I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 134 Scandal Begins: 133

Chapter 134 Scandal Begins: 133
One day, there was even a situation where only three scenes could be filmed, because there were not enough actors and there was no one to film.

Lu Yuan got angry when he got the notice, slapped the table and cursed.But the one who gets scolded is only the top one, it is impossible for him to scold the actors.Half of it comes from the platform itself, and the other half is the pillar and related account of this drama.The money earned by this movie for Lu Yuan made it impossible for him to offend these people.

But the crew can't shut down, because shutting down is burning money.

Huang Zhong and Lu Yuan had no choice but to ask the screenwriter to bring in the script of the extravaganza movie starring Yu Yan, and shoot as much as they wrote. If they didn't write it, the screenwriter was locked in the hotel every day to write.

a mess.

Zhou Yun clearly felt that Lu Yuan's temper was getting worse and worse on the set.Of course, she was not scolded.Lu Yuan's bad temper never even pointed at her.She herself felt a little embarrassed. With the popularity of the program "After We Had a Gossip", her popularity rose again, and she also had a group of fans, real fans, unlike before, most of them were black fans.

This led to a surge in business coming to Zhou Yun again. Zhou Lan picked and selected, deleted, deleted, and deleted, and some had to follow, so he had to ask Zhou Yun for leave.

Frequent asking for leave and going out also affected Zhou Yun's performance.She suddenly got stuck and couldn't enter the state during filming.Before, I stayed in the crew, and almost always stayed in the state of the characters, not too much disturbed by the outside world, but now it is different, there are too many chores, too many noises, Zhou Yun sometimes feels that his mind is buzzing, Can't calm down.

She could only tell Zhou Lan the truth, especially when she was out.

Either arrange the business work together and deal with it in a centralized manner. Don't stay on the set for a few days to film, and then go out again in a few days.

It seems that it is only going out for one day, but it will affect the state of the next few days.

Zhou Lan can only coordinate as much as possible.

After all, there are times when you can't coordinate.

This is a difficulty that Zhou Yun has to overcome, because she was not a pure actor from the beginning.

At the end of July, Zhou Yun suddenly heard the news that Huang Zhong was preparing the second part of "The Eighth Heartbeat".

She heard the news from Zheng Xiaowen.

Zheng Xiaowen asked her if she would make the second part of "The Eighth Heartbeat".

Zhou Yun shook his head and said no, there was no such plan at all.

Zheng Xiaowen said: "Boss Huang of your drama contacted me and said that he is going to prepare the second one and wants me to continue sponsoring it."

Zhou Yun looked surprised: "I haven't heard the news, even if there is a second part, I won't act."

I didn't want to act in the scene from the beginning, and my feelings didn't change because of the shooting process.

The crew with frequent chaos, the director who is constantly rushing to work, and the perfunctory script, Zhou Yun just insisted on relying on the spirit of being responsible for himself.

Zheng Xiaowen said: "Then you have to pay attention, I listened to what he said inside and outside the meaning, it seems that the second film will be starred by the original cast."

Zheng Xiaowen didn't say it clearly, but Zhou Yun understood.Zheng Xiaowen was reminding her to be wary of Huang Zhong using the banner of Zhou Yun to continue to star in the second part to attract investment.After all, the biggest selling point of "The Eighth Heartbeat" is Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun quickly vented this matter to Zhou Lan, Zhou Lan said: "It's hard for us to talk about it, we can't just come out and say that we won't play the second part, and Huang Zhong didn't tell others that you just They will definitely continue to play. Gu Huaichun and Yin Zhou will continue to play the original cast. This kind of thing can only be asked by others, and we will explain it, just like Zheng Xiaowen. However, don’t worry, the general brand side is very careful. Be cautious, I’m not sure you’ll be in the second part, and you won’t sign the agreement easily. I think Huang Zhong’s rumor about the preparation of the second part of “The Eighth Heartbeat” is to create momentum, and it may attract other people If you like this project, if you can attract some well-known actors to join, it will be considered a profit."

"Who will act? Such a low-cost drama."

"How many stars have been drafted in the past few years, each with their own traffic, but there are only so many film and television dramas that have started filming. There are more monks and less meat. If you observe carefully, you will know that except for the most prominent, most of the small stars with waists They are all high and low, and for them, taking advantage of you to act in the second part is the best they can get so far. If Huang Zhong really uses your banner to fool around, several of the main characters will definitely have Other stars are willing to act, and everyone wants to be more popular."

Zhou Yun: "But I don't know how to act."

"When they found out that you weren't acting, they had already signed the contract and had to act." Zhou Lan said, "This is how many actors are tricked into joining the cast."

"It's all deceitful for them to do so."

"So any project should be cautious and cautious. There are too many empty shells to deceive people." Zhou Lan said, "Has Huang Zhong visited you recently? He has been talking to me about the book "Book of Yujun" with me these days." I want you to act in a play, He Yong also came to ask me, but his attitude was quite vague, I thought he would want you to act in it."

Zhou Yun said, "Maybe he wants to put Xu Siyao in."

"Xu Siyao?" Zhou Lan smiled sarcastically, "Huang Zhong nodded, but Liu Pinran wouldn't nod either. Who will buy Xu Siyao's account? Hongcheng Satellite TV will not agree."

"Didn't He Yong really want to support Xu Siyao?"

Zhou Lan said: "At most, Xu Siyao could play the heroine of the second part of "The Eighth Heartbeat". In this regard, it is beyond the sky. Hongcheng Satellite TV has always bought dramas and always looked at the leading role. Xu Siyao is not in them at all. eyes."

To Zhou Yun's surprise, Zhou Lan's words became a prophecy.

At the beginning of August, Zhou Yun heard the news that Xu Siyao will star in the second part of "The Eighth Heartbeat", and the leading actor of the second part may be Yin Zhou.

This gossip came from Zhen Xiaoxiao.

When she said this, she was purely trying to satirize Yu Yan.

"Some people shouldn't think that it's okay if they star in an extra movie. It's an extra movie. If you have the ability to be the heroine of the second movie, look at Xu Siyao, the little girl has the ability."

Strange to say, Zhen Xiaoxiao had conflicts with both Yu Yan and Xu Siyao, but Zhen Xiaoxiao would rather praise Xu Siyao than satirize Yu Yan.

Yu Yan turned black and left on the spot.

When this news reached Zhou Yun's ears, Zhou Yun had just finished work.

She looked incredible, feeling unbelievable.

Is Xu Siyao really going to star in the second part?

Zhou Yun didn't take Zhou Lan's casual words seriously at all. She subconsciously felt that with Xu Siyao's proud personality, how could she want to play the second part, even if it was the heroine of the second part, as long as the first part wasn't her , In the eyes of others, this behavior is called taking orders.

Who would want to be a catcher?
(End of this chapter)

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