is there any problem?"

"No, it's just that, as you know, all the cooperation is negotiated by my agent."

Huang Zhong was a little dissatisfied, and said: "I think Xiaoyun is a very good actor to cooperate with, so I took the initiative to find you. Many female actors in this play are staring at me, so I didn't give it out."

Zhou Yun: "I know that Mr. Huang takes care of me, and I am also grateful, but you know, whether I can take the role or not, I don't care, the company has to agree."

Zhou Yun said so, Huang Zhong had no choice but to give up.

After arriving at the set and getting out of the car, Zhou Yun immediately called Zhou Lan.

After Zhou Lan heard this, he said, "Don't worry about this, "The Book of Yu Jun" was indeed a big piece of cake before, but news came out not long ago that He Luochuan didn't plan to direct it himself, but let his apprentice take over. , he only supervised the producer, and as soon as the news came out, the market immediately went down, and the front-line people who were fighting for this drama also quit. He is an investor who is eager to pull you on board and stabilize this drama."

"No wonder he was anxious to get me to agree just now."

Zhou Lan said: "If He Luochuan doesn't direct this drama, we have to carefully evaluate whether we want to accept this drama. The program "After We Had a Gossip" is very popular now. Take it to a new level. Besides, the current data of "The Eighth Heartbeat" is very good. If it can be a little hit when it airs, then the dramas you can get in touch with will be able to reach a higher level as a whole. "Book with the King" may not be the most Good choice."

Zhou Yun: "Alright, let's wait and see."

The production cycle of a drama is very long, especially "And Junge", which has a large number of episodes and heavy shooting tasks. Once you enter the group, you will spend half a year in the group. For a rising stage For actors, both time and exposure are a big waste. If the final broadcast effect is not good, it means that half a year has been wasted.

Choose carefully.

Zhou Yun was thinking about these things, and before he entered the dressing room, he heard Xu Siyao say eccentrically, "Sister Zhen, you are a senior, how dare I mock you."

Three words came to Zhou Yun's mind: Becoming a demon again?
Since Xu Siyao was scolded by Lu Yuan in front of everyone last time, she finally calmed down for a few days and stopped offending people everywhere. Is this a relapse today?

When Zhou Yun walked into the office, he saw Zhen Xiaoxiao was so angry that his mouth was trembling. Seeing her coming in, he sued as if he had found the mother of a bear child: "Xiaoyun, you are a good junior sister, mocking me for being old. Also blame me for squeezing her makeup time, does she talk to seniors like this?"

(End of this chapter)

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