I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 170 Ascension Period: 05

Chapter 170 Ascension Period: 05
Chen Fusi booked a restaurant that Zhou Yun had never been to, but she had heard of it. It was very famous and expensive. If Zhou Yun was the only one, he would definitely not come to spend this money.

The restaurant is on a high floor, by the window.

The night outside the window is like black velvet, and the stars are like diamonds dotted in it.

Overlooking, the lights are just on, the lights are shining brightly, and the gorgeous Milky Way on the ground is flowing and intertwined.

The women who appeared in this restaurant were basically all dressed up exquisitely, beautifully or elegantly.

Zhou Yun is one of the former.

Chen Fusi's eyes lingered on Zhou Yun's lipsticked lips for a while, looked at Zhou Yun again, and laughed.

"I heard that you were still filming on the set not long ago?"


Zhou Yun said: "I just finished filming yesterday, and I came out of the crew."

"Such a coincidence?" Chen Fusi glanced at Zhou Yun in surprise, and said, "It seems that I am lucky enough."

"Mr. Chen went abroad this time, and he has been away for a long time." Zhou Yun said, "Have you finished your overseas affairs?"

Chen Fusi nodded and said, "It's almost done."

There is really no topic.

Zhou Yun didn't know what kind of topic to talk about, and her understanding of Chen Fusi was limited to a superficial level.

She can't ask people, why are you so rich?Others say that your background is very mysterious, what is your background?
Just as Zhou Yun's heart was beating drums, Chen Fusi took the initiative to speak and said, "When I was abroad, I would still see your news, and you have a lot of hot searches."

That was during the airing of "After We Had a Gossip", Zhou Yun did get a lot of hot searches.

Zhou Yun laughed.

"Why does Mr. Chen still pay attention to these entertainment news abroad?"

Chen Fusi looked at Zhou Yun, pointed, and said, "Take a look when you have nothing to do."

Zhou Yun: "When you asked me out for dinner, I was actually a little worried. I was afraid that I would get involved with you, be photographed by the paparazzi, and post some fake news on the Internet."

Chen Fusi waved his hand and said, "Don't worry, paparazzi can't come in here."

The environment here is indeed not an ordinary shop, and reservations are required for eating, and non-members cannot enter.

"By the way, I saw the news not long ago that you wanted to act in a play, but you were robbed?" Chen Fusi asked.

Zhou Yun realized that what Chen Fusi saw was probably the news about the play "Luo Yan". She shook her head and said, "Actually, it was a misunderstanding. I did fancy a play before, but that play wasn't It was snatched away by someone, but they were interested in it earlier than me, and they reached an agreement, so I withdrew, this matter was known, and if I wanted to blackmail that person, I used this incident to spread rumors."

"So that's the case." Chen Fusi nodded, "But if you really want to act in that play, there's nothing you can do."

"Huh?" Zhou Yun looked at Chen Fusi inexplicably, "What way?"

Chen Fusi said: "You don't need to worry about the method, just tell me, do you still want to act in that play? If you want to act, I will help you."

Let Chen Fusi help?

Zhou Yun's heart beat, he hesitated for a moment, smiled, and said, "Thank you for your kindness, but the company has already arranged another play for me, and the schedule is gone."

"Forget it. Next time you encounter this situation, you can call me. As long as it is not too difficult to deal with, a heroine can still be won for you." Chen Fusi said.

Zhou Yun's heart beat even more.

If the heroine of a play can be won so easily, why did she run into walls one after another during this period of time?

Chen Fusi said in such a light tone that he could help with it.

Zhou Yun had no doubts in his heart.

It is really the tip of the iceberg of Chen Fusi's capabilities that he has shown in front of her in the past, which is already amazing.

"Okay, thank you." Zhou Yun nodded with a smile.

Chen Fusi smiled, saw through Zhou Yun's smile at a glance, and said, "It seems that I can't answer this call."

Zhou Yun couldn't help but laugh.

"Whether you call or not, I told you this." Chen Fusi said, "Whenever you figure it out and need my help, call me anytime."

"Mr. Chen, I can't give you what you want." Zhou Yun decided to show his cards and tell the truth.

The smile on Chen Fusi's face remained undiminished, and he said, "How do you know what I want? Well, tonight I originally asked you out for dinner, there is no other meaning, let's have a good dinner. "

When Chen Fusi said this, Zhou Yun had no choice but to keep silent.

After dinner, Chen Fusi asked, "Are there any other arrangements for the evening?"

Zhou Yun hesitated for a moment.

She didn't know what Chen Fusi was planning to do.

Chen Fusi said: "Don't get me wrong, I just invited a friend to drink later, if you have time, you can go with me, he is the owner of a film and television company, you know him, it will also help your career. "

When Zhou Yun heard this, he was no longer pretentious, nodded with a smile, and said, "Then thank you, Mr. Chen."

Half an hour later, Zhou Yun regretted coming.

It was Chen Wenjun, the boss of Haichi Film and Television, who had a drink appointment with Chen Fusi.

Chen Wenjun is not only famous in the industry, but also on social platforms.

Because of his arrogance.

He once criticized journalists for their lack of professional ethics at a new film launch event. He only knew how to gossip about celebrities’ private lives, and didn’t care about the movie itself at all.There are many famous things about Chen Wenjun.

But Chen Wenjun dared to curse like this, and he also had his confidence.His company Haichi Film and Television is one of the film and television companies with the strongest rising momentum in recent years. It has produced three top three box office films of the year and has attracted much attention.

Zhou Yun regretted coming, not because of Chen Wenjun, but because of the woman next to Chen Wenjun. To be precise, Zhou Yun knew female celebrities and had acquaintances not long ago.

Liu Qingqing.

Zhou Yun followed Chen Fusi into the room, and the first scene he saw was Liu Qingqing sitting next to Chen Wenjun, holding a cherry in his hand, and feeding it to Chen Wenjun's mouth with his own hands.

The picture is a little too intimate.

The two sides met face to face, and the eyes of Zhou Yun and Liu Qingqing met silently.

"It can be regarded as coming back! You are not in the country, and there is no one I want to find someone to drink with." Chen Wenjun patted Chen Fusi on the shoulder and said exaggeratedly.

A big boss, if he wants to find a drinker, how can he not find it.

Chen Fusi laughed and called Mr. Chen.

"I brought my friends here, don't you mind?" Chen Fusi turned his head and gave Zhou Yun a wink, "Xiaoyun, Mr. Chen from Haichi, do you know him?"

Zhou Yun smiled sweetly and said, "I've met him from afar before. I know Mr. Chen, but Mr. Chen probably doesn't know me."

(End of this chapter)

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