I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 168 Ascension Period: 03

Chapter 168 Ascension Period: 03
Every choice is actually a bet.

If the bet is right, hard work will lead to skyrocketing, but if the bet is wrong, hard work will only be in vain.

Zhou Yun said: "Mr. He, you said that it is not safe for me to act in a literary film, so do I have a better and safer opportunity now?"

He Yong thought that Zhou Yun was still obsessed with the matter of "Luo Yan", and said: "The company has reached an agreement with Liu Qingqing for the film "Luo Yan". You have prepared an urban drama, and it will definitely be popular after it airs!"

"Urban drama? Why did I hear that it's an idol drama again?" Zhou Yun said.

He Yong paused for a moment, and after a while, he said: "Idol dramas are safer. We don't have an environment for filming real workplace dramas in China. However, for serious workplace dramas, even if an actor like Sun Li plays the leading role, it is considered a film. With the quality of "Ideal City", the broadcast results did not meet expectations."

"Mr. He, a month ago, Ning Yao announced that she would star in a TV series adapted from a romance novel, which caused complaints all over the Internet, saying that she would pretend to be tender when she was young. Is this what you mean by insurance?" Zhou Yun asked.

"You're different from her. You've just debuted, and it's normal to act in idol dramas. Moreover, you are so beautiful, and you will definitely be liked by the audience when you act in idol dramas."

"Has "The Eighth Heartbeat" been aired?" Zhou Yun asked.

He Yong was taken aback.

"It's going to be aired at the beginning of the year, what's the matter?"

Zhou Yun said: "This movie should have made you a lot of money, right? I heard that you also invested in the second movie."

He Yong smiled and said: "Most of this is due to you. You starred in the first film, which has not yet been broadcast. The sponsor who came to you has already collected the cost. Look, everyone agrees. The idol drama you act in will definitely be popular."

"It's me acting, it will definitely be popular, it's not an idol drama, Mr. He, don't get the point wrong."

"Yes Yes."

Zhou Yun said: "The company suddenly wanted me to act in a self-made idol drama because I saw the success of "The Eighth Heartbeat", and you want to copy it, especially after "The Eighth Heartbeat" is broadcast. You can also take advantage of this wave of Dongfeng to attract sponsorship and sell advertisements. Whether it is safe or not, insurance or not, these are not important, the important thing is whether you can make money and how much money you can make.”

He Yong licked his lips.

His mouth felt a little dry.

"Mr. He, I won't quarrel with you anymore. It's not impossible if you want me to accept the company's self-produced film, but the company must agree to me accepting this film. Compared with sitting in the office and analyzing safety and insurance, I prefer Believe in a simple truth, you can't put all your eggs in one basket." Zhou Yun put on his sunglasses again, "What do you think?"

He Yong wanted to say something more.

Zhou Yun stood up, "Mr. He, I will leave it to you to convince other people."

He Yong was stunned, thinking to himself, leave everything to him? ?
But Zhou Yun's tone was so natural that He Yong was in a daze, feeling that he should do this.

"I hope there will be results this week." Zhou Yun raised the corners of his mouth, smiled brightly, and said, "Mr. He, you must be able to help me convince them, right? Thank you for your hard work, bye."

Zhou Yun deliberately raised his finger pretentiously, made a simplified version of the gesture of goodbye, turned his head and said to Zhou Lan, "Sister Lan, let's go."

Zhou Lan gave Zhou Yun a strange look, said "Mr. He, then let's go", and left He Yong's office with Zhou Yun.

He Yong didn't come back to his senses for a long time.

He had the illusion that he was the little eunuch next to Lafayette.

Isn't that what happened to Zhou Yun's domineering tone just now?


After leaving He Yong's office, Zhou Yun and Zhou Lan didn't go downstairs directly, but went to another place.

After a while, He Yong's secretary knocked on the door and went in, saying, "Mr. He."

He Yong asked: "They left?"

The secretary replied: "No, I saw them go to Mr. Lu's office."

"Lu Yicheng?" He Yong's expression changed immediately, his hands were on his hips, a little annoyed, "Why did they go to Lu Yicheng's place? When did they hook up with Lu Yicheng?"

Seeing that He Yong was burning with anger, the secretary kept silent in a timely manner. After He Yong had vented his anger, he continued, "Mr. He, are they going to seek Lu Yicheng's support?"


The secretary said: "Didn't Zhou Yun want to act in that movie? If you want the company to nod and agree, you must seek the approval of several vice presidents. Zhou Yun has supported half of the company's business and endorsement for the past six months. , Mr. Lu should support her."

"Fart! How could Lu Yicheng support Zhou Yun! If Zhou Yun's performance in that film is ruined, it will ruin Zhou Yun's reputation!" He Yong said, "He was the one who objected the most at the meeting! He doesn't care about anyone. The future development of an artist depends only on whether he can receive more business and earn more money!"

The secretary said: "But Boss Lu probably won't reject Zhou Yun in person, after all... If Zhou Yun is not very obedient in front of you, if Boss Lu doesn't satisfy Zhou Yun, Zhou Yun won't cooperate with Boss Lu. Moreover, Boss Lu will never offend Zhou Yun, and now Zhou Yun is the most popular female artist in the company, and it is too late to make friends with her."

After such a reminder, He Yong thought for a moment.

He said: "Go and help me make an appointment with Mr. Chen of Xindun, and we will meet tomorrow or the day after tomorrow."

The secretary immediately nodded and said yes.


Zhou Yun and Zhou Lan came to find Lu Yicheng purely as a cover, deliberately showing it to He Yong.

Zhou Lan said that if He Yong didn't feel threatened, he wouldn't help Zhou Yun.

He Yong must be given a strong dose of medicine.

Lu Yicheng is the strong medicine.

In Chengqian Entertainment, Lu Yicheng is He Yong's biggest enemy.

At noon, Zhou Lan received the news, smiled at Zhou Yun, and said, "He Yong has made an appointment with Mr. Chen of Xindun for dinner tomorrow night."

Looks like it's half done.

He Yong started to act.

They looked at each other and smiled.

"He Yong is probably stabbing my villain in the office." Zhou Yun teased.

Zhou Lan said: "He won't. He is the last person who doesn't want you to have an accident until he wins the next cash cow."

Zhou Yun shook his head, shook his long black hair, and said with emotion: "It's so ironic."

"Stop being sarcastic, Xiao Yun, I have an appointment with Wen Bing this afternoon, and you two will meet." Zhou Lan said, "First try to get him to recognize you. He is the director. It is best for him to recognize you. I must use you."

Zhou Yun asked: "Sister Lan, you have communicated with Xindun before, what do you think of their intentions?"

Zhou Lan said, "They were a little hesitant."

(End of this chapter)

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